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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Today's Palestinians are the only people in the world to have a GENUINE grievance against 'Palestinian-hating Jews' - yes, Palestinians do really hate the type of Jew who wants to and supports the 60+ year practice of forcible removal of Palestinians from their land and homes.

Yawn yet more twisted 'history'. As I've stated before the Palestinians do deserve to be compensated in some way for the convulsions at the time of the recreation of the state of Israel but that compensatoni must not be the land of Israel it should be something else. Maybe the money that is spent in war could be better spent in compensating the Jordgyptians / Palestinians whatever you want to call them (a distinctly 'palestinian arab' identity only really fllourished after 1967) for not only the problems caused at the recreation of the state but for the depredations of their own leaders and the other govts who have used their plight as a way of bashing Israel.
the Jordgyptians / Palestinians whatever you want to call them (a distinctly 'palestinian arab' identity only really fllourished after 1967)
What utter fucking bullshit. And ZZZZZachor continues his trajectory towards full-blown Rachamim-style Jewish fascism by adopting his genocidal language. Deny they exist first, eh? It makes it a whole lot easier to erase them in reality

You really only do what you do here due to a personality disorder don't you? You love the attention
Yawn yet more twisted 'history'. As I've stated before the Palestinians do deserve to be compensated in some way for the convulsions at the time of the recreation of the state of Israel but that compensatoni must not be the land of Israel it should be something else. Maybe the money that is spent in war could be better spent in compensating the Jordgyptians / Palestinians whatever you want to call them (a distinctly 'palestinian arab' identity only really fllourished after 1967) for not only the problems caused at the recreation of the state but for the depredations of their own leaders and the other govts who have used their plight as a way of bashing Israel.

I never fail to be amused by people going on about "twisted history" who then proceed to come out with a whole load of revisionist shite, but then you are clearly on some kind of demented, fact free windup.

As for Israel not deliberately killing children, the best spin you can put on it is that its moot - the current score in this match is:

dead palestinian kids 250+
dead israeli kids 0

But Hamas threaten Israeli children!

<rubbish about Israel snipped>

But Hamas threaten Israeli children!

Hamas isn't just a danger to Israelis or members of the Jewish diaspora they are a danger to anyone who believes in democracy, free speech, freedom of sexuality, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, science or other human rights.

They are fascists and the only way to deal with fascists is to destroy them if they cannot be humanely contained.

I want to see a cease fire but I don't trust Hamas further than I could piss to be honest. They are not honest brokers.
I want to see a cease fire but I don't trust Hamas further than I could p- to be honest. They are not honest brokers.

The point is moot anyway as Hamas won't be interested in a ceasefire until at least half the Gazan children are dead.

I'm amazed that this stance hasn't drawn much criticism here, but then I suppose it doesn't really fit into the accepted narrative of aggression and victimisation.
Hamas isn't just a danger to Israelis or members of the Jewish diaspora they are a danger to anyone who believes in democracy, free speech, freedom of sexuality, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, science or other human rights.

They are fascists and the only way to deal with fascists is to destroy them if they cannot be humanely contained.

I want to see a cease fire but I don't trust Hamas further than I could piss to be honest. They are not honest brokers.

Im sorry for you. Really, very sorry.
Hamas isn't just a danger to Israelis or members of the Jewish diaspora they are a danger to anyone who believes in democracy, free speech, freedom of sexuality, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, science or other human rights.

They are fascists and the only way to deal with fascists is to destroy them if they cannot be humanely contained.

I want to see a cease fire but I don't trust Hamas further than I could piss to be honest. They are not honest brokers.

Forgive me, but the last time I checked the IDF have killed more British citizens than Hamas has.
The point is moot anyway as Hamas won't be interested in a ceasefire until at least half the Gazan children are dead.

I'm amazed that this stance hasn't drawn much criticism here, but then I suppose it doesn't really fit into the accepted narrative of aggression and victimisation.

