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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.

I'm not used to lower myself to the level of the opponent or to ever use such language, but now I am glad to grab the occasion:

The way you present yourself here, you are nothing but a lower species that likes to pass for human.

May you somewhere in your life find peace, after you grew up to learn what it is like to be human.


I am towards the pacifist end of the spectrum and am am also fairly ignorant of the techincalities of modern warfare.

That said, could you explain to us how depleted uranium is neccessary to tackle rudimentary rocket launchers?
Israel on BBC24 announcing they're setting up a Humanitarian Corridor.

And now the whole thing is the fault of Hamas. Naturally.

Oh fuck, they just brought Syria into the party for harbouring.

I am towards the pacifist end of the spectrum and am am also fairly ignorant of the techincalities of modern warfare.

That said, could you explain to us how depleted uranium is neccessary to tackle rudimentary rocket launchers?

It's not necessary, but it is effective.

And the Americans are paying for it so, hell, let's bring out the big toys!
Iran is the 'cowards, coward'. Not standing with Israel will embolden Hamas. (all from Israel at the U.N)

The current military operation is not an opposition to peace, it is a pre-requisite for peace.
Iran is the 'cowards, coward'. Not standing with Israel will embolden Hamas. (all from Israel at the U.N)

The current military operation is not an opposition to peace, it is a pre-requisite for peace.

Has your medication run out?
No hip, that was verbatim from the Israeli ambassador at the U.N.

I just posted the link from the BBC.
Dr. Mads Gilbert - a Norwegian Doctor, quote found on in*ow*rs:

"The Israelis are using a new type of very high explosive weapons which are called Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) and are made out of a tungsten alloy. These weapons have an enormous power to explode."

"these weapons will have a cancer effect on those who survive. They will develop cancer we suspect."

"All that is happening in Gaza here now is against international law, it is against humanity"
Carcinogens are everywhere in modern weaponry. The point of DIME warheads is to actually limit collateral damage so I think there is limited opportunity to demonise the Israeli's in the fact that they are using these.
Carcinogens are everywhere in modern weaponry. The point of DIME warheads is to actually limit collateral damage so I think there is limited opportunity to demonise the Israeli's in the fact that they are using these.

Thanks for explaining. Does that mean that high tech masively explosive cancer causing weapons are being used out of consideration?

Is this a rare case of a war where arms dealers arent wishing show case new ways of killing people?

Why do you use the term 'colateral damage' btw, do you have an issue talking about dead civilians?
Sorry, dead civilians, then.

These weapons are very nasty, it's true, but they're very nasty over a much smaller range than conventional shells.

The arms dealers possibly want to showcase new ways of killing people without the regrettable bad PR caused by pictures coming out of people carrying dead children from buildings.
Sorry, dead civilians, then.

These weapons are very nasty, it's true, but they're very nasty over a much smaller range than conventional shells.

The arms dealers possibly want to showcase new ways of killing people without the regrettable bad PR caused by pictures coming out of people carrying dead children from buildings.

More info here (apologies if its already been posted): DIME weapons
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. Kill kiddies bomb schools bomb hospitals bomb everything they all support hamas, even the one year olds, they all must die

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.

you really are scum of the lowest order, a worthless wanking gibbon
Btw, Hamas hasn't been known to have a good track record on ceasefires, peace agreements, etc.

In the wake of the Oslo agreement, Hamas leaders intensified their rhetoric and vowed to derail the peace process through violent attacks. Drive-by shootings, firebombings and stabbings increased. Suicide missions began in April 1994, when a Hamas suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden car into a bus in Afula killing eight and wounding 50 others.

The BNP support Israel

Must be nice to align yourself with fascists who deny the holocaust to score political points ... oh, wait. only people who support the palestinians can do that.
More info here (apologies if its already been posted): DIME weapons

Thanks for that. From which:

" An emerging criticism of DIME weapons is that the tungsten metal filler may turn out to have unexpected strong biological effects in those who are hit by the micro-shrapnel from DIME explosions."

What a suprise. Though I wonder if they really are "unexpected". 8ball was saying these were used to inflict less civilian deaths but it seems that, as with the use of DU, the Israelis arent too troubled about causing defects in people.

The use of DU is horrendous and unneccessary to the situation Israel says they are trying to deal with.

It is a smoking gun that their intention is more mendacious than just self defence. They are war criminals, and I honestly dont say that lightly. I consider Hamas war criminals too FWIW, but DU use is the bigger crime against a people than basic rockets.
Btw, Hamas hasn't been known to have a good track record on ceasefires, peace agreements, etc.

I think you are mistaking urbanites support and respect for democratic processes and our sympathy for the plight of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians who live with the daily threat of terror as wrongful or misplaced support for Hamas. This is not the case. The only way to remove Hamas is the same way they came to their position of power - via democratic election process.
I think you are mistaking urbanites support and respect for democratic processes and our sympathy for the plight of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians who live with the daily threat of terror as wrongful or misplaced support for Hamas. This is not the case. The only way to remove Hamas is the same way they came to their position of power - via democratic election process.

And of course, then they'll go away, because they didn't exist, and had no effect, prior to being elected. :rolleyes:
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