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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

With how much power will the Jews be satisfied? According to Hamas, “Zionist scheming has no end, and after Palestine they will covet expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates. Only when they have completed digesting the area on which they will have laid their hand, they will look forward to more expansion, etc. Their scheme has been laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” (Article 32)

Despite Hamas’ pro-forma statement that “humane” Hamas will tolerate Jews and Christians only under the impossible condition that they live under Islamic fundamentalist domination (Article 31), the genocidal logic of Hamas’ foundational document is explicit: “Hamas has been looking forward to [implementing] Allah’s promise whatever time it might take. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree.” (Article 7)

Between Plestine and Israel it's only the state of Israel that has spent many millions of dollars, in a joint endeavour with apartheid South Africa, on research toward creating an ethnically-specific weapon (part of the "Project Coast" operation).

Aye, another inglorious moment in the history of Israel. If anyone ever doubted the state's desire for ethnic purity, they need look no further. :(
Imagine if a territory or country next to the United States, Germany, France or Britain were governed by a political party that had repeatedly terrorized and murdered citizens of its neighbor, and had issued a governing charter about Americans, Germans, French or Britons that described the people of that country as Hamas describes Jews – calling not only for that country’s destruction but also for the mass murder of its people.

Seldom in the modern world has a political party enshrined such hallucinatory hatred and overt murderousness against another people in its constitution, and more seldom still has such a party taken power. The Nazi Party Program of 1920 also contained much anti-Semitism, but compared to Hamas’ charter, its demonology and prescriptions were tame. Given the extreme political costs of such speech, governments, political parties and political leaders rarely speak the language of annihilation openly. So when they do, we should take them at their word. The last 100 years have shown that those expressing murderous dreams, like Hitler, mean it.

the british did terrible things in northern ireland, but i cant remember them ever bulldozing homes during the post war period, or building settlements or controlling most of the northern ireland's water? i can't remember them using weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations - and this is not to excuse anything they did!

i can't remember them putting southern ireland under a massive siege?

Not in the North, but certainly in the south during the War of Independence, when the notorious Black & Tans used every dirty trick in the book to even the odds for the British...which included house-burning.
Johnny Canuck2, why do you keep quoting the same opinion article? :confused:

It's an old trick of his. Spam out the thread to drown opinions he can't argue against effectively. He used to do it with pictures and song lyrics until the mods put a stop to it.
It's an old trick of his. Spam out the thread to drown opinions he can't argue against effectively. He used to do it with pictures and song lyrics until the mods put a stop to it.

The thread's 950 posts long. I don't think a half dozen or so posts from me will 'spam it out'. :D

Btw, these aren't pictures or song lyrics. They're quotes from the Hamas Charter.

In the midst of all the anti israeli invective being spewed here, I think it makes sense to keep in mind exactly who it is that the israelis are dealing with.

The Hamas Charter lays that out clearly and effectively, in their own words.
Originally Posted by Johnny Canuck2 View Post
That belong in the propaganda thread.

From JC2's link:

But an examination of the charter (available at www.palestinecenter.org/cpap/documents/charter.html) reveals that Hamas, also known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, is not just dedicated (however wrongly or murderously) to the destruction of Israel. It shows Hamas to be governed by a Nazi-like genocidal orientation to Jews in general.

Is it just me that can't view the link in bold, nor the www.palestinecenter.org site itself? All I am getting is a 'file not found' message from both. :confused:
In the midst of all the anti israeli invective being spewed here, I think it makes sense to keep in mind exactly who it is that the israelis are dealing with.
IE, Gazans, refugees driven from nearby cities and villages, woman and children, young people, people's mothers and fathers. Dying in their hundreds, with more than 2,000 wounded. Every cry of anguish and tear strengthening their resolve to redress the situation that made them REFUGEES

Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept

Gaza: The death and life of my father

Israel won't solve anything with this brutal war as long as the fundamental issue that makes these people refugees exists.
They can't leave. It's a cauldron, surrounded on all sides by the IDF. And there are those who bleat about comparisons with WW2 ghettoes . . .

