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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

When pathetic individuals like you haven't got an argument you turn to quips meant to close down debate. It's your sort that made Stalin and Hitler what they were - the spineless who went along with it

Quite, treelover is a gutless purveyor of smears and lies. He has wilful ignorance down to a fine art.
I take it your brain is still on holiday, this is why you have (very belatedly) to try to rewrite history.

Lets go back for you, oh hard of thinking one.

You objected to Hamas because - as YOU said - they didnt target there weapons well enough. A traditional argument for liberals masquerading as anarchists (see also In Bloom) as well as ultra-zionists masquerading as liberals (a la Zachor). If you honestly hold that view, that the only problem was the targetting, then what you would logically want is for them to have better weapons, supplied either thru government or workers aid of some ilk. That you didnt do that simply marks out just one of your many hypocrisies.

No wonder the public ignores you completely, a two-faced, liberal, fool.

As to Hamza, again I repeat, that YOU were talking about when he was outisde the mosque, and hence NOT in control of it, dont try and change your argument now.
you are off your head son .. i have never ever mentionned targetting .. if i believed in rights i would i defend the right of palestinians to shoot as many fucking qassams as they want ..

but i also argue it is utterly flawed and immoral strategy and anyone who suggests they simply need bigger missiles as you did is a fool

but ultimately i object to their politics which is fundy religious nationalism and can not bring any solution to the arab palestinian people let alone jews druze maronite or christian
What do you mean by 'condemn' Hamas?

Give me a yes or no for each of these . . .

When they fire rockets at Sderot, Ashqelon etc?
When they fire mortars/rockets at advancing IDF troops inside Gaza?
When they fire small arms at the IDF inside Gaza?
When they act against democratic and TU action in Gaza?
i condemn hamas at all time .. their politics are disasterous .. i defend palestinians acting against invasion
btw, why is there so much simply about Hamas? It is not them who are under attack, nor them who are sedning rockets back. It is, overwhelmingly, ordinary Gazan's of all political ilks, the use of Hamas is merely a smokescreen to try to pull some liberals over to Israel's side, or make them (the liberals) speak more softly than they otherwise would
i condemn hamas at all time .. their politics are disasterous .. i defend palestinians acting against invasion

Hmmmm, this contradicts your earlier posts. In fact, like some others on here, all you can do is bitch about Hamas while ignoring the suffering that is taking place. So, rather than use your head, you would rather adopt the language of Mark Regev and the blonde bombshells of the Israeli state.
Yes, been there done that

I really do despair at your ability to understand people sometimes. What do you fucking think after reading the post you said was 'interesting? Eh?

go with me ;) was partially rhetorical but i asked because people in difficult situations often end up doing things they would prefer to to do . e.g lots of people joined the labour party back in c.1980 as they thought they could change it, in NI i am sure lots of people joined SF as it being hegmonic .. so the Q was if you were in gaza would you? and if you attmepted to do other activity you might be killed anyway

(tbh no need to answer is getting too convoluted ..
What do you mean by 'condemn' Hamas?

Give me a yes or no for each of these . . .

When they fire rockets at Sderot, Ashqelon etc?
When they fire mortars/rockets at advancing IDF troops inside Gaza?
When they fire small arms at the IDF inside Gaza?
When they act against democratic and TU action in Gaza?

i condemn hamas at all time .. their politics are disasterous .. i defend palestinians acting against invasion
Give me a yes or no answer for each of those listed. I want to know exactly what you condemn Hamas for. Come on, it's easy - yes or no answers to each
What do you mean by 'condemn' Hamas?
It's a fall-back position.
When he's got no rational argument to make he falls back on demanding to know whether you "condemn HAMAS", although he's rather vague about what he means and about why you should do so.
Hmmmm, this contradicts your earlier posts. In fact, like some others on here, all you can do is bitch about Hamas while ignoring the suffering that is taking place. So, rather than use your head, you would rather adopt the language of Mark Regev and the blonde bombshells of the Israeli state.
hello NINO!! hey .. surely you have NOT got ME wrong AGAIN??

