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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

i don't know of any cyclists who are going to give a two-penny fuck about these soviet-era games lanes regardless of what day of the week it is. green games my arse.
The games lanes will be mainly empty and will make great cycle lanes. I imagine loads of cyclists will simply use them...
i imagine and sincerely hope they will. quite how they intend to enforce their alleged policy of fining riders and impounding their bikes is going to be interesting, tho that didn't stop a G4S boot-boy pushing me off my bike when they shut the Mall for no good reason about a month ago. luckily for him his guvnor arrived on the scene moments later and smoothed things over.
I'm going through the training package at the moment, next week is going to be mental!

Hi. Without neccessarily disclosing your own earnings (perhaps you don't mind doing so) How does the £28.6k per person strike you as the contract price paid to G4S?
I don't like it any more than anyone else, but in these days of sucide bombers not all mums, students or even kids can be assumed to be only that.

Your life must be so fucking miserable if you look at every passing individual in the street and suspect them of some awful alterior motive. Do you change seats on the tube if you're opposite somebody with a rucksack?
the fuckers have even started here in Cardiff :mad:
i know the first event is here and some countries are staying/training down here
this morning there was a fenced off area with a posh gazebo in it outside the hilton hotel which meant cutting off most of a path for pedestrians and cyclists on an already dodgy corner.
there were 2 semi lowkey coppers on the junction in a hire can and what looked like a huge old outdoor broadcasting lorry in dark green blocking the main road with its hazards on :hmm:

on way home there were a few G4S security moping about and some suits with laminated passes.
The London news tonight followed a G4S recruit who seemed to be given a pass and uniform before she had been security cleared, and then told they would call her at some point :facepalm: I would prefer a National Gendarmerie over this bunch, at least some proper jobs in it.
The London news tonight followed a G4S recruit who seemed to be given a pass and uniform before she had been security cleared, and then told they would call her at some point :facepalm: I would prefer a National Gendarmerie over this bunch, at least some proper jobs in it.

It really is a piss poor performance, it has to be said.

Let the games....begin!!!
For anyone considering participating in any protest direct action, I encourage you to look at the court and legal arrangements before getting stuck in.
Hi. Without neccessarily disclosing your own earnings (perhaps you don't mind doing so) How does the £28.6k per person strike you as the contract price paid to G4S?
I'm there as TA, called up as part of the original tranche of personnel that was expected, not the new bunch.

Not to defend G4S, but 28k / person is also lumping in admin, training, and insurance costs and all of the hardware - mirrors, x-ray machines, explosive detectors, walk-through and hand-held metal detectors, CCTV, thermal imagers, tentage, barriers, and a fair portion of the accomodation and feeding at Hainhault Park, and probably a whole stack of other bits.
G4S fucked it up royally and the Army has been called in left it too late to call up more TA.Who were being told up until last week they called up too many already lol.
What of the 2012 Olympics are you actually going to watch?

I will probably watch the mens 100m on TV ... apart from that I am not really bothered.
Your life must be so fucking miserable if you look at every passing individual in the street and suspect them of some awful alterior motive. Do you change seats on the tube if you're opposite somebody with a rucksack?

You seem to have missed a few crucial facts. The main one being that I'm not a security guard.
What of the 2012 Olympics are you actually going to watch?

I will probably watch the mens 100m on TV ... apart from that I am not really bothered.

Loads of it. The sport aspect I haven't got a problem with. It's all the corporate, media, zil lanes, flag waving, chips stealing, missile launching bollocks that goes with it I find abhorrent.

I am seriously looking forward to the Cycling in particular.
Btw, I wonder if the G4S logistics plan was based on recruiting lots of workfare slaves, maybe that's why they are in such disarray?

another indication of neo-liberalism/privatisation unravelling...
'My father applied to work with this firm over the Olympic's period, here are a few clues as to why the company has failed to provide staff:
1) The infamous "zero hours contract", this means they do not guarantee ANY hours. You are on call at a whim with no notice and it could be for a day or for 2 months. They don't know. So if you're unemployed this causes huge problems with the job centre, you sign off only having to start the whole process of reapplying for benefits a week later. Zero hours contracts are a disgrace they are totally loaded in favour of the company at the expense of the employee.
2) The so called interview was with a guy who had no answer to any of my father's basic questions - when will I work, where will I work, how many days will I work, what training is provided, what role do you have in mind for me (some roles may not be suitable), he didn't have a clue
3) Reputation - my father knows of many people who work for G4S and they do not have good employment reputation. There was no organisation, no planning. Long after my dad told them he is not interested in taking the job he is still getting emails from them telling him he is due to have his uniform fitted, the date of his training day, the dates he is available to work....all several weeks after he told them not to take it further.
This is a shoddy company. They are "cost effective" because they are cheaper than public sector. But there is a reason why they are cheaper, some of which is highlighted above.'

From CIF poster..

G4S's working practices that laid back Nick has developed:
Zero hours contracts are a disgrace, should be outlawed.

Was offered one for a retail assistant position years back, wasn't impressed with that plus they said I had to sign up a minimum of two people per week to the storecard (full-timers had to do 4). How I was supposed to do that when I may not have working that week seemed to pass them by...
Zero hours contracts are a disgrace, should be outlawed.

Was offered one for a retail assistant position years back, wasn't impressed with that plus they said I had to sign up a minimum of two people per week to the storecard (full-timers had to do 4). How I was supposed to do that when I may not have working that week seemed to pass them by...

Now you are making me guilty about sneering " A Storecard at 29% interest -- do I look like I've got MUG printed across my forehead ?" to some unfortunate assistant in Argos the other day. I thought he might be upset when he pointed out the "Special Offer of the day" was "a rectally inserted PP9 battery pack". Tempting though at £3.99.....
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