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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

I wonder how many more Gazan children have been murdered by the IDF...
Probably zero. Accidentally killed....too many.

Wonder how many more Hamas the IDF has killed......not enough probably.

Wonder how many more Israeli Jews Hamas would kill if they got the chance......approx 5 million I imagine.
Probably zero. Accidentally killed....too many.

Wonder how many more Hamas the IDF has killed......not enough probably.

Wonder how many more Israeli Jews Hamas would kill if they got the chance......approx 5 million I imagine.

"Probably zero"? You don't pay attention to the news, do you? Are you only concerned about "Israeli Jews"? What about the other Israelis? Not deserving of life, are they?

This is all about "killing Hamas" for you and others who style themselves as "liberals" in the US. The word "liberal" seems so meaningless when it's used by you.
500 Gazans dead, according to The Morning Star (now online :cool:)

Photojournalist Sameh Habeeb reported from inside the terrorised Palestinian territory that the Israeli occupiers were using artillery cluster shells, which burst in the air and scatter bomblets indiscriminately, for the first time.

By morning, the Israeli army had penetrated deep into the north of the tiny enclave, which is home to 1.5 million people and one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and had cut off Gaza City.

I think Hamas would spare Israeli Arabs. It's the Jews they're after.

You're a fucking idiot. Do you think Hamas has DNA-guided rockets that specifically take out Jews? You also forget the indigenous Jews of Palestine who lived there long before the arrival of Euro settlers, who were regarded as "backward"by the sophisticated Europeans.

Btw, the so-called "Israeli-Arabs" are Palestinian; they consider themselves to be Palestinian.
News of war crimes from Hamas.


Cowardly Hamas fascists cannot face the Israeli military face to face but hide in hospitals posing as doctors in order to save their own sorry arses thereby endangering genuine civilian patients.

Hamas are scum. If it acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist, smells like a fascist then it is a fucking fascist. Its a fucking shame that the liberal left especially in the UK cannot recognise that Hamas is a fascist organisation and its disgusting to see UK Lefts marching alongside Hamas supporters.
You're a fucking idiot. Do you think Hamas has DNA-guided rockets that specifically take out Jews? You also forget the indigenous Jews of Palestine who lived there long before the arrival of Euro settlers, who were regarded as "backward"by the sophisticated Europeans.

Btw, the so-called "Israeli-Arabs" are Palestinian; they consider themselves to be Palestinian.

I think your beating your head against a brick wall there mate
Israel has cleverly subverted the language by its NewSpeak so its hard to get even a common tongue
Terrorist - Those who oppose us
Iranian front - Those who oppose us
If it acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist, smells like a fascist then it is a fucking fascist. Its a fucking shame that the liberal left especially in the UK cannot recognise that Hamas is a fascist organisation and its disgusting to see UK Lefts marching alongside Hamas supporters.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The nearest thing to a fascist I get wind of a on a daily basis is you with your cheerleading for the murder of hundreds of people simply because they're the wrong ethnic group
the indigenous Jews of Palestine who lived there long before the arrival of Euro settlers, who were regarded as "backward"by the sophisticated Europeans.

The Palestinian Jews refused to join the "Jewish Agency" when it was the organisation set up by the British to represent the Zionists.

In 1945/6/7 the Palestinian Jews on Jerusalem City Council sat with the Christians and Moslems, in opposition to the Zionists.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The nearest thing to a fascist I get wind of a on a daily basis is you with your cheerleading for the murder of hundreds of people simply because they're the wrong ethnic group

No I'm cheering on the army of a democratic country who is doing its best to rid the enclave of Gaza of the cancer of the Hamas fascists. Its a fucking shame that Hamas have by their own actions put the ordinary people of Gaza in harms way deliberately by actions such as hiding in hospitals and putting groups of children onto the rooves of buildings where there are rocket launchers. I'm sorry but I cannot support fascists who do that. If I was there I'd be fighting against Hamas not because I want to but because I know that you can't negotiate with fash you can only contain them and occasionally you have to kill them.
"The house was reduced to little more than powder, and of Dad there was nothing much left either. "Just a pile of flesh," my uncle, who found him in the rubble, said later with brutal honesty."

Good work, Zachor!

Sadly in any conflict there will be civilian casualties. At least the Israelis are not deliberately targetting civilians unlike the policy of hamas.
No I'm cheering on the army of a democratic country who is doing its best to rid the enclave of Gaza of the cancer of the Hamas fascists. Its a fucking shame that Hamas have by their own actions put the ordinary people of Gaza in harms way deliberately by actions such as hiding in hospitals and putting groups of children onto the rooves of buildings where there are rocket launchers. I'm sorry but I cannot support fascists who do that. If I was there I'd be fighting against Hamas not because I want to but because I know that you can't negotiate with fash you can only contain them and occasionally you have to kill them.
You're 180 degrees dead wrong. Hamas are the elected representatives of a people composed largely of refugees that fled from Israeli ethnic cleansing. But you know all this. You've been presented with the evidence dozens of times.

A scab at home, an ethnic cleanser abroad
Sadly in any conflict there will be civilian casualties. At least the Israelis are not deliberately targetting civilians unlike the policy of hamas.
'In any conflict', like it's a natural fucking process. It's happening becuase not enough people have stood up against the Israeli occupation. You say you're for two states. It's all bollocks. You do nothing but cheerlead death and destruction.
If Hamas had killed 500 Israeli civilians in the last couple of weeks you can bet your bottom dollar the 'international community' would have taken action.
What civilians? All Israelis serve in the IDF. It's a militarised society.

