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Italian politics and elections - news and discussion

Listened to his podcast last night:

/30/ Italy: Country of the Future? ft. David Broder

Well worth a listen, even if the conclusions are depressing: the Lega (no longer "Nord") has hoovered up the old working class vote that used to go to the PCI. And the oscillation between desperate populists of the Berlusconi/Grillo type and utterly amoral technocrats who view ordinary people the way a scientist might view a rat in a maze is the wave of the future, and not just in Italy.
Listened to his podcast last night:

/30/ Italy: Country of the Future? ft. David Broder

Well worth a listen, even if the conclusions are depressing: the Lega (no longer "Nord") has hoovered up the old working class vote that used to go to the PCI. And the oscillation between desperate populists of the Berlusconi/Grillo type and utterly amoral technocrats who view ordinary people the way a scientist might view a rat in a maze is the wave of the future, and not just in Italy.
And for those who prefer to listen with their eyes:

The Gross Coalition - David Broder

If forces to the left of social democracy are emerging only in fits and starts in Italy, March 4 will be decisive in determining the center-left’s own short-term future. The first results from the Italian national vote, this Sunday evening, should also be accompanied by the outcome of the SPD members’ referendum on joining the Große Koalition. In each country social democracy is waning to the advantage of the far right; in each case, recent events have failed to produce any fundamental overhaul. Even the identity of the Left rapidly weakens, as once-great parties cling to the center for cover.
The X Factor game show elements of modern "popular" - ie manipulated, democracy are properly displayed.
There is almost no sensible option
Good luck to Italy
You'll need it
The X Factor game show elements of modern "popular" - ie manipulated, democracy are properly displayed.
There is almost no sensible option
Good luck to Italy
You'll need it

Trump, Berlesconi, erdogan, Putin, Duterte, Sarkozy, Netanyahu. Like the worse kind of self-regarding hand-in-the-till cunt keeps winning. Democracy needs to take a good look at itself.
Potere al Popolo don't seem to have been placed anywhere at all. 0.92% of the vote, if my reading of an Italian website is correct (and I don't speak Italian).
the goans opinion piece on the result recons the rise of populism threatens to kill liberal democracy (good) and its because the youngs don't remember hitler or the cold war.
the goans opinion piece on the result recons the rise of populism threatens to kill liberal democracy (good) and its because the youngs don't remember hitler or the cold war.
You'll have noted that there was not a single reference or mention of any political project, action, policies or to any economic or material effect of the former in producing a very real very angry alienation from liberal capitalist democracy and the results of its structural motivations.

(Guess where the writer was educated as well - it'll come as a real shock to you)
You'll have noted that there was not a single reference or mention of any political project, action, policies or to any economic or material effect of the former in producing a very real very angry alienation from liberal capitalist democracy and the results of its structural motivations.

(Guess where the writer was educated as well - it'll come as a real shock to you)

Heh. Guess what sport they mention doing on linked in?
I was on about the mounk piece. He's cambridge then harvard and:
Executive Director at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change :/
You'll have noted that there was not a single reference or mention of any political project, action, policies or to any economic or material effect of the former in producing a very real very angry alienation from liberal capitalist democracy and the results of its structural motivations.

(Guess where the writer was educated as well - it'll come as a real shock to you)

getting as close as they can to it in an editorial:
It is easy for Europe’s populists to blame policy responses taken by Brussels. Populists are able to promise the earth while not dealing with the problems on it. Mainstream parties do not have this luxury. They must have credible ideas to reform European institutions so they are more responsive to citizens’ needs and sensitive to fiscal risk-sharing between northern surplus economies and peripheral deficit economies. There are welcome signs that France and Germany will work together to make this happen.
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