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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Because they believe that blockading works.

Nowhere near enough.
Even if you had 20 two-man tunnels running 24 hours a day through a 200 metre long tunnel, you could probably shift an imperial ton per hour per tunnel in optimum conditions, so at best about 500 tons per day.
Even if that were all grain or rice, that might, just about, provide two-thirds of Gaza's population with a pound of rice or grain per day.
Bear in mind that cooking fuel and other household essential are also brought in via the tunnels and, well, I'm sure you see the problem.

Well the tunnels are bombed now so that discussion's hypothetical :(
Where did all the apologists go? Have they finally realised what a complete disaster this is or are they celebrating the glorious victory over the legions of UNRWA?
A question to those supporting Israel's killing.....How many more Palestinians have to die before you withdraw your support for the blood-letting?

a) All of them if necessary as Israel is in the right.
b) Another number (please specify)
c) It must stop now

It might seem a tad flippant, but actually it's not. If you support Israel then surely you either have some upper figure in mind as to what is unacceptable in terms of carrying on the violence; or as many supporters originally stated, Israel is right to do what they do, so ergo no number is too many in order to 'stop the rocket attacks'.

So, any supporters of Israel brave enough to face up to the question?
al-Jazeera are reporting that the US, UK and France are working on a binding SC resolution demanding a ceasefire.
A question to those supporting Israel's killing.....How many more Palestinians have to die before you withdraw your support for the blood-letting?

a) All of them if necessary as Israel is in the right.
b) Another number (please specify)
c) It must stop now

It might seem a tad flippant, but actually it's not. If you support Israel then surely you either have some upper figure in mind as to what is unacceptable in terms of carrying on the violence; or as many supporters originally stated, Israel is right to do what they do, so ergo no number is too many in order to 'stop the rocket attacks'.

So, any supporters of Israel brave enough to face up to the question?

There is a reasoned argument that targetting rocket launch capabilities is justified. That's about it. Its not even too apologist to allow for a small degree of civilian casualities.

These attacks are not about stopping the rockets though. It has turned into a racist genocide under cover of a lie.

Its a shame that Hamas are in power in Gaza - we shouldnt lose sight of the fact that they are violent extremists. If they could genocide the Israelis they certainly would.

but to answer your question, I think many of Israels supporters dont have an upper number or at least it is very high. That includes the tacit support of many western politicians. It is fundementally racist of course but I dont think anyone can think of a solution to all this.

I cant understand why the arab nations dont kick off a lot more, I know its a can of worms but I do sympathise with those who say they have betrayed the palestinians.

Lets see what gets said at the UN General Assembly and lets us hope and pray for immediate peace.

I suspect Israel are riding their luck till Obama gets in. Then they'll calm down and he can look like the Messiah. The only real losers will be the Palestinians and they are mere untermenchen to those in power.
BBC said:
Meanwhile, Amnesty International accused both sides of using civilians as human shields.

"Israeli soldiers have entered and taken up positions in a number of Palestinian homes, forcing families to stay in a ground floor room while they use the rest of their house as a military base and sniper position," it said in a statement.

How can a demand be binding?

Dunno, one imagines it will be "you (Israel) will stop your attacks" though whether the US would go as far as actually enforcing it is perhaps another question.

belboid said:
that would be the one msiot arab nations derided as a pathetically weak compromise, i'd guess

Al-Jazeera describes it as "a new British resolution", so you dont know. As it is, I think even the yanks would recognize the clear potential for this to go extremely wrong (ie far more wrong than it currently is), not only in Gaza but also for the potential to destabilize its regimes in the region.
Who is Dennis Kucinich ?

Dennis John Kucinich (IPA: [kuˈsɪnɪtʃ]) (born October 8, 1946) is a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives and was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2004 and 2008 elections.[1]

Kucinich currently represents the 10th District of Ohio in the House of Representatives, which he has been serving since 1996. His district includes most of western Cleveland as well as suburbs such as Parma and Lakewood. He is currently the chairman of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He is also a member of the Education and Labor Committee.

From 1977 to 1979, Kucinich served as the 53rd mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, a tumultuous term in which he survived a recall election and was successful in a battle against selling the municipal electric utility before being defeated for reelection by George Voinovich

At least 765 Palestinian lives are said by sources in Gaza to have been lost since the offensive began 13 days ago.

Three more Israeli soldiers were killed in Thursday, bringing Israel's death toll to 11 military personnel and three civilians.

Murdering bastards ... (on both sides sure, but look at the disparity and decide for yourself who the real bastards are)
Gaza 'human shields' criticised


'Israeli troops had forced Palestinian civilians to stay in their homes after taking them over as sniper positions or bases, it said quoting sources in Gaza.'

'Amnesty also criticised Israeli forces for bombing civilian homes after they had been used to launch militant attacks when the attackers had probably fled.

"The army is well aware gunmen usually leave the area after having fired and any reprisal attack against these homes will in most cases cause harm to civilians - not gunmen," said Mr Smart, director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme.'

'In several well-documented cases in the past, Israeli troops have forced Palestinian civilians, at gunpoint, to go before them into buildings from which they feared attack.'

Israeli judges banned the practice in 2005, but Amnesty says troops "frequently" imprison Palestinian families in homes used as military observation and firing positions.'

'Hamas fighters also put civilians in danger by firing from homes, it added.'
Dunno if anyone else posted this article up,pretty good account of the whole situtation imo.

By historian Avi Shlaim

Worth quoting for the Israel-right-or-wrong numbskulls here:

"I write as someone who served loyally in the Israeli army in the mid-1960s and who has never questioned the legitimacy of the state of Israel within its pre-1967 borders. What I utterly reject is the Zionist colonial project beyond the Green Line. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the June 1967 war had very little to do with security and everything to do with territorial expansionism. The aim was to establish Greater Israel through permanent political, economic and military control over the Palestinian territories. And the result has been one of the most prolonged and brutal military occupations of modern times."
Apparently, Israeli diplomatic sources, informed by the IDF that there had been no HAMAS fighters in the school compound, had the temerity to pass on this information to the goyische UN-wallahs. The IDF spokeswoman Avital Leibovich then vigourously denied that any IDF personnel had said any such thing.

They're even lying to cover up their lies!
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