I thought the BSOD went out with Windows Vista
Reports of outages hitting 911 services across the pond, that's not good!
off to cash thread---->Cash only at my local shop and cash machine already run out!
Which one?An anti virus vendor has rolled out an update that crashes windows 10 computers.
CrowdStrike. It's unlikely to affect any individuals, it's a corporate network thing.Which one?
Look what you've doneJust last night, I pulled out a laptop I haven't used since something like 2014/15. It's still running XP
Cheers. Never heard of them.CrowdStrike
Seems we get a “bank holiday” without having to do that troublesome Euro 2024 win.
Somewhere some goon in a VC meeting room is asking how they can turn this into a positive.Masterstroke by their PR department to raise their Corporate Visibility
Can someone techie summarise the problem for us non-techie folk?
I did just idly wonder what sort of pre-testing companies like this do before releasing changes globally.
Well, sitting at home idly looking at 4 monitors smirking that people still think running services on a Windows machine is a good idea in 2024. There but for the grace of Zod.....I presume you are deep in the U75 cyber bunker working frantically at a bank of 12 monitors that they have in the films which project green text onto your face saying things like ‘it’s a hyperworm and it’s got through the third firewall infrastructure, it’s all I can do to keep it out of knobing and sobbing’ whilst Editor stands behind you fielding panicked angry calls from the likes of Pickman's model and teuchter .
Thank you for your service.