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Leytonstone tube station "terrorist incident"?

Hitler was voted into power democratically, were all the people who voted for him mad? Its too simplistic explanation. T

At what point do you start calling someone mad - is for example a ukip member sane and a bnp member mad or extremist?

The moment they start implementing the policies of someone like Hitler. The gassing, killing etc...
Most people that vote these people in are bigots or stupid, it's the nutters that do the dirty work, the rest are dangerous fools.
Surprising in 65 years I've never met one,if fact those that on the surface appear "normal" generally turn out weirder than the rest.
I remember a childhood adventure book about people sailing round the world single handed. One of the competitors Robin Knox Johnson I believe was evaluated to see how he might cope with the months of solitude on his boat. The evaluators described him as very normal and likely to be able to cope well. And so it transpired, a number of competitors fell by the wayside but he continued, eventually to win. He was "very normal".

I have met my share of people who were / are not normal, and in contrast to them plenty who are in the main normal, yes.
The moment they start implementing the policies of someone like Hitler. The gassing, killing etc...
Most people that vote these people in are bigots or stupid, it's the nutters that do the dirty work, the rest are dangerous fools.

What about someone who shops their neighbour to daesh for being gay or a shia? Are they mad or stupid or just a cunt?
.. How do you define radicalised?

I won't go and check any other sources, for me someone is radicalised if they have come to accept a mental position / belief which is significantly different from the norm, and which permits them to do extreme thinks like kill otherwise innocent people and or even themselves.
All There is to Know About Adolph Eichmann
Leonard Cohen


What did you expect?


Oversize incisors?

Green saliva?

Why does everyone have to be mentally ill ffs?

Why can't they just be a cunt?

ok an evil mentally ill cunt? Perhaps on reflection I am being unkind to those that have a mental health issue and are not a cunt. There is another key core to these peoples minds and it is evil dark thoughts.
Doesn't sound daft to me at all. Sticking with my idea that ISIS is (to some extent) a gang, the hardest most famous most glamorous & easy to join gang on TV.

A 17 year old boy got murdered here in my street this Summer, and the next day, after the police tape came down, a small group of kids his age came to celebrate - laughing shouting taking selfies etc. It was one of the most scary and horrific things I've ever seen. They were 'normal' kids, and they were doing something that, to me, was totally mad. Because I don't get the affiliations that could make his murder be something to celebrate.

Desensitising ... big problem now. ISIS are doing it to the kids in Syria/Iraq it helps get their next set of loons and suicide bombers.
The moment they start implementing the policies of someone like Hitler. The gassing, killing etc...
Most people that vote these people in are bigots or stupid, it's the nutters that do the dirty work, the rest are dangerous fools.

The Nazis controlled one of the largest economies in the world for 12 years and at one time controlled most of Europe they wouldn't have been able to do this if they were mad or delusional as some claim. Movements like Daesh rely on the commitment of their members and the complicity, support or fear / inability to do anything of the population they control, in some areas Daesh have won support due to their provision of services such as running water and electricity which the Iraqi or Syrian government couldn't or didn't provide, if they were all clinically ill with some personality disorder they wouldn't have been able to be functional enough to do this.
The moment they start implementing the policies of someone like Hitler. The gassing, killing etc...
Most people that vote these people in are bigots or stupid, it's the nutters that do the dirty work, the rest are dangerous fools.
hitler's politics ended with gassing and killing. perhaps you have forgotten the 20 point programme of the nsdap from round 1920 which didn't mention gassing or killing.
ok an evil mentally ill cunt? Perhaps on reflection I am being unkind to those that have a mental health issue and are not a cunt. There is another key core to these peoples minds and it is evil dark thoughts.

Or just giving a shit about themselves more than anyone else.
I think there's a lot more scumbags than mad people, sadly.

