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Leytonstone tube station "terrorist incident"?

Well I'm mentally ill myself and I find it fairly insulting that people leap to the conclusion of mental illness whenever something like this has happened. Yes some people do hear voices telling them to kill others etc but there is absolutely no evidence that members of Daesh are more likely to suffer from that sort of thing than anyone else.

I agree 100% with this, and certainly to characterise all "extremists/radicals" or "terrorists" as mentally ill is both insulting and unhelpful.

However, given the limited info we have about this incident at the moment, it seems to me at least possible that it could be the more-or-less random action of a single mentally ill attacker for whom the UK bombing of Syria has merely acted as a final trigger, rather than the carefully planned actions of a genuinely radicalised and committed group that we've seen in Paris recently, or in the London bombings of a few years ago.

And if it does turn out to be that, then I don't think it would make sense to call it terrorism.
I agree 100% with this, and certainly to characterise all "extremists/radicals" or "terrorists" as mentally ill is both insulting and unhelpful.

However, given the limited info we have about this incident at the moment, it seems to me at least possible that it could be the more-or-less random action of a single mentally ill attacker for whom the UK bombing of Syria has merely acted as a final trigger, rather than the carefully planned actions of a genuinely radicalised and committed group that we've seen in Paris recently, or in the London bombings of a few years ago.

And if it does turn out to be that, then I don't think it would make sense to call it terrorism.

Most suicide bombers are either 1) on drugs 2) suffering a mental condition 3) In a disenfranchised angry state or combination of all three?
'Genuinely' radicalised is a bit of a silly statement in my opinion and just glorifies cunts, its a lot easier to manipulate someone to go and kill others and themselves when suffering from conditions 1/2/3 above.
Most suicide bombers are either 1) on drugs 2) suffering a mental condition 3) In a disenfranchised angry state or combination of all three?
'Genuinely' radicalised is a bit of a silly statement in my opinion and just glorifies cunts, its a lot easier to manipulate someone to go and kill others and themselves when suffering from conditions 1/2/3 above.

Saying most suicide bombers are in one of three categories really tells us fuck all about why people become suicide bombers, or how we might prevent them so becoming, especially as most people on drugs, most people suffering a mental condition and most people in a disenfranchised angry state don't become suicide bombers.

Plus, this is not an example of suicide bombing, it's an apparently random attack where the attacker shouted something about Syria. There is, as yet, absolutely no evidence that anyone has manipulated the attacker to go and kill others.
However, given the limited info we have about this incident at the moment, it seems to me at least possible that it could be the more-or-less random action of a single mentally ill attacker for whom the UK bombing of Syria has merely acted as a final trigger, rather than the carefully planned actions of a genuinely radicalised and committed group that we've seen in Paris recently, or in the London bombings of a few years ago.

And if it does turn out to be that, then I don't think it would make sense to call it terrorism.

Shouldn't take long to work out the state of his mental health. If he is mentally ill, then he will probably already be in the system somewhere. If not, then he's most likely some low-life scumbag looking for a bit of attention. Either way, he's unlikely to be back on the streets for several decades and didn't manage to kill anybody. Result.

Hope the bloke who was attacked makes a full recovery.
If he is mentally ill, then he will probably already be in the system somewhere. If not, then he's most likely some low-life scumbag looking for a bit of attention. Either way, he's unlikely to be back on the streets for several decades

It's not great that this country's mental health services are stretched so far at the moment that they are not fit for purpose. I know someone whose an NHS psychiatrist (he's a nutter actually) but the stuff he's told me about resources & working hours is genuinely very scary. They're probably trying to find a bed for that bloke somewhere now.
The bloke had a genuine grievance if against the bombings. But he is a cunt. A cowardly one. A bloke has had his throat slit. If the Chinese dropped bombs on England and killed my family, I haven't it in me to stab an everyday chinaman in the throat.
Saying most suicide bombers are in one of three categories really tells us fuck all about why people become suicide bombers, or how we might prevent them so becoming, especially as most people on drugs, most people suffering a mental condition and most people in a disenfranchised angry state don't become suicide bombers.

