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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza


Sorry, I just quoted it from someone elses post. That said, as Belboid has said it was pretty much the implication of what you were saying then and have continued to say since.

Nor have I seen any independent or credible evidence that Gaza Hospital has been used to store missiles, indeed one would have thought that due to the IDFs stringent policy of avoiding civilian casualties they hardly have the room, given the huge numbers of civilian casualties.
I'm not the one quoting holy books in order to demonstrate the evil intent of a whole religion. You really are a racist scumbag

I'm quoting it in relation to Hamas' intentions.

Also, I didn't put the words into any holy book.

Like any common garden variety fanatic, you'd prefer that we pretend that the words don't exist. It makes it harder to shill your biased view of reality.
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. I can't think of any nation or people or religious grouping who would tolerate what Hamas are, do, and intend to be without retaliating in some way.

You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.

I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.

Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.

You're an arsehole of the first order. Let's have a look at your ill-though out, hate-filled rant in more detail.

Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Oh? Given your statements elsewhere, this comes as no surprise. Your Damascene conversion to Zio-Nationalism notwithstanding. You are no better than those fascists that you claim to despise.

You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.

Too right, it is nigh on impossible to negotiate with Israel.

I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.

You left out the words "collateral damage". Again, you sound as though you're working for the Israeli Ministry for Information. This is all reinforced by the classic paranoid statement that Israel is "surrounded by enemies". Of course, it might hurt your brain to actually sit and think about the issue of causality with regards to this flourish of histrionics.

Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

More fash-inspired rhetoric. The Gazans voted for Hamas in free and fair elections. Perhaps we should be thinking of removing Kadima/Likud from power because it is clear that the Israelis don't know what they're doing when they vote. You're quite clearly are in favour of democracy for some but not others - right?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.

The US Air Force used to have a slogan: "Peace through strength", I always thought of how Orwellian that slogan was. Here. you literally adopt the same Orwellian line. You're two-faced and inconsistent.

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.

Yeah and fuck you too.
Like any common garden variety fanatic, you'd prefer that we pretend that the words don't exist. It makes it harder to shill your biased view of reality.
Of course they exist, but I see no-one acting upon them.

Meanwhile Israel acts out the latest chapter in its genocide.

Which weighs more for you? Words or dead bodies? Actually it's obvious
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Erm, I hate to break it to you, but in case you haven't noticed this has been Israeli policy for some time now, and it's not worked.
They dont actually want it to work, do they? They just want to destroy Gaza, and talk up Hamas, as they need an enemy tht can justify ever increasing 'defence' spending, and a right-wing hawkish government.
I'm absolutely convinced it won't work, militarily or as an election gambit for Kadima

The IDF is failing to engage on the ground in Gaza city for fear of casualties. And at the same time it fears destroying Hamas for fear of creating a 'Somalia' in Gaza.

And we can be sure there will be planty of dead Israelis in response, and if that occurs sooner rather than later it could blow Kadima's election plan out of the water.
It's a real dilemma when the adversary hides behind civilian skirts.

Well, really they haven't any place else to go. They're in Gaza (which as a whole has a population density comparable to Central London, obviously it's far higher in say Gaza City).

The Israeli government doesn't seem to see it as a dilemma however, despite the UN saying that their bombing of Gaza constitutes a war crime.
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.
Oh look, the man who converted to secure himself a piece of arse is coming over all chickenhawk.
Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. I can't think of any nation or people or religious grouping who would tolerate what Hamas are, do, and intend to be without retaliating in some way.
That's because you're unable to think full stop.
You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.
In which case you've just advocated the mass slaughter of those Israelis who have authorised the invasion of Gaza.
I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.
You, a shvuntz who's never served any military function, has very little idea what any military can do, except for what you absorb from propaganda.
Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.
Thank you for regurgitating the rancid ventings of hard-right Zionists, but how about engaging in some original thought (if you're capable of it)?
Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.
Blinkered supporter of oppression -- fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck the horse's sire and dam, and fuck the tosser who sold you the horse too, tuchus lecher.
The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas.

That will never happen, This is just a huge waste of lives, this problem will never be resolved by bombs or killing, military intervention in this scenario merely buys time. Unless the Palestinians all disappeared or similarly the Israelis, this needs to be negotiated out for any type of long term solution. Putting people behind a wall and trying to bomb or starve them into submission will not work, neither will suicide bombers or home made rockets. All Israel is doing is creating the next generation of Bombers / freedom fighters.

