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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Quite a few rotten governments & gov officials gained power through elections.....Bush, Blair, Akmadinajad,.......and good ole' Adolph of course (not that I'm saying they're all the same).
It's notable you ignore the point that Gazans are mostly refugees from ethnic cleansing
News of war crimes from Hamas.


Cowardly Hamas fascists cannot face the Israeli military face to face but hide in hospitals posing as doctors in order to save their own sorry arses thereby endangering genuine civilian patients.

Hamas are scum. If it acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist, smells like a fascist then it is a fucking fascist. Its a fucking shame that the liberal left especially in the UK cannot recognise that Hamas is a fascist organisation and its disgusting to see UK Lefts marching alongside Hamas supporters.

Repeat the mantra a thousand times, it'll make you feel better

Ah, Shin Bet, unbiased then?
You are an arse
News of war crimes from Hamas.


Cowardly Hamas fascists cannot face the Israeli military face to face but hide in hospitals posing as doctors in order to save their own sorry arses thereby endangering genuine civilian patients.

Hamas are scum. If it acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist, smells like a fascist then it is a fucking fascist. Its a fucking shame that the liberal left especially in the UK cannot recognise that Hamas is a fascist organisation and its disgusting to see UK Lefts marching alongside Hamas supporters.

First I think it's clear that I'm a fucking long way from a liberal lefty and it would have to be a fucking cold day in hell before I end up like that but....

Your post is a bit out of order. I disagree with the way Hamas works as I don't think that the Palestinian people will ever benefit from their style of government but I share their point of view that the Israeli side are a bunch of murdering cunts.
Given the way that Israel has treated the people who's land it stole it's not shocking me that the Palestinian people are past giving a shit and just want to see Israel dumped in the dustbin of history.

The more I see of what the bastard Israeli military are doing the more I agree that something drastic needs to happen.
Sorry i don't have an answer as to what but not half as sorry as the poor sods in the strip are.

As for the "acts like a fascist" line. Check out the way the Israeli government treats the Palestinians and see if the cap fits. :)
In Boston, about 1500 people took to the streets to protest the US/Israeli Genocide in Gaza. Chanting “Free, Free Palestine”, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will Free”

from another blog, Surely, that slogan, which is used freely on all the protests, means an end to Israel, is that what many supporters of the Umma and and the far left want? as for the global demos, many seem to have a religious overtone, supporting the Umma as much as for humanitarian values, will the same people be protesting if for instance, Venezuela was invaded by the U.S.
from another blog, Surely, that slogan, which is used freely on all the protests, means an end to Israel, is that what many supporters of the Umma and and the far left want? as for the global demos, many seem to have a religious overtone, supporting the Umma as much as for humanitarian values, will the same people be protesting if for instance, Venezuela was invaded by the U.S.
Why do you hate the idea of a state with equal rights?
Have you ever been to Gloucester?

Have you read anything he has posted?

I grew up in Gloucester and my family still live there. While I'm not particularly fond of the place, it's complete bollocks to write off an entire city's population as "knuckle draggers".

I can't say I'm familiar with denniseagles' posts, no.
IDF tell more lies in order to justify bombing anything they want to - that is truely shocking news. :rolleyes:

No I'm cheering on the army of a democratic country ...
Do we have to go over the whole democracy thing again ?

Sadly in any conflict there will be civilian casualties. At least the Israelis are not deliberately targetting civilians unlike the policy of hamas.

Bullshit - if you read the article you will see they did deliberately target a civilian farm which had no connection to Hamas. Israel's lies are slowly unraveling.

You just implied that because Israel has conscription and as a result of a multitude of attacks is a society where the military are a visible part of society then attacks against Israeli civilians are justified. If I've read this comment wrong then I will accept correction on it.

It's the same logic the Israelis are using, saying anything even vagely associated with Hamas (or not) is a valid target.

It happens to be a logic I disagree with.
You're a fucking idiot. Do you think Hamas has DNA-guided rockets that specifically take out Jews?

Between Plestine and Israel it's only the state of Israel that has spent many millions of dollars, in a joint endeavour with apartheid South Africa, on research toward creating an ethnically-specific weapon (part of the "Project Coast" operation).
from another blog, Surely, that slogan, which is used freely on all the protests, means an end to Israel, is that what many supporters of the Umma and and the far left want? as for the global demos, many seem to have a religious overtone, supporting the Umma as much as for humanitarian values, will the same people be protesting if for instance, Venezuela was invaded by the U.S.

Given that the West Bank enclave is on the...you guessed it...West Bank of the Jordan, and that the Gaza strip abuts...you guessed it, a sea, the slogan could as easily (and far more likely) mean "freedom for Gaza and the West Bank".

Try a bit harder before falling back on your knee-jerk anti-Islamism, please.
You have the luck to live in a country that has never beem bombed JC
Were I live there are STILL gaps in the houses where Lutwaffe bombs killed people
I had Christmas dinner (this Christams and the last 3) with a 92 year old lady who has lived there all her life. To her that night 1942 is still vivid, the death of her Auntie and her best friend still a wound that aches
The life of few peole on the other side of the planet may not bother you much but to glibly pass it off as nothing only highlights that you are safe and cannot understand what it could be like

Your country lived through the IRA bombings as well.
Utter utter bullshit

You believe this despite being repeatedly shown the written evidence of Zionist plans at the highest level to expel Arabs from Palestin.

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with. As in said in the honourable Hadith:

"The people of Syria are Allah's lash in His land. He wreaks His vengeance through them against whomsoever He wishes among His slaves It is unthinkable that those who are double-faced among them should prosper over the faithful. They will certainly die out of grief and desperation."

