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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

The Palestinian people have been let down by everyone in turn and last of all their own representitives. But the real crime is that the Israeli people have allowed a bunch of fascists who will seemingly stop at nothing short of the gradual extinction of the Palestinian people, as they turn their home into a concentration camp, in all but name.

To top it off some people defending Israel honestly believe that the the Palestinians are in a position to detroy Israel! A few rockets vs. billions of $'s worth of fighter planes, tanks and the complicit backing of the international community.

Barbarism writ large.
Of course Palestinians have the right to defend themselves, but Hamas would help their people immensely if they recognized Israels right to exist. I believe suicide bombing is illegal under international law as well.

HAMAS' presence provides an excuse for incursions by the IDF. If they weren't present in Gaza some other excuse would be used for such attacks, as they were previously.
i think UN imposed sanctions are the best answer - like i said, as long as they do not affect essential medical supplies. i have thought this for quite a while, i wish i didn't but i honestly think it's the only way to get them to see any reason :(
wait and see though - while nothing happens. :mad:


Anyone know how much power this guy has?

Nowhere near enough power to put a stop to the slaughter, and any sanctions proposal will be (as it always is) vetoed by the USA.
The Palestinian people have been let down by everyone in turn and last of all their own representitives. But the real crime is that the Israeli people have allowed a bunch of fascists who will seemingly stop at nothing short of the gradual extinction of the Palestinian people, as they turn their home into a concentration camp, in all but name.

To top it off some people defending Israel honestly believe that the the Palestinians are in a position to detroy Israel! A few rockets vs. billions of $'s worth of fighter planes, tanks and the complicit backing of the international community.

Barbarism writ large.

A barbarism all the worse when you understand that said "rockets" are usually home-made from containers that once held pressurised gas, with impromptu fins welded on, and a payload of a few kilos of explosive, with no guidance system except the launcher's grasp of trigonometry, and an even chance of failing to reach the target or failing to launch.
Anyone know how much power this guy has?
None in this sphere, I'm afraid.

However as the balance of power shifts eastwards, if Russia starts becoming more involved with Syria and China with Iran/Syria etc then things will change, slowly.

I boycott as many of their products as I can...I make my feelings clear to any of their supporters and I make sure that anyone interested has a more widespread knowledge of what's happening than is generally reported. Although to be fair most people I know are already acquainted with the genocide going on.
yep :(

israel must be becoming more of a liability to the US government by the day tho, surely?

Depends what you mean by "government", doesn't it?
Will those members of Congress who've received campaign funds from pro-Zionist interests (including the Christian right) see the state of Israel's behaviour as a "liability"? Probably not. They'll see it as just another incident that can be finessed with a dose of good PR.
Will the current president and his entourage see the state of Israel as a liability? No, they'll see it as a geo-strategic necessity to their plans, and so, I suspect, will the president-elect.
what i dont understand is WHY the US continue to support the state of israel financially and politically with the economy as it is?

the time for that support must be drawing to a close, surely?
Depends what you mean by "government", doesn't it?
Will those members of Congress who've received campaign funds from pro-Zionist interests (including the Christian right) see the state of Israel's behaviour as a "liability"? Probably not. They'll see it as just another incident that can be finessed with a dose of good PR.
Will the current president and his entourage see the state of Israel as a liability? No, they'll see it as a geo-strategic necessity to their plans, and so, I suspect, will the president-elect.

but the american policies in the middle east have been a fucking disaster, both in terms of the fact that american troops are now embroiled in a bloody conflict and also because it has been partially responsible for ruining the economy.

i can't believe that the american leaders, purely in terms of self-interest, would see the continuation of neoconservative policies, including supporting every action the state of israel does, as a good thing?
but the american policies in the middle east have been a fucking disaster, both in terms of the fact that american troops are now embroiled in a bloody conflict and also because it has been partially responsible for ruining the economy.

Profits have soared for gilad and haliburton though, not to mention the oil companies and the military-industrial complex. That'll make nice retirement gifts for war criminals. The human cost doesn't matter, capitalism's all about the bottom line.

i can't believe that the american leaders, purely in terms of self-interest, would see the continuation of neoconservative policies, including supporting every action the state of israel does, as a good thing?

Obama will ditch all the neo-con bollox but the geo-political strategic interest of protecting the regional super power and bulwark against Arab nationalism will remain.
that cant be the only reason tho...i mean even turkey is now condemning this, one of the major US/Israeli allies!
Well there's also a possibility that it's about keeping a nuclear attack dog next to the oilfields.

But they're still scum.
Obama will ditch all the neo-con bollox but the geo-political strategic interest of protecting the regional super power and bulwark against Arab nationalism will remain.

Yep that sounds about right.

Still as one of Obama's tasks is to improve US credibility around the world, they might make Israel show restraint in certain situations. The timing of the latest dreadful attacks seems to be about Israeli politics with an election coming up, but Obama could be a factor too, get the dirty business out of the way before he takes office. Not necessarily because he would stop them doing it, but he might complain that it made him look bad.
Israel Mounts publicity campaign to blame hamas

Hamas has a legitimate right to resist occupation and oppression under the jackboots of zionism.

The Jewish State has no right as the occupiers and oppressors. End OF


Israel has mounted a public relations campaign to convince international hearts and minds that Hamas is to blame for the death and destruction they are seeing on their television screens.

Stung by the wave of international criticism earlier this year when Israel invaded Gaza to stop militants firing rockets, in an operation dwarfed by its current attack, Israel decided to go on the offensive.

"In the past our prime minister received phone calls from high-ranking officials and politicians. When he said, 'Surely you understand about the rocket fire', they said, 'What are you talking about?'" foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.

