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Leytonstone tube station "terrorist incident"?

Is there seriously now going to be a discussion about what length constitutes something being a machete or not, and what length might or might not a hindrance when swinging said mythical machete in the jungle? :facepalm:

I said, it's an aside.

It's an aside of some significance, because it speaks to the unreliability of witness statements (and the lack of scepticism of journalists and posters who report same).
ISIL have called for their followers to attack people with knives where they can. The cunt you mention stated "This is for Syria" while he tried to cut someones throat., but hey, it's not terrorist related. Why? because you don't want it to be?

Fo me this is terrorism, not just a cunt with a knife.

If you want to buy into this bullshit nothing is going to stop you. The police want this to be a terrorist act because the powers that be can get more funding, the media want it to be a terrorist act because they will sell more papers, ISIS want to claim it as an act of theirs as it gives them much needed publicity.

One nutcase with a knife rolling over and giving up in the way he did is not a terrorist. He was shit and a stupid cunt with lots of issues who happens to be a muslim, there are others that do this on a Saturday night who are not muslim and therefore by that definition not a terrorist.

Hats off to the people there (and for once I praise the police) that stood their ground and told him what they thought of him.

I think it is very important to understand that 99% of the loons that go and become suicide bombers or shooters have either mental health issues or serious drug issues. The intelligence services know this and always put their efforts into the supporting cast... the drivers or the arms suppliers who are the real terrorists as opposed to their idiot one way ticket stooges.

This guy has no support no getaway driver. He is a mentally ill unhinged person who has deluded himself that he is a terrorist and you and the others that agree with you are simply giving weight to that argument and paradoxically promoting the aims of ISIS which is to terrify us. Well done.

I'll say it again the guy is a stupid mentally ill cunt, not a terrorist and it is best for common sense to keep it that way.
.. This guy has no support no getaway driver. He is a mentally ill unhinged person who has deluded himself that he is a terrorist and you and the others that agree with you are simply giving weight to that argument and paradoxically promoting the aims of ISIS which is to terrify us. Well done. ..
One could argue they are all unhinged to do what they do, but that does not mean to say that this individual was not radicalised, even if he was not mentally 100%.
One nutcase with a knife rolling over and giving up in the way he did is not a terrorist. He was shit and a stupid cunt with lots of issues who happens to be a muslim, there are others that do this on a Saturday night who are not muslim and therefore by that definition not a terrorist.

He seems to have been a jihadi, and has very seriously injured at least one person, but he seems not be have been among the most determined. A person with a knife in a busy Tube station could, with determination, kill or maim many people. I suppose he is convinced that Allah wants him to kill kuffars, but his heart isn't fully in it. Some people are just not cut out for committing massacres.
He seems to have been a jihadi, and has very seriously injured at least one person, but he seems not be have been among the most determined. A person with a knife in a busy Tube station could, with determination, kill or maim many people. I suppose he is convinced that Allah wants him to kill kuffars, but his heart isn't fully in it. Some people are just not cut out for committing massacres.

Strictly speaking, he should now be convinced that Allah does not want him to kill the kuffar.
One could argue they are all unhinged to do what they do, but that does not mean to say that this individual was not radicalised, even if he was not mentally 100%.

Radicalised is mentally ill. It's brainwashing. We need to stop feeding the heads of this the publicity and almost badge of honour the term 'terrorist' brings.

If this guy was a Jihadi, he's the worst fucking Jihadi in the world and deserves greater recognition as simply being a cunt.
Radicalised is mentally ill. It's brainwashing. We need to stop feeding the heads of this the publicity and almost badge of honour the term 'terrorist' brings.

If this guy was a Jihadi, he's the worst fucking Jihadi in the world and deserves greater recognition as simply being a cunt.
In your mind perhaps, not in mine.
Totally disagree that 'radicalised means mentally ill' - these are people who've made a political choice. You could easily say that people who believe in the end of capitalism (or for that matter tories and others who want it to be sustained) are mentally ill, not sure you want to start going down that road tbqh.
In your mind perhaps, not in mine.

Can you not see what is going on here? The minute we give in and start classifying, labelling and paradoxically legitimising these loons as 'terrorists' then the problem starts to compound, the hatred grows and these incidents increase. That is what is going to happen. If you go over to the comments sections of all the major newspapers and media outlets you will see how the media are cranking it all up to drive up readership and therefore advertising revenue. We get addicted to the allure of sensationalism .
If this guy was a Jihadi, he's the worst fucking Jihadi in the world and deserves greater recognition as simply being a cunt.

Have you forgotten the incompetents of 21/07/05? And those arses at Glasgow airport?

That film comedy, 4 Lions I think it was called, was quite funny. It was also quite close to the reality of some jihadis and wannabes.
Having a different viewpoint, even an extreme one like jihadism, on how you want society to be run is not mental illness ffs. are we gonna start saying people who join the tory party are mentally ill?

These are people who made a choice to become jihadis. The guy may well have had mental health problems but they may have nothing to do with how he views things politically.
Totally disagree that 'radicalised means mentally ill' - these are people who've made a political choice. You could easily say that people who believe in the end of capitalism (or for that matter tories and others who want it to be sustained) are mentally ill, not sure you want to start going down that road tbqh.

Completely disagree. Any extreme form be it Nazism, radical Islamist, is nuts . It is called extreme obsession. You are losing all sense of proportion, you develop a personality disorder that is easy to influence. If you have been radicalised you are being brainwashed by others and your own stupidity. How else can you explain suicide bombers?

The gangsters that drive these obsessions are driven by money and power, they can do it under whatever guise they like but it always comes back to the same thing.

Will everyone stop giving these nuts such creedence?
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Yeah but some people here want an anarchist or communist society, they would favour the overthrow of the State under certain conditions. Are they all mad? Some of them may have mental health problems but its neither here nor there.
Bedroom jihadi, watched a load of youtube videos, possible with some net traffic to Syria who then went out and fucked up somebodies Xmas.
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