Bombings which, averaged out over the duration of "the troubles", constituted just under 2 bombings per year on the mainland, IIRC.

I'm comparing the IRA bombings to the missile attacks on Israel launched by Hamas from Gaza.

Not a huge quantity by war standards, but enough to create widespread fear, and cause a general disruption of public life.
I'm comparing the IRA bombings to the missile attacks on Israel launched by Hamas from Gaza.

Not a huge quantity by war standards, but enough to create widespread fear, and cause a general disruption of public life.

Even then they're not comparable in scale. The IRA's bombs caused far greater problems because they were mostly targeted at Urban centres, and were manually positioned for maximum effect, whereas the Qassams are targeted in the general direction of rural towns, with minimal effect (as evidenced by the extremely low death and injury toll they've taken).
I'm comparing the IRA bombings to the missile attacks on Israel launched by Hamas from Gaza.

Not a huge quantity by war standards, but enough to create widespread fear, and cause a general disruption of public life.

It'd be interesting to compare the proportionality of the UK response to what Israel is presently doing in Gaza then wouldn't it?

Certainly there were quite a number of human rights violations, some wrongful imprisonments and arguable state murders in response, but I must admit I don't recall the UK bombing the shit out of the civilians of West Belfast at any time.
Having been blown out of my chair, blown onto my back on another ocaission and having to tear my shirt up to try to bandage a woman hit by flying glass - closing time on a Friday night in the City when they managed to top some kids in a car and blow the Baltic Exchange to dust - my only thought was "Fuck you lot" - didn't make me feel one iota of understanding for the "cause"
As a country we went down the talking route, and are much better for it
Certainly there were quite a number of human rights violations, some wrongful imprisonments and arguable state murders in response, but I must admit I don't recall the UK bombing the shit out of the civilians of West Belfast at any time.

I imagine the results of such a bombing would have only attracted more civilians to the IRA leading to far more attacks in mainland Britain and an overall escalation of violence in the following years. The Israeli government obviously want their people to be blown up a lot more in the future.

Anyway, how come Hamas have only managed to kill one Israeli soldier? I thought they'd been planning for this for a while. Wiping out a few hundred soldiers might turn the tide of opinion in Israel against the invasion.
Given that the West Bank enclave is on the...you guessed it...West Bank of the Jordan, and that the Gaza strip abuts...you guessed it, a sea, the slogan could as easily (and far more likely) mean "freedom for Gaza and the West Bank".

Try a bit harder before falling back on your knee-jerk anti-Islamism, please.

sorry but that is just plain wrong .. that slogan is about the end of israel from jordan to med .. why deny that many ( most nowadays?) arabs/ palestinians, for right or wrong,want to see israel destroyed? .. arafat said it, hamas says, it, qassam said it .. it is one of the chicken and the egg explanations for israel's violent behaviour .. unless you believe this was all planned from start to finish
Even then they're not comparable in scale. The IRA's bombs caused far greater problems because they were mostly targeted at Urban centres, and were manually positioned for maximum effect, whereas the Qassams are targeted in the general direction of rural towns, with minimal effect (as evidenced by the extremely low death and injury toll they've taken).
though previously their suicide bombs have killed hundreds .. IF hamas had bunker breakers do you think they would not use them?
I imagine the results of such a bombing would have only attracted more civilians to the IRA leading to far more attacks in mainland Britain and an overall escalation of violence in the following years. The Israeli government obviously want their people to be blown up a lot more in the future.

To say nothing of an outpouring of grief and fury from our friends over the other side of the pond, who most definately did not provide most of the IRA's funding in order to blow up / shoot / abduct soldiers, kids, working men and mothers. After all, they hate terrorism with a severe and unyielding (cont p94)

durruti02 said:
though previously their suicide bombs have killed hundreds .. IF hamas had bunker breakers do you think they would not use them?

I am sure they would have, and in the circumstances most peoples and especially most states would do the same.
I am sure they would have, and in the circumstances most peoples and especially most states would do the same.
yes which is why i argue the solution to all this shit is to oppose nationalism and not specifically israel ( though who must be attacked politically in the immediate )
As a country we went down the talking route, and are much better for it

If it was at all possible that the talking route would be effective against Hamas then I would be not only supportive to this action but would be the first to promote it. I felt that the huge step in talking openly to Sinn Fein was a big move forward. However this approached only worked becasue SF were ready to be talked to and were at heart mostly reasonable people with political nous.

With Hamas we have not a political movement but a religiously motivated, fascistic death cult and it would be difficult if not impossible to actually talk to let alone have faith that they will not rip up any agreement made between them and Israel or others.

SF wanted to talk they could see value in them talking. Hamas see no value in talking or compromise. They are blinded by their hatred of Jews and Israel and any quarter given to them would be seen as a weakness to be exploited not a genuine move for peace on behalf of the Israelis.

Sadly I've had to come to the conclusion that Hamas are the 'mad dogs' of the groups that operate in the Palestinian world and the only way you deal with a mad dog is with a bullet lest its infection spread.
Extremely convenient belief that Zach, pity it has very little to do with reality. Having a bit of cognitive dissonance are we?

Hamas supports the united Palestinian position calling for the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, including Jerusalem, and the right of return for refugees, Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshal told the Palestinian daily Al-Ayam.

In a special interview with Wednesday's edition of the paper, Meshal said the Palestinian position had received a vote of consensus during the national accords of 2006 and that this position is considered acceptable to the Arab world at large.

Meshal was asked about the claims by Israel and the United States that Hamas is seeking to destroy Israel. He said Hamas has committed itself to a political plan, which it follows, and called on the Americans, the Europeans and other international entities to conduct themselves in accordance with this political truth, and to judge Hamas based on its political plan, not based on what people may imagine.
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