p.s. i do NOT ignore the sufferring and have been to the picket and posted up links form Gaza on here .. i simply want a SOLUTION having been aware of these massacres from my childhood .. so simply TGF :)
btw, why is there so much simply about Hamas? It is not them who are under attack, nor them who are sedning rockets back. It is, overwhelmingly, ordinary Gazan's of all political ilks, the use of Hamas is merely a smokescreen to try to pull some liberals over to Israel's side, or make them (the liberals) speak more softly than they otherwise would
Sadly what we're seeing is the success of a powerful racist state's success in demonising the refugees it ethnically cleansed daring to fight back

but I'm sure you know that already
Well, ya see winjer, Gazan hospitals have these pesky things called oxygen cylinders, that they don't really use for patient care, and merely have around as parts for home-made "rockets". That's evidence enough for any reasonable person, surely?
I've no doubt they do, but I haven't seen anyone but Zachor claim that hospital was storing anything improper, I want to know if he is just defaulting to that view, or referencing some 'news' site like ynet - which claimed the the three Israeli soldiers killed in Jabalya had been ambushed by Hamas, then removed the article when Israel admitted they were killed by a poorly targetted shell.
so the Q was if you were in gaza would you? and if you attmepted to do other activity you might be killed anyway
There are other parties in Hamas you know, contrary to the idea some seem to hold that it is the only party there.

Anyway, I suspect I'd have to start a new organisation ;)
never once have i mentionned or used the word targetting re missiles ..

just been back to double check, and i owe you a small apology, you didn't use the word 'targetting'. but you did say that the firing of such missiles wasn't going to work, which implies its the rubbishness of the missiles rather than the use of missiles itself (and, frankly, if the missiles were the equal of Israel's does anyone think this massacre would be happening?).

Now, any chance of an apology from you for the fibbies you've been telling? (or a reply to many of the other points undermining your more nonsensical arguments?)
Give me a yes or no answer for each of those listed. I want to know exactly what you condemn Hamas for. Come on, it's easy - yes or no answers to each
no .. i condemn them as an organisation utterly as i condemn any far right religous nationalist organisation .. so your specific questions are irrelevent .. but i repeat i defend palestinians faced with aggression fighting back .. though the strategy they have employed is futile ( actually worse than futile)
just been back to double check, and i owe you a small apology, you didn't use the word 'targetting'. but you did say that the firing of such missiles wasn't going to work, which implies its the rubbishness of the missiles rather than the use of missiles itself (and, frankly, if the missiles were the equal of Israel's does anyone think this massacre would be happening?).

Now, any chance of an apology from you for the fibbies you've been telling?

thanks for apology .. but you were simply and entirely wrong ... i make NO comment on the quality or otherwise of their missiles ..

now tell me what fibs i have told?
but i repeat i defend palestinians faced with aggression fighting back .. though the strategy they have employed is futile ( actually worse than futile)

so, you are now supporting (sorry, 'defending') Hamas in exactly the same way as the rest of us. Members of Hamas are still Palestinians aren't they?
thanks for apology .. but you were simply and entirely wrong ... i make NO comment on the quality or otherwise of their missiles ..
that's how it read to me, hence my reply.

now tell me what fibs i have told?

lets start with my supposed attacking jewish 'fascists' (I phrase I have never used, and almost definitely would never use), or the lack of condemnation of racism within the muslim community.
lets start with my supposed attacking jewish 'fascists' (I phrase I have never used, and almost definitely would never use), or the lack of condemnation of racism within the muslim community.

jesus you post way too much .. ok

1) re jewish fascism ( why would you not use it they existed ( and in a differrent form maybe still do ) .. but i put you in with others .. so apology 1

2) i extrapolated from your comments about hamza which appearred to me to be denying his scummyness - so apology2

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