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Murder of Lyra McKee in Londonderry, Apr 18, 2019

Saoradh would be considered the political wing of this group. They have (or perhaps had as the case may be now) quite strong support in the working class estates of Newry. Plenty of posters and flags and people out going around doors, so yeh a big visible presence there. A lot of grassroots Republicans are sick of Sinn Fein and with good reason, just doesn’t seem to be a viable alternative to them that doesn’t have the ‘dissident’ element attached.
Yeh SF have done their spoiling work well
poor dressing open order in an attempt to look larger than the handful they actually are .Thee iron is obviously a British:D plot
I'm surprised there are so few posts on this. (unless there is another thread I've missed)
What is there to say, another pointless killing.

I heard or read somewhere that it was not a targeted killing, that she was unlucky to have been hit and others could have been the target, is that right?
They look too young to remember the troubles....

That’s not the issue. You hear plenty of commentators say ‘they’re too young to remember the troubles’ and ‘we don’t want to go back to those dark days’ whilst completing ignoring why these people exist.

Most people involved at the start of the troubles weren’t around in 1916 or the war of Independence, and they weren’t about for the Fenian Uprising, and they weren’t about in 1798, and they weren’t about during the Confederate Wars and they weren’t about during the Nine Years War. All this goes back to English/British occupation on the island. As long as there is that presence, then there will be resistance to that. Got fuck all to do with being too young to remember shit it’s in the psyche and it won’t go away.
What is there to say, another pointless killing.

I heard or read somewhere that it was not a targeted killing, that she was unlucky to have been hit and others could have been the target, is that right?
I imagine they were hoping to hit a cop being as they were firing towards cops. I'd have thought before the gfa no journalist would have thought of standing near the cops because this sort of thing, the 'ra firing at cops or people throwing petrol bombs, might have been expected.
That’s not the issue. You hear plenty of commentators say ‘they’re too young to remember the troubles’ and ‘we don’t want to go back to those dark days’ whilst completing ignoring why these people exist.

Most people involved at the start of the troubles weren’t around in 1916 or the war of Independence, and they weren’t about for the Fenian Uprising, and they weren’t about in 1798, and they weren’t about during the Confederate Wars and they weren’t about during the Nine Years War. All this goes back to English/British occupation on the island. As long as there is that presence, then there will be resistance to that. Got fuck all to do with being too young to remember shit it’s in the psyche and it won’t go away.
Yeh, I saw bernadette mcaliskey speak at the camden irish centre in the 1990s foreseeing just this sort of thing
were the two arrested identified from footage, known to police, handed over, turned themselves in, or no idea yet. sorry, just interested.
Probably not protestant. Attended an RC school. I didn't know there was a Saint Gemma but it seems that there is.
What is there to say, another pointless killing.

I heard or read somewhere that it was not a targeted killing, that she was unlucky to have been hit and others could have been the target, is that right?
the idiots had a pistol you'd have to be really really good to hit what your aiming at anything over 10 metres nobody is pulling off a head shot at that range deliberately morons just wanted a show of force.

The comment about being too young for the troubles is not they are too young to be veterans.
Its how god awful the troubles were a complete misery and waste of life and starting that shit up again when there's almost functioning democratic institutions is farcical
fucking pointless. fucking twats. the mythology of romance of irish republicanism is like an albatross around the neck of the irish people - its allowed decades of repression by reactionary catholicism in the south and is still fuelling pointless, divisive and utterly self defeating violence - and gangsterism - in the north.
"sein fein has sold us out" - so organise and campaign and for better jobs and housing and conditions (like the civil rights movement did), or against police violence or the pernicious influence of corporate capitalism or against the corruption and institutionalized sectarianism of the NI politics. Or campaign to win over the majority of the population to the idea of re-unification.
But no - these twats wont let go of the fucking nail bombs and bullets and getting the kids to pick a fight with PSNI cos "Tiocfaidh ár lá" .
They actually want the checkpoints and troopers and loyalist goons doing their bit and doors being kicked in at 4am and all the other shit that will come down on the heads of their own community cos they think it helps with their fucking toxic unicorn hunt.
fucking pointless. fucking twats. the mythology of romance of irish republicanism is like an albatross around the neck of the irish people - its allowed decades of repression by reactionary catholicism in the south and is still fuelling pointless, divisive and utterly self defeating violence - and gangsterism - in the north.
"sein fein has sold us out" - so organise and campaign and for better jobs and housing and conditions (like the civil rights movement did), or against police violence or the pernicious influence of corporate capitalism or against the corruption and institutionalized sectarianism of the NI politics. Or campaign to win over the majority of the population to the idea of re-unification.
But no - these twats wont let go of the fucking nail bombs and bullets and getting the kids to pick a fight with PSNI cos "Tiocfaidh ár lá" .
They actually want the checkpoints and troopers and loyalist goons doing their bit and doors being kicked in at 4am and all the other shit that will come down on the heads of their own community cos they think it helps with their fucking toxic unicorn hunt.
But what is the fuel for republicanism? It’s partition. It’s partition that is responsible for the dominance of the church in the south for so long, it’s partition that allowed the Protestant majority to treat the minority so badly in the north. Partition is the justification that NIRA and its political wing use to justify itself, and for that wing to gain an audience by saying that SF is managing partition.

Anyway the way out of the shit of the north is class politics, always has been and always will be. How that comes about I dunno, but it’s the best hope we have.

Anyway Eamonn McCann has a piece in hot press In the wake of Lyra McKee's senseless killing, Eamonn McCann reflects on the emergence of the New IRA | Hotpress
The thing is the British state is just as bloody minded has the numbers and resources to out last any armed campaign.

Especially one as pathetic as this
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