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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

That is something I can most wholeheartedly agree with.

Good. You do seem though to wholeheartedly support israeli state's politics though, you believe that the current situation and this war will help people's relations ?
Yes, as I say, there's a reasonable case to be made for incitement on both sides, but there's only one party in a position to actually practice genocide and it's straightforwardly arguable that they are.

Shit: I wonder what would happen if we put the other side in a position to practice genocide?

Btw, we both know that the arab armies would probably have done just that, when they immediately declared war on Israel, on its inception, if they hadn't had their asses handed to them by the Israelis. More than once.

Attempted, but failed, genocide. :(
Very true.

hey! Racist fuckwit has made a new chum in Johnny Knows Fuck All, how nicxe.

The deaths of civilians in Gaza are not the primary motive for the military action there.

That is precisely the aim, which is why they've killed nearly 700, including dozens of children, all of whose death you've cheered on.

This ISN'T an attack on Hamas, it is an attack in Gaza, pure and simple. Whoever was running Gaza, whilst Israel refused to accept the agreed terms of the ceasefire, there would be rockets sent over, and Israel would use them as a pretext for invasion - as it has time and time again.
I think the case becomes clearer when you look at the passage where the term 'genocide' was actually coined.

New conceptions require new terms. By "genocide" we mean the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group. This new word, coined by the author to denote an old practice in its modern development, is made from the ancient Greek word genos (race, tribe) and the Latin cide (killing), thus corresponding in its formation to such words as tyrannicide, homocide, infanticide, etc.(1) Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group.

The following illustration will suffice. The confiscation of property of nationals of an occupied area on the ground that they have left the country may be considered simply as a deprivation of their individual property rights. However, if the confiscations are ordered against individuals solely because they are Poles, Jews, or Czechs, then the same confiscations tend in effect to weaken the national entities of which those persons are members.

Genocide has two phases: one, destruction of the national pattern of the oppressed group; the other, the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor. This imposition, in turn, may be made upon the oppressed population which is allowed to remain or upon the territory alone, after removal of the population and the colonization by the oppressor's own nationals.

Denationalization was the word used in the past to describe the destruction of a national pattern. (1a) The author believes, however, that this [p. 80] word is inadequate because: 1.) it does not connote the destruction of the biological structure; 2.) in connoting the destruction of one national pattern it does not connote the imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor; and 3.) denationalization is used by some authors to mean only deprivation of citizenship.

Many authors, instead of using a generic term, use currently terms connoting only some functional aspect of the main generic notion of genocide. Thus, the terms "Germanization," "Magyarization," "Italianization," for example, are used to connote the imposition by one stronger nation (Germany, Hungary, Italy) of its national pattern upon a national group controlled by it. The author believes that these terms, are also inadequate because they do not convey the common elements of one generic notion and because they do not convey the common elements of one generic notion and they treat mainly the cultural, economic, and social aspects of genocide, leaving out the biological aspect, such as causing the physical decline and even destruction of the population involved. If one uses the term "Germanization" of the Poles, for example, in this connotation, it means that the Poles, as human beings, are preserved and that only the national pattern of the Germans is imposed upon them. Such a term is much too restricted to apply to a process in which the population is attacked, in a physical sense, and is removed and supplanted by populations of the oppressor nations.

Raphael Lemkin: Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
Shit: I wonder what would happen if we put the other side in a position to practice genocide?

Btw, we both know that the arab armies would probably have done just that, when they immediately declared war on Israel, on its inception, if they hadn't had their asses handed to them by the Israelis. More than once.

Attempted, but failed, genocide. :(

I very much doubt that they would have then, but they probably would be more than a few people now given all the stuff that has happened in the intervening period.

Johnny Canuck2 said:
It's arguable if you have your head up your own butt.

Israel could easily exterminate the palestinians in about a minute with nukes.
Why don't they do it?

You do know any Israeli nuke that went off above Gaza would irradiate lots of Israel as well, right?
Shit: I wonder what would happen if we put the other side in a position to practice genocide?

Btw, we both know that the arab armies would probably have done just that, when they immediately declared war on Israel, on its inception, if they hadn't had their asses handed to them by the Israelis. More than once.

Attempted, but failed, genocide. :(

No Arab army invaded (15 May 48) until AFTER the Haganah/IDF had ethnically cleansed around 200 Palestinian villages and several large towns, and in the case of Haifa (22 April 48) actually driving Arabs into the sea.

I'd say check the dates, but I know you won't

“During the morning [the Jews] were continually shooting down on all Arabs who moved both in Wadi Nisnas and the Old City. This included completely indiscriminate and revolting machine gun fire, mortar fire and sniping on women and children sheltering in churches and attempting to get out . . . through the gates into the docks . . The 40 Royal Marine Commando who control the docks . . . sent the Arabs through in batches but there was considerable congestion outside the East Gate of hysterical Arab women and children and old people on whom the Jews opened up mercilessly with fire. Two [Royal Marine] officers were seriously wounded.” (Tactical HQ, 1st Coldstream Guards, ‘Battalion Sitrep’ 22 April 1948, 16.30hrs, PRO WO 261-297, cited in B Morris, the Birth of . . . p191)
I very much doubt that they would have then, but they probably would be more than a few people now given all the stuff that has happened in the intervening period.