Then these strikes are not surgical. How can it be surgical?

A man, a Palestinian man, whose parents fled to Gaza from Ashkelon as refugee in 1948 and bought some land in 1960, only to have it taken away and taken over by Israeli settlers until withdrawal in 2005, is murdered in his house by direct hit from F16 attack. It is safe to assume that Israeli military know about this farmhouse/land and it's history.


My father, Akrem al-Ghoul, was no militant. Born in Gaza and educated in Egypt, he was a lawyer and a judge who worked for the Palestinian Authority. After Hamas took over, he quit and turned to agriculture. Dad's father, Fares, who had been driven out of his home in what is now Israeli Ashkelon in 1948, had bought the land in the 1960s.

During the second intifada and until the Israelis withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the farm was taken over by Israeli settlers, but after 2005 we went there every holiday. In Gaza, the only escape is the beach or, if you are lucky enough, the farmland. My father hated what Hamas was doing to Gaza's legal system, introducing Islamist justice, and he completely opposed violence. He would have worked hard for a just settlement with Israel and a better future for Palestinians. When the PA gained control over the West Bank, he moved to Ramallah to help establish the courts there.
IE, Gazans, refugees driven from nearby cities and villages, woman and children, young people, people's mothers and fathers. Dying in their hundreds, with more than 2,000 wounded. Every cry of anguish and tear strengthening their resolve to redress the situation that made them REFUGEES.

...and their elected representatives, who have elected to fire rockets into Israel from the territory of Gaza, thus exposing those women, children, young people, mothers, fathers, to exactly what has happened.

Perhaps Hamas views this as a stratagem in the war of propaganda, but it's unfortunate that they are prepared to see so much Palestininian blood spilled, in order to fill their inkwells for the writing of that propaganda.
...and their elected representatives, who have elected to fire rockets into Israel from the territory of Gaza, thus exposing those women, children, young people, mothers, fathers, to exactly what has happened.
When did Hamas Brigades begin firing rockets (i.e. when did they declare their ceasefire was over?)

We'd like an accurate answer from you JC2 (and anyone else who care to research this).
...and their elected representatives, who have elected to fire rockets into Israel from the territory of Gaza, thus exposing those women, children, young people, mothers, fathers, to exactly what has happened.

Perhaps Hamas views this as a stratagem in the war of propaganda, but it's unfortunate that they are prepared to see so much Palestininian blood spilled, in order to fill their inkwells for the writing of that propaganda.

Ah, the old "7/7 was entirely justified" style of argument, so popular with terrorists these days.
...and their elected representatives, who have elected to fire rockets into Israel from the territory of Gaza, thus exposing those women, children, young people, mothers, fathers, to exactly what has happened.

Perhaps Hamas views this as a stratagem in the war of propaganda, but it's unfortunate that they are prepared to see so much Palestininian blood spilled, in order to fill their inkwells for the writing of that propaganda.

Gaza is a population of refugees. The rockets are a response to being ethnically cleansed, to the blockade, to Israeli air raids and targetted assassinations. Only Israel can right the wrongs it committed and commits. The Gazans are effectively powerless


'"We are ready to die; that is the price of our freedom." He says that the Palestinians are left with no other choice but to fight the Israelis with weapons. "Either we resist, or they treat us like slaves." He has thought about who is hit by his rockets. "If we kill soldiers, then we are more than happy," he says. "If it hits a child, then naturally we are not happy."'
Gaza is a population of refugees. The rockets are a response to being ethnically cleansed, to the blockade, to Israeli air raids and targetted assassinations. '

I see. The road to reparation, to compromise, to agreement, is to launch rockets into the territory of the adversary, thus inflaming fear and anger amongst the population there.
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