Plus, this is not an example of suicide bombing, it's an apparently random attack where the attacker shouted something about Syria. There is, as yet, absolutely no evidence that anyone has manipulated the attacker to go and kill others.

My comments were based upon a good source and of course have to be read in conjunction with the society and world they live in i.e.: Palestine or other conflicted area or with obsessive sympathies to these areas. Mossad target the drivers and support network that work with suicide bombings/killings they know that virtually all suicide bombers are in the 3 categories I stated.

This guy was the Homer Simpson of Jihadi's and not an out and out suicide-ist... and a cunt of course.
The bloke had a genuine grievance if against the bombings. But he is a cunt. A cowardly one. A bloke has had his throat slit. If the Chinese dropped bombs on England and killed my family, I haven't it in me to stab an everyday chinaman in the throat.
wtf. This genuine grievence? Against randoms in Leytonstone, an area that voted for an MP that voted against the expansion of bombing.
Ian Duncan smith has commented. He said this bloke was attacking 'the freedoms that capitalism brings us"
wtf. This genuine grievence? Against randoms in Leytonstone, an area that voted for an MP that voted against the expansion of bombing.
Well exactly. Being pissed off with the the bombing does not make him a cunt, what he does next does.
and in doing so are grabbing the spoils and sypyoning much off for themselves into secret bank accounts. They are Gangsters and ruthless. It is the suicide bombers and frontline nutters who are mad... and add stupid because they are not the ones getting the oil dosh.

How could you a) possibly 'know this'? and b) why would you believe it?

As comforting as some may find it, it's pure propaganda pish. All the evidence point to the leaders of ISIS/ISIL being ideologically motivated.
Most suicide bombers are either 1) on drugs 2) suffering a mental condition 3) In a disenfranchised angry state or combination of all three?
'Genuinely' radicalised is a bit of a silly statement in my opinion and just glorifies cunts, its a lot easier to manipulate someone to go and kill others and themselves when suffering from conditions 1/2/3 above.

Again how can you possibly 'know' this.

100 years ago, in Belgium and France, hundreds of thousands of young European men went 'over the top' to meet almost certain death - so a bunch of inbred cousins could carve up the world between them. Were they all on drugs or off their nuts?

Is it worse to murder people because you are 'disenfranchised' and 'angry' than it is to it whilst feeling calm, entitled and superior, while you drop big bombs from your muli-million £ flying/killing machine?
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If you want to buy into this bullshit nothing is going to stop you. The police want this to be a terrorist act because the powers that be can get more funding, the media want it to be a terrorist act because they will sell more papers, ISIS want to claim it as an act of theirs as it gives them much needed publicity.

One nutcase with a knife rolling over and giving up in the way he did is not a terrorist. He was shit and a stupid cunt with lots of issues who happens to be a muslim, there are others that do this on a Saturday night who are not muslim and therefore by that definition not a terrorist.

So, it's not a terrorist act because? The police, the media, together with ISIS want it to be, and the guy just happens to be muslim, doing what others do on saturday nights and he rolls on the floor in an incorrect manner.

What would or wouldn't make this fit into the current narrative of terrorist attacks is not how this man rolled on the ground, nor is it even his low budget attack or an unsubstantiated claim that he is raving mad, but his "motive", which he clearly stated.

It is wishful thinking on your part that makes you try to shift the narrative away in denial of the facts. I would guess this is due to your legitamte fear of the broader consequences, ie; the effect these attacks have on shifting political perceptions and a rise in intolerance towards normal muslims.

This guy had a knife, the last ones in London had a knife and a car, the one on the beach in tunisia had a kalishnikov. All had the same motives.
Not going to criticise him. Having undergone such a horrendous experience he's bound to be upset and it's not surprising he lashes out. I wouldn't want to tell him how he should feel.

Indeed. Shame there wasn't some squaddies/ex squaddies on hand to beat the knife wielding cunt to a pulp.
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