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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

If I understand right, the Palestinians have made garage copies of Grad type rockets, but I expect that it sounds better if that distinction is obfuscated.
The Grad is actually a truck based system, a slightly more modern version of the Stalin Organ of WW2. To conflate the individual rockets used by Palestinians with the Grad system is to make it sound far worse than it is
The Grad is actually a truck based system, a slightly more modern version of the Stalin Organ of WW2. To conflate the individual rockets used by Palestinians with the Grad system is to make it sound far worse than it is

Yes ... although I wouldn't minimise the unpleasantness of having one actually land on you. Of course, as we can see from the available casualty figures, that's not terribly likely to happen.
number of times Israel has been attacked by its neighbours: 2 (1948, 73)
number of times its neighbours have been attacked by Israel: 4 (Suez, 67, Lebanon 1982, Lebanon 2006)
Israel has only been attacked once, in 1948. In 1973 Egypt and Syria attacked Israel where it was in occupation of parts of their territory.

And in 48 the Arab states that did attack Israeli territory only did so after the Zionist militias/IDf has ethnically cleansed around 200 Arab villages. Of the 3 Arab armies that entered the territory of Mandate Palestine 3 only went into the zone allotted to Arabs by the UN
A fascist? When did I accuse you of being a fascist?

claphamboy post # 1131:
"So, how do you explain the many Jews, some of which are posting on
here, that hate the Zionists for what they are currently doing?"

Sasaferrato post # 1142 in reply to claphamboy:
"In the same way as I explain Englishmen who supported Nazi Germany."

I'm a Jew who hates Zionism and the pain and misery it has caused, and according to you, I can be explained as above, i.e. as a fascist who supports other fascists.

You are not giving support to your own people, but you are not a fascist.
My own people?
My own people have been anti-Zionist for 4 generations. We were anti-Zionist in the Ukraine when the Russians were murdering us (incidentally around the same time as Jabotinsky was lauding Italian fascism) and still when the Germans were murdering us, because we believed that the land that we stood on was home, and that our history did not entitle us to steal the land of others in reparation of wrongs done to us by third parties.
My "people" is everyone, regardless of who they are, and even if I were culturally blinkered enough to only accept Jews as my people, it'd be all of Jewry, not just a clique of nationalist-Zionists in Tel Aviv and the people they pretend to govern for.
Rightly so.

You seem to be somewhat blind as to the history of aggression against Israel by its neighbours.

While the Israelis are blind to the fact that the blockade was not lifted while the ceasefire was in effect.

What was Hamas supposed to do? They agree to a ceasefire and expect the blockade to be relaxed, but instead it stays in place while Israel attempts to suffocate Hamas. It was inevitable that the bombings would start again as Israel is showing no inclination towards the compromise needed for peace.

The Palestinians have every right to live in the land of their birth, as do the Israelis. At this rate the Israelis, who seem distinctly unwilling to move towards the 2-state solution, are only making it more likely that the 1-state solution will occur. Only by giving them a life worth living will the Palestinians be likely to move towards peace.

The Israelis would love the Palestinians to not be native to the land but they were born there which means more than any amount of dodgy history.

I wish the Israelis would get on with it and exterminate them - at least then they would be being honest, instead of slowly starving them in the hope that no one will notice the blood on their hands...

Either that or accept the 1-state solution - a simple choice! the 2-state solution would just continue the conflict...
People who fire rockets into civilian communities are terrorists in my book.
In which case your "book" condemns just about any individual or group that resists oppression through direct action.
You, of course, are perfectly free to hold your own view. I would suggest though, that Hamas would be regarded as terrorists by a large majority of the population.
I'm sure that such would be the case if the facts were represented to them in the simplistic manner you appear fond of.
If they were exposed to something with a little more depth than a sound-bite, though...
Israel using "unconventional weapons"


Infowars also reports Israel using DU. Can anyone explain how such weapons are neccessary to deal with primitive rocket launchers?

No. Like all wars, this is a showcase for new means of inflicting death and making money.
It is a fact that the people of Gaza elected a government that they knew would fire rockets.

You do realise that if they'd elected FATAH they'd have been electing a government that they knew would...you guessed it... fire "rockets", don't you?
FATAH, dupes though they are, would have done the same thing, given the state of Israel the same risible excuse for invasion.
Whoever they elected, the people of Gaza would be, as they currently are, at risk of imminent murder from the forces of the state of Israel.
No Taffboy!

Not Alex Jones (prisonplanetloon infowarsrus) Is NOT acceptablefor a source.
The article probably exists elsewhere so link to the article from it's original source (as long as not conspiraloon site).
Sounds like burns from use of white phosphorus

Seems likely given all those pictures we've seen of the Israelis airbursting white phosphorus rounds and spraying burning phosphorus all over whatever is below.

Another war crime right? It's OK to use it for smoke, but if I understand correctly, used with that intention you set it to explode on the ground.

Setting it to spray phosphorus all over the place only makes sense if you're using it as a chemical weapon, which is prohibited by international law.
Seems likely given all those pictures we've seen of the Israelis airbursting white phosphorus rounds and spraying burning phosphorus all over whatever is below.

Another war crime right? It's OK to use it for smoke, but if I understand correctly, used with that intention you set it to explode on the ground.

Setting it to spray phosphorus all over the place only makes sense if you're using it as a chemical weapon, which is prohibited by international law.