So, while the military marshalled its forces, the foreign ministry honed its message and amassed its staff, ready for Saturday's attack.

Israeli diplomats were recalled from holidays and ordered back to work and in the rocket-bombarded southern Israeli town of Sderot, on Gaza's northern perimeter, it opened a multilingual media centre to brief foreign journalists.

Then when the time came, the foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, reportedly picked up the phone, dialing Britain's foreign secretary, David Miliband, US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, UN secretary general Ban Ki-Moon, and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana along with the foreign ministers of Russia, China, France and Germany.

Yesterday she also briefed two buses of up to 80 international representatives and dignitaries in the Sderot media centre.

"We thought it was essential to show the context in which Israel's decisions are being made and that there is a sequence of events," Palmor said.

For Israel, the chain of events leading up to this attack begins not with its occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, which is the Palestinian view.

Instead it begins three years ago with its decision to withdraw its military barracks and civilian settlements from inside Gaza.

"We could start in 1948 [with the partitioning of historical Palestine to create Israel] but if we want to limit ourselves to the current situation, I would begin with the pull-out of 2005," Palmor said.

Palestinian militants claimed the evacuation was a victory due to their rocket-launching campaign and continued firing rockets on to Israeli southern towns.

Having built a wall around Gaza before disengagement, Israel then imposed a progressively tighter blockade, by barring Gazan labourers from entering Israel in late 2005, then by banning Gazan commercial trade in 2006 and finally in mid-2007 by squeezing humanitarian aid.

Asked whether the campaign was working, Palmor said it was too early to tell.

Still, as the attack was beginning yesterday on , the message, whether due to Israel's campaign or not, was being publicly repeated around the world.

Rice blamed Hamas "for breaking the cease-fire and for the renewal of violence" while the Palestinian Authorityís President, Mahmoud Abbas, said the attack could have been avoided.

"We have warned of this grave danger and said that we should remove all the pretexts used by Israel," Abbas said yesterday as the attack on Gaza continued.
Well there's also a possibility that it's about keeping a nuclear attack dog next to the oilfields.

But they're still scum.

This is pretty much it, the west hopes to be able to have a jewish population in the heart of oil land.

However the colonizers are as rejected as the american invaders. And this policy has made Britain a pariah state amongst many nations.

When are our politicians going to realise this is a failed policy, and is hurting Britain.

I suspect only when the people demand the dismantling of the friends of Labour and the friends of Conservative that sit in our Parliment whispering in their ears like wormtongue


:D Very nice.
Almost 300 palestinians have been killed according to al-jazeera.

I dont understand Egypt's role in this.
haaretz said:
At least 300 Egyptian border guards have been rushed to the area to reseal the border, the official added on condition on anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

A resident of the Gaza Strip side of the border, Fida Kishta, said that Egyptian border guards opened fire to drive back the Palestinians. Residents have also commandeered a bulldozer to open new breaches.

is it simply because they want to prevent an influx of refugees, or keep israel at bay? they seem to care more about not upsetting israel than helping the palestinians ...
anyone who is fully aware of the facts and **SUPPORTS** Israeli actions after this is a fucking cunt.

he always used to be a decent guy. come on mate where the fuck is you're humanity?
I don't know why he bothers. The abuse presented to anyone who might take an even slightly different view, as seen in diego's charming remark, together with your collective tolerance of warey74 who seems to me to be a visitor from the BNP, makes me think that this is simply a sandbox for people to indulge in a bout of mutual sneering. This is not a place for debate, that's for sure!
I don't know why he bothers. The abuse presented to anyone who might take an even slightly different view, as seen in diego's charming remark, together with your collective tolerance of warey74 who seems to me to be a visitor from the BNP, makes me think that this is simply a sandbox for people to indulge in a bout of mutual sneering. This is not a place for debate, that's for sure!

This is pretty much it, the west hopes to be able to have a jewish population in the heart of oil land.

However the colonizers are as rejected as the american invaders. And this policy has made Britain a pariah state amongst many nations.

When are our politicians going to realise this is a failed policy, and is hurting Britain.

I suspect only when the people demand the dismantling of the friends of Labour and the friends of Conservative that sit in our Parliment whispering in their ears like wormtongue

like wormtongue, lol. fuck off.
I'm not sure how you managed to make a post with just a sarcastic smiley, but do you have an opinion you could put in words?

I just read what I wrote - when I used the word "you", I meant the plural and collective "you," not you personally, frogwoman!
I dont understand Egypt's role in this.
is it simply because they want to prevent an influx of refugees, or keep israel at bay? they seem to care more about not upsetting israel than helping the palestinians ...

They dont want to upset the Israeli's. I'm sure there's no coincidence that the Bitch Zipi Livni was in Egypt just a day before, probably told Hosni that she'd give him a blowjob if he let Israel attack Gaza and they dont help the Palestinians. After all the Israelis are notorious for using their women as whores to weaken the enemy (thinking of Mossad in particular).

The arab govt's are all puppets to the Zionist agenda via the US proxy. They will not do anything against Israel but everything against true muslims in order to keep them away from positions of influence in this region and globally. This is what the West in particular the likes of UK/US are scared of, something like the establishment of a caliphate which would unite the muslims and pose a threat to the Zionist aim of Global domination.
They dont want to upset the Israeli's. I'm sure there's no coincidence that the Bitch Zipi Livni was in Egypt just a day before, probably told Hosni that she'd give him a blowjob if he let Israel attack Gaza and they dont help the Palestinians. After all the Israelis are notorious for using their women as whores to weaken the enemy (thinking of Mossad in particular).

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