Who is dropping the bombs? Firing artillery? Using tanks?
Who is dropping the bombs? Firing artillery? Using tanks?

There are two sides using weaponry to fight a war. Neither seem to be happy to stop at the moment.

While the situation is deplorable, I hardly see how this should favour criticism of one over the other regarding the consequences of the fighting.
There are two sides using weaponry to fight a war. Neither seem to be happy to stop at the moment.

While the situation is deplorable, I hardly see how this should favour criticism of one over the other regarding the consequences of the fighting.

Post it to the Hamas leaders who see political advantage in perpetuating the conflict rather than preserving the lives of those they supposedly govern.

Both sides are similar in kind, but they vary wildly by degree. The latter is the reason why so many people are very angry about the Israeli Government's actions.
Post it to the Hamas leaders who see political advantage in perpetuating the conflict rather than preserving the lives of those they supposedly govern.

You are talking absolute shite. The only people who can end this are the Israelis, by withdrawing and stopping bombing / shelling the Gaza Strip - as is blatantly obvious.
You are talking absolute s-. The only people who can end this are the Israelis, by withdrawing and stopping bombing / shelling the Gaza Strip - as is blatantly obvious.

And you don't think this process needs to start with Hamas accepting the ceasefire and actually stopping fighting?
Really? It's really quite hard to do, unless someone else gives you the parts, in which case it's not really homemade any more.

Yes, really. For instance the Pakistani army is basically a non-state actor. Did you notice that in the recent attack on Mumbai, the Lashkar-e-Taiba were specifically targetting Jews? Do you think the Pakistani state cares about killing Jews? I can assure you it does not. So evidently there are non-state actors within the Pakistani army who care very much about killing Jews. And the Pakistani army has nukes. You see where this is headed, right?
How do you know that its not Hamas in stolen IDF uniforms?

In a stolen Israeli tank no doubt.

LOL ... just LOL :D

And I suppose all the Israeli air attacks are done by the Hamas air force in stolen F16. AM I RITE!
Why should Israel wait for Hamas ?

They don't have to. They will do whatever they think fit.

In the meantime we can be sceptical about Hamas's complaints about their own people being brutalised for as long as they're not themselves prepared to do whatever is in their own power to de-escalate the conflict.
And you don't think this process needs to start with Hamas accepting the ceasefire and actually stopping fighting?

i) they could have stopped the rockets as a result of the UN resolution, indeed I think that it was a mistake to not do this;
ii) stopping fighting altogether on the off-chance that the IDF would of its own accord stop would probably be a total disaster - you can only have a ceasefire when both sides actually cease fire;

This is now reminiscent of Lidice and Ouradour..

Both sides must now have had enough, Hamas have to realise that you cannot militarily beat an enemy by allowing that enemey to kill as many of your people until they are cowed by international opinion. Israel must realise that you cannot bomb and shell the most densely packed civilian area and then proudly claim that you do not target civilians, even bomber Harris did not state that after Dresden.
i) they could have stopped the rockets as a result of the UN resolution, indeed I think that it was a mistake to not do this;


ii) stopping fighting altogether on the off-chance that the IDF would of its own accord stop would probably be a total disaster - you can only have a ceasefire when both sides actually cease fire;

My understanding is that both sides are mandated to do so by the UNSC resolution.

For one side or the other to cease operations wouldn't be a unilateral capitulation but an acknowledgement of the authority of the UNSC.

Were Hamas to cease firing rockets into Israel it wouldn't be a "total disaster". It would preserve the safety of Israeli citizens and greatly undermine the Israelis' position.
This is now reminiscent of Lidice and Ouradour..

Exactly. The Czech and French Resistance were as guilty as the SS/Wehrmacht in allowing those people to die. If they had ceased fire, the Germans would have done the same and peace would have taken place. Instead both sides allowed innocent children to die, and as a result are equally to blame.

Thats about the argument Untethered is presenting.
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