You do know any Israeli nuke that went off above Gaza would irradiate lots of Israel as well, right?

You know about theater nuclear weapons, right?
Agricola - I'm quite happy to be criticised for my stand against Hamas but for your information the post you have quoted has been edited in what I would call an unacceptable way.

"Originally Posted by Zachor
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

I did say the above

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. Kill kiddies bomb schools bomb hospitals bomb everything they all support hamas, even the one year olds, they all must die

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you. "

I did NOT say the words that are in bold. Please withdraw the misrepresentation. I did express outrage at Hamas using Gaza Hospital as a missile store but I did not call for the deliberate targetting of children.
It's arguable if you have your head up your own butt.

Israel could easily exterminate the palestinians in about a minute with nukes.
Why don't they do it?

I'm sure some of the current regime would love to if they could get away with it and not contaminate the surrounding area with radioactive fallout.
No Arab army invaded (15 May 48) until AFTER the Haganah/IDF had ethnically cleansed around 200 Palestinian villages and several large towns, and in the case of Haifa (22 April 48) actually driving Arabs into the sea.

I'd say check the dates, but I know you won't)

I basically don't do anything at the behest of deluded fanatics. :D
Bell-boy. :D

ooh that's so clever, did a six year old show you that? Now, fuck off Cant-fuck

(did you see what I did there? I made a pisspoor play on Johnnys name! Isn't that sooooo clever)

Can we all just ignore Johnny, he's a braindead fuckwit here to turn this thread into being all about him, so lets not give him the pleasure
Agricola - I'm quite happy to be criticised for my stand against Hamas but for your information the post you have quoted has been edited in what I would call an unacceptable way.

"Originally Posted by Zachor
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

I did say the above

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. Kill kiddies bomb schools bomb hospitals bomb everything they all support hamas, even the one year olds, they all must die

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you. "

I did NOT say the words that are in bold. Please withdraw the misrepresentation. I did express outrage at Hamas using Gaza Hospital as a missile store but I did not call for the deliberate targetting of children.

You are calling for the mass slaughter of all those who voted for Hamas. You are a piece of dogshit on the bootheel of humanity.
ooh that's so clever, did a six year old show you that? Now, fuck off Cant-fuck

(did you see what I did there? I made a pisspoor play on Johnnys name! Isn't that sooooo clever)

Can we all just ignore Johnny, he's a braindead fuckwit here to turn this thread into being all about him, so lets not give him the pleasure

You've been doing it for days.

Bellboi. :D
Can we all just ignore Johnny, he's a braindead fuckwit here to turn this thread into being all about him, so lets not give him the pleasure
Yep. It's Fuck Off Johnny time. And Fuck off Zachor. I suggest we only correct factual, ahem, 'errors' on the part of this pair of racist cheerleaders from now on
You are calling for the mass slaughter of all those who voted for Hamas. You are a piece of dogshit on the bootheel of humanity.

No I'm saying that Hamas need to be dealt with. I'm not calling for civilians to be deliberately targetted. Get you facts right.

FYI the original post which some low life has edited above reads as follows:

Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. I can't think of any nation or people or religious grouping who would tolerate what Hamas are, do, and intend to be without retaliating in some way.

You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.

I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.

Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.
Yep. It's Fuck Off Johnny time. And Fuck off Zachor. I suggest we only correct factual, ahem, 'errors' on the part of this pair of racist cheerleaders from now on

It's harder to spew your bigoted hatred if there's someone looking over your shoulder, isn't it? :D
Agricola - I'm quite happy to be criticised for my stand against Hamas but for your information the post you have quoted has been edited in what I would call an unacceptable way.

"Originally Posted by Zachor
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

I did say the above

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. Kill kiddies bomb schools bomb hospitals bomb everything they all support hamas, even the one year olds, they all must die

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you. "

I did NOT say the words that are in bold. Please withdraw the misrepresentation. I did express outrage at Hamas using Gaza Hospital as a missile store but I did not call for the deliberate targetting of children.
You have consistently denied the simple fact of humanity to anyone who you have decided is a Hamas sympathiser. That includes the entire population of Gaza, including children, and those who actually voted for the PLO. Your lies about giving a shit about palestinians are just that, lies. You want all of them dead. You have cheered the killing of children. your lackeyish following of the racist state of israel has led you to adopting all of their racism, their dehumanisation of their neighbours, thus allowing therm to kill with impunity.

You are racist scum, and you should be treated like racist scum.

As for people 'IRL', you've lied about them before, so why should anyone believe you now?
In practice though, particularly the practice of the IDF in the context of the densely populated Gaza Strip, killing Hamas involves killing and maiming large numbers of Palestinian civilians. So calling for the one, also implies the other.
In practice though, particularly the practice of the IDF in the context of the densely populated Gaza Strip, killing Hamas involves killing and maiming large numbers of Palestinian civilians. So calling for the one, also implies the other.

It's a real dilemma when the adversary hides behind civilian skirts.
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