I saw Channel 4 news tonight. It pained me to see the 'blonde bombshell' (Major) smiling at her own clever replies :(
I saw Channel 4 news tonight. It pained me to see the 'blonde bombshell' (Major) smiling at her own clever replies :(

If you dont count all the needless death, her smug visage is by far the worst thing about this war, the way she can so easily lie irrespective of the sanity of the lies themselves (twas she that came up with the "boobytrapped school" theory earlier).
I've just vented at some poor bugger somewhere else, but seriously - wtf is going on there, and why isn't anyone able to make them sit on their hands?

Israel won't stop will they. They're pouring all of their frustration about not being the popular kids at school, all of those beatings in the playground and their disturbing childhood and beyond. Sins of the father, grandfather, great-grandfather. They won't back down, because they can't appear to be weak.

And if Iran comes out to play in the next month, it's going to be fucking horrible.
Israel won't stop will they. They're pouring all of their frustration about not being the popular kids at school, all of those beatings in the playground and their disturbing childhood and beyond. Sins of the father, grandfather, great-grandfather. They won't back down, because they can't appear to be weak.

And if Iran comes out to play in the next month, it's going to be fucking horrible.

Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. I can't think of any nation or people or religious grouping who would tolerate what Hamas are, do, and intend to be without retaliating in some way.

You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.

I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.

Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.
White phosphorus was used in Fallujah.


It has been claimed it was.

As an aside: Isn't it striking that the Jews on this board are devastated by what Israel does, while the defenders of israel try to paint them as fascists, self-hating or whatever ridiculous denigrating name they can invent?

To me their honesty (and I deeply respect you for it, you know it) shows once again how far removed the Israelis are from simple reality: You do not disguise as "legitmate defense" what is happening now, and all what happened since the state of Israel got plotted, planned and forced into existance.
Surely there is much to blame at "both sides" since that moment but it can't avoid us to get back to the root of the problem: Zionism in all its ugly aspects, and the support it got by the Western world and still gets by it, most of all concentrated now in the USA.

For every member of Hamas you kill, you create more willing members. Average age in the territories is 17 Zachor, seventeen years of living in the territories. Those you do not kill, or turn against you you turn into cowed people fearing the massive weight of the Israeli military machine every time they get their arses handed to them on a plate in conflict with every nation surrounding them.

I wonder what it's like to be that powerful and have a human punching bag to take your frustrations out on every time you don't get your way by stamping your feet and holding your breath?
Good. Kill as many Hamas as possible. I never thought I would say that but I don't see any alternative.

Killing as many Hamas members and their supporters as the IDF can is the way to go now. I can't think of any nation or people or religious grouping who would tolerate what Hamas are, do, and intend to be without retaliating in some way.

You cannot negotiate with fascists whoever they are and whatever colour or creed they are. You can only either kill or contain them.

I like any reasonable person are grieving for the loss of innocent lives but I'm afraid that is war. The Israeli miiltary despite its undoubted military technology is at the service of a nation that is surrounded by enemies. I wouldn't remove that nations right to defend itself.

Israel and other nations opposed to the fascism of Hamas need to join together publically or privately to support the removal of Hamas. Hamas have cheated the Palestinian people who do deserve to be compsated for the Nakba and peace will only come after Hamas are destroyed. I'm quite happy to say that Israel should dismantle its settlements in the West Bank but that will never be enough for Hamas and its front groups. Nothing less than regional and then world domination will suffice - surely that reminds of similar parties of the past?

The only chance of peace is through a military victory against Hamas. I hate war as much as the next reasonable person but sometimes you have to fight. Yes I agree that Fatah isn't ideal but its a lot better than what the poor fucking Palestinians have been coerced, bribed and inveigled into voting for and supporting.

Anti Zionists -- Fuck you.

Fuck off you stinking bit of arse spurt
Youre a sick fuck
Go stand in front of a train scumbag
No Taffboy!

Not Alex Jones (prisonplanetloon infowarsrus) Is NOT acceptablefor a source.
The article probably exists elsewhere so link to the article from it's original source (as long as not conspiraloon site).

That's where I saw it first. Jones happens to be doing very well covering the attack just as he did over Georgia / Russia. Im not going to get in an argument about it. As another poster has said, AJ is highlighting the possiblity of new weapons being used. That's the sort of thing he is interested in and it is highly relevant. I have my issues with him as a journalist and certainly politically. But Im not petty enough to think that if he says 2 and 2 is 4 I have to reach for a calculator to check.

ETA: Given that the mainstream press are generally highly biased and propaganda addled perhaps you could compile a list of acceptable sources?
For every member of Hamas you kill, you create more willing members. Average age in the territories is 17 Zachor, seventeen years of living in the territories. Those you do not kill, or turn against you you turn into cowed people fearing the massive weight of the Israeli military machine every time they get their arses handed to them on a plate in conflict with every nation surrounding them.

I wonder what it's like to be that powerful and have a human punching bag to take your frustrations out on every time you don't get your way by stamping your feet and holding your breath?

Then after Hamas are no more rebuild Gaza. Lance the boil of hatred.
Then after Hamas are no more rebuild Gaza. Lance the boil of hatred.

Oh god if I ever wanted to wheel out Godwins that is it. Let us purge the people of the evil amongst them, let us strike down all those who oppose us, let us at this time make it clear that we will not be fucked with.

Hamas will be no more when Palestine will be no more.
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