Until both sides get pushed to the negotiating table, with a simple, get a deal made or else ultimatum by the US / Europe / China / Middle east states, this will run and run.

I was involved in something similar in a different hemisphere and war simply means lives are lost for no resolution, expect this again in 5, 10, 15 years time. Both sides need to be forced to negotiate, make a deal or else sanctions, loss of support from the USA, Europe etc. Problem is the countries who can force this, do not have the stomach to make this happen, the USA especially.

Israel is as much in the wrong as the Palestinians, in no event is killing of children / babies / civilians acceptable, whether it is by high tech bombs and missiles or low Tech IED or suicide bombers, the result is the same, dead innocent people. Collateral damage is a euphemism for murder. When politicians and religious fanatics are forced to confront this truth, the world will be a better place.
A military victory against Hamas is impossible, as no doubt the Israeli government knows, thats not the point of the onslaught.
3 hour ceasefire starts 1100 GMT
Audible gunfire and shelling heard on al-Jazeera 1203

Not a great start.
you've made a typo in your comment, which therefore renders it totally invalid.

But he doesn't, does he? He just regurgitates stuff he finds on the first page of google searches that he does. You can't really call that "thinking", can you? :)
But he doesn't, does he? He just regurgitates stuff he finds on the first page of google searches that he does. You can't really call that "thinking", can you? :)

This is part of a post I've just made on the propaganda war thread:

And from that same article, something for JC2 to consider when using google:

A search today (5 January 2009) for the phrase “Israeli deaths from rockets” on Google yields SIX (6) articles of which only TWO (2) are recent and provide authoritative quantitative estimates (however it must be noted that Google has an appalling record of censoring information critical of genocidal Anglo-American or Zionist imperialism e.g. see “Western Media and Google Censorship: Google Censors Churchill’s Crimes and British Indian Holocaust”). (If you want accurate, uncensored information you would be well advised to do YAHOO searches).

A military victory against Hamas is impossible, as no doubt the Israeli government knows, thats not the point of the onslaught.

Israel isn't trying for a military victory. It has no military objective. Nor is it attempting genocide (it has much better weapons in reserve for that sort of business).

It is merely attempting to assert dominance and has no coherent goals beyind that.

Both sides in this party are divided against themselves, and I'm becoming convinced that the meddling of the rest of the world is just making matters worse. Hamas wouldn't even be in the position they are if we hadn't supported them as an alternative to the Soviet-backed Fatah.
from way back,

I would imagine that pretty much any group subject to the extreme treatment that the Palestinians have been for the past sixty years would produce politics akin to those popular within Palestine. For instance, the ANC had some pretty mad politics at the height of apartheid but there were fairly clear and obvious reasons for this. Criticizing people for holding extreme views when they have pretty extreme reasons for holding them is a bit naive, tbh.
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Well, Helen Suzman, no naive women her, spoke out againt the excesses of the ANC armed Wing (including torture) and she was there unlike the many keyboard general here who wish Hamas success.

btw, 50 odd pages, no wonder no one supports the left anymore if it can only focuses on international events, espacially when it does little in forms of real aid, eg funds for war victims, etc.
spoken like the good liberal you are. The ANC's armed wing did far more to end apartheid than bleeding hearts like you n her.

No wonder no one takes you seriously, all you can do is whinge
btw, 50 odd pages, no wonder no one supports the left anymore if it can only focuses on international events, espacially when it does little in forms of real aid, eg funds for war victims, etc.


It is currently the biggest world story – hardly surprising there’s a long thread.

And, although I can’t speak for others, I have made two donations in recent days – both to Oxfam & MSF.
Well, Helen Suzman, no naive women her, spoke out againt the excesses of the ANC armed Wing (including torture) and she was there unlike the many keyboard general here who wish Hamas success.

btw, 50 odd pages, no wonder no one supports the left anymore if it can only focuses on international events, espacially when it does little in forms of real aid, eg funds for war victims, etc.

Who on here has ever supported the torture of anyone? :confused: Well, apart from some of the anarchokids who sometines raise hilarity by saying they wish to see 'the rich' suffer? :D

Many who describe themselves as 'left' will be raising and sending relief donations to the various welfare organisations as you well know.
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