Well I'm mentally ill myself and I find it fairly insulting that people leap to the conclusion of mental illness whenever something like this has happened. Yes some people do hear voices telling them to kill others etc but there is absolutely no evidence that members of Daesh are more likely to suffer from that sort of thing than anyone else.
Well I'm mentally ill myself and I find it fairly insulting that people leap to the conclusion of mental illness whenever something like this has happened. Yes some people do hear voices telling them to kill others etc but there is absolutely no evidence that members of Daesh are more likely to suffer from that sort of thing than anyone else.

It would be nice though, if we could dismiss them as just a bunch of nutters. I think that's why people are doing it, because it means you don't have to look at the hard stuff like whether in different circumstances I might have been a good nazi myself, or a good Stalinist citizen or whatever.
It would be nice though, if we could dismiss them as just a bunch of nutters. I think that's why people are doing it, because it means you don't have to look at the hard stuff like whether in different circumstances I might have been a good nazi myself, or a good Stalinist citizen or whatever.

Well everyone thinks they would be a hero in those circumstances but let's face it sometimes it's easier to keep your head down and do nothing. :(
The Nazis controlled one of the largest economies in the world for 12 years and at one time controlled most of Europe they wouldn't have been able to do this if they were mad or delusional as some claim. Movements like Daesh rely on the commitment of their members and the complicity, support or fear / inability to do anything of the population they control, in some areas Daesh have won support due to their provision of services such as running water and electricity which the Iraqi or Syrian government couldn't or didn't provide, if they were all clinically ill with some personality disorder they wouldn't have been able to be functional enough to do this.

Yep. Thats the scary thing how the evil nutters can have such intelligence and lack of opposition. but then they were killing and surpassing opposition from an early point.

As regards Daesh/ISIS/ISIL or cunts as I prefer to label them... The guys in charge just like Hitler are busy trying to build an infrastructure and in doing so are grabbing the spoils and sypyoning much off for themselves into secret bank accounts. They are Gangsters and ruthless. It is the suicide bombers and frontline nutters who are mad... and add stupid because they are not the ones getting the oil dosh.
Yep. Thats the scary thing how the evil nutters can have such intelligence and lack of opposition. but then they were killing and surpassing opposition from an early point.

As regards Daesh/ISIS/ISIL or cunts as I prefer to label them... The guys in charge just like Hitler are busy trying to build an infrastructure and in doing so are grabbing the spoils and sypyoning much off for themselves into secret bank accounts. They are Gangsters and ruthless. It is the suicide bombers and frontline nutters who are mad... and add stupid because they are not the ones getting the oil dosh.

Even though the ones in charge have exactly the same beliefs?

Al Baghdadi for example. He really believes it
The moment they start implementing the policies of someone like Hitler. The gassing, killing etc...
Most people that vote these people in are bigots or stupid, it's the nutters that do the dirty work, the rest are dangerous fools.

It wasn't, though. If the people who did all that dirty work had been nutters they would never have been able to do what they did. As Höhne says in his history of the SS:

The sensational fact, the really horrifying feature, of the annihilation of the Jews was that thousands of respectable fathers of families made murder their official business and yet, when off duty, regarded themselves as ordinary law-abiding citizens who were incapable even of thinking of straying from the strict path of virtue. Sadism was only one facet of mass extermination and one disapproved of by SS Headquarters. Himmler's maxim was that mass extermination must be carried out coolly and cleanly; even when obeying the official order to commit murder, the SS man must remain 'decent'.
Shrinks have long identified that some, though not mad, have varying levels of sadism in their personality. The extreme of this, couple with almost zero skills of empathy, is the psychopath. Take ted Bundy, a more charming and bright lawyer you could meet, killed 30 women and tortured them, acting out his zero regard for human life and a lust for sadism. Some people are just wicked xunts and there's really no need for mental health terminology.
Or just giving a shit about themselves more than anyone else.

Do you know the more this thread goes on, the more I think you were right with your previous observation. Lets just call them cunts. All this over analysis is interfering with me watching the hairy bikers on TV.
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