You agree with Palestinian terrorists blowing up busloads of school children or terrorists attacking a Yeshiva. Well done you've shown your true colours at last. Do you want a bag for your swastika flag or will you fly it now? :rolleyes:
You're 180 degrees dead wrong. Hamas are the elected representatives of a people composed largely of refugees that fled from Israeli ethnic cleansing. But you know all this. You've been presented with the evidence dozens of times.

A scab at home, an ethnic cleanser abroad

I've never said I'm in favour of ethnic cleansing. The actions taken at the time of the recreation of the state were as a result of attacks on Jews by Arabs. I'm not saying that they were right or the actions were right but that was the situation on the ground at the time.

Israel has a legal right to exist and therefore a legal right to defend themselves.
You agree with Palestinian terrorists blowing up busloads of school children or terrorists attacking a Yeshiva. Well done you've shown your true colours at last. Do you want a bag for your swastika flag or will you fly it now? :rolleyes:
You've got a nerve, in a week that 500 Palestinians have been killed by your heroes.
Sorry where did I say that?

Show me where I said that or retract your comment

You just implied that because Israel has conscription and as a result of a multitude of attacks is a society where the military are a visible part of society then attacks against Israeli civilians are justified. If I've read this comment wrong then I will accept correction on it.
I've never said I'm in favour of ethnic cleansing. The actions taken at the time of the recreation of the state were as a result of attacks on Jews by Arabs.
Utter utter bullshit

You believe this despite being repeatedly shown the written evidence of Zionist plans at the highest level to expel Arabs from Palestin.

I'd hate to be the empty moral shell you are.

The seeds of the idea of 'transfer of the Arabs' - Theodor Herzl, 19th century

“We must expropriate gently . . . We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country . . . Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” (p41, The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl, I, 88)

The idea takes shape - Ben Gurion in 1937

If we do not succeed in removing the Arabs from our midst. . . and transferring them to the Arab area – it will not be achievable easily (and perhaps at all) after the [Jewish] state is established . . . This thing must be done now – and the first step – perhaps the crucial [step] – is conditioning ourselves for its implementation.’ (Ben Gurion – Diary 12 July 1937)

The head of the Jewish Agency - 1940

“If the Arabs leave it, the country will become wide and spacious for us . . . The only solution is a land of Israel, at least a western land of Israel, without Arabs. There is no room here for compromises . . . There is no way but to transfer all the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer them all, save perhaps for Bethlehem, Nazareth and old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one tribe.” 20 Dec 1940. Weitz (leading member of the JA’s Transfer Committee 1937-38), My diary, II, 181

The long-held idea of expelling the Arabs is put into operation with the Zionist' militias' 'Plan Dalet' in March 1948

“You will move to State Dalet, for an operative implementation of Plan Dalet . . . the villages which you will capture, cleanse or destroy will be decided according to consultation with your advisors on Arab affairs and the intelligence officers.” Orders to Carmeli Brigade in Zvi Sinai (ed), The Carmeli Brigade in the War of Independence, p29
You just implied that because Israel has conscription and as a result of a multitude of attacks is a society where the military are a visible part of society then attacks against Israeli civilians are justified. If I've read this comment wrong then I will accept correction on it.
I am on record all over these boards as not advocating rocket attacks. I understand them as a response to ethnic cleansing and oppression but do not advocate them and certainly do not advocate suicide bombings.

Now take it back
Hamas are the elected representatives of a people composed largely of refugees that fled from Israeli ethnic cleansing.
Quite a few rotten governments & gov officials gained power through elections.....Bush, Blair, Akmadinajad,.......and good ole' Adolph of course (not that I'm saying they're all the same).
I am on record all over these boards as not advocating rocket attacks. I understand them as a response to ethnic cleansing and oppression but do not advocate them and certainly do not advocate suicide bombings.

Now take it back

Spion you said: "What civilians? All Israelis serve in the IDF. It's a militarised society. "

You can surely see why this comment looked to me like a pro terrorist comment which implied that all Israelis are legitimate targets. If I have misread this comment then I appologise and take back the comment I made.
Utter utter bullshit

You believe this despite being repeatedly shown the written evidence of Zionist plans at the highest level to expel Arabs from Palestin.

I'd hate to be the empty moral shell you are.

The seeds of the idea of 'transfer of the Arabs' - Theodor Herzl, 19th century

“We must expropriate gently . . . We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country . . . Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” (p41, The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl, I, 88)

The idea takes shape - Ben Gurion in 1937

If we do not succeed in removing the Arabs from our midst. . . and transferring them to the Arab area – it will not be achievable easily (and perhaps at all) after the [Jewish] state is established . . . This thing must be done now – and the first step – perhaps the crucial [step] – is conditioning ourselves for its implementation.’ (Ben Gurion – Diary 12 July 1937)

The head of the Jewish Agency - 1940

“If the Arabs leave it, the country will become wide and spacious for us . . . The only solution is a land of Israel, at least a western land of Israel, without Arabs. There is no room here for compromises . . . There is no way but to transfer all the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer them all, save perhaps for Bethlehem, Nazareth and old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one tribe.” 20 Dec 1940. Weitz (leading member of the JA’s Transfer Committee 1937-38), My diary, II, 181

The long-held idea of expelling the Arabs is put into operation with the Zionist' militias' 'Plan Dalet' in March 1948

“You will move to State Dalet, for an operative implementation of Plan Dalet . . . the villages which you will capture, cleanse or destroy will be decided according to consultation with your advisors on Arab affairs and the intelligence officers.” Orders to Carmeli Brigade in Zvi Sinai (ed), The Carmeli Brigade in the War of Independence, p29

Yes I agree