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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

A 'ruling' aka an 'instruction', based on the law of the country.
Yes, I know what a ruling is, but is there any penalty imposed? Courts can do that sort of thing, it involves 'fines', 'arrests' and 'imprisonment'.

Courts can also issue media friendly rulings backed up by nothing, for example it's common practice for the Supreme Court in the UK, when its judges criticize police forces for them to not make punitive orders against unlawful practices so as not to "interfere with operational prerogatives".
I have just read some where that even in 1901, the SDF, the U.K's earliest proto-marxist organisation had a Pro-Boer wing, wonder what the 'natives' thought about that.
what's the relevance here? Sections of the AWL (when it was socialist organiser) supported a white homeland in SA. Full of shit then and now
I have just read some where that even in 1901, the SDF, the U.K's earliest proto-marxist organisation had a Pro-Boer wing, wonder what the 'natives' thought about that.

It takes some rare talent to make the most utterly irrelevant post on a 64-page thread that has seen a peace accord based on the fair division of hobnobs, so congratulations are in order.

It takes some rare talent to make the most utterly irrelevant post on a 64-page thread that has seen a peace accord based on the fair division of hobnobs, so congratulations are in order.


Did you know that the country Brazil is named after the nuts and not the other way round?

Sorry I wanted to trump treelover. :oops:
Yep. It's Fuck Off Johnny time. And Fuck off Zachor. I suggest we only correct factual, ahem, 'errors' on the part of this pair of racist cheerleaders from now on

Collectively putting them on ignore would help a lot, in my view.

So Israel is demanding that the people they keep attacking are to promise to not have any weapons....:rolleyes:

And they refuse to negotiate with Hamas - a spokesman said 'We are bored of ignoring Hamas while we kill civilians...we want to ignore Fatah again, bring back the days when we ignored Arafat.'

Oh...and no people die...only militants...and only terrorists fight back....and schools are full of bombs....

And the tunnels that are evading the illegal blockade...they've got to go as well...they have mice. Terrist mice!
So Israel is demanding that the people they keep attacking are to promise to not have any weapons....:rolleyes:

And they refuse to negotiate with Hamas - a spokesman said 'We are bored of ignoring Hamas while we kill civilians..!

But I'll bet he used good english and said 'bored with ignoring' not 'bored of'. :)

Even though he's probably ESL.
Nearly Palestinians 700 dead

8 Isrealis

Working on their usual 100 to 1 ratio, still a bit to go
Vile disguting shitbags
While the killers of the old Yugoslavia are gradually brought to justice these vile mass murders will still strut about.
That lying lickspittle whey faced shit bag Brown with his mealy mouthed crap fills me with shame
But I'll bet he used good english and said 'bored with ignoring' not 'bored of'. :)

Even though he's probably ESL.
Stop trolling please JC2. This is a serious subject. There's nearly Palestinians 700 dead, many of them children, so pondering whether he used 'good English' or not is fucking irrelevant in the scheme of things.
I presume the BBC repeats the information about the Supreme Court decision in every bulletin because it's relevant to the conditions under which their reporting is produced.
In other words, Hamas. I really don't know why you can jsut say that in defending Palestinians from the IDF you'd defend Hamas' in doing that

The BBC's Alan Johnston on Hamas - 'Every other family in Gaza has one or two Hamas members'
Quite astonishing.

The BBC manages to run a 2.30 video, entitled Alan Johnson on conflict in Gaza, with no images of the result of the conflict. A bit of footage of Israeli soldiers driving around in tanks in a field (wouldn't want to see them driving into someone's home or over children's bicycles), then they're standing next to the tank, laughing and joking and lighting up for a fag break; then there's a helicopter in the sky overhead; then there's a landrover or something in the distance driving through another field/road outside the city.

Not a single shot... erm... literally. Not a single image of any of the 600 or so killed or thousands wounded.

How is it possible, given about two weeks worth of footage available, to find the most sanitised version of events possible - 'accidentally'.

Someone has purposefully selected that footage specifically to avoid showing casualties. Shame on whatever 'journalist' did that.
Shame on whatever 'journalist' did that.

Always worth a whine on their contact links. Remember that it's more effective if you can suggest they are in breach of their charter. Or just that they are denying genocide, which is itself a crime. Needs careful phrasing, though...
al-Jazeera now reporting (from the UN) that the IDF have attacked a UN food convoy, one dead one injured so far.
John Ging (local head of UNRWA) is on al-Jazeera now. Apparently these trucks belonged to the Palestinian company that deals with the UN, conveying food from the Erez crossing to the UN stores. The IDF are apparently extremely familiar with them as they are the only people who do this, and are advised of their routes etc. IIRC the same company has already suffered casualties due to IDF fire, it is pointless to express praise on an internet forum towards people you will probably never meet but these people appear to be extremely brave and worthy of the highest praise.

There are also unconfirmed reports that Israeli diplomats have admitted there were no fighters at the school that they blew up causing the 40+ deaths.
There are also unconfirmed reports that Israeli diplomats have admitted there were no fighters at the school that they blew up causing the 40+ deaths.

yup, thats in the Guardian today, Israeli army confirming to diplomats that the fire had come from outside the compound - thats totally outside the compound, not just the school building, but the schoolyards as well (before anyone tried to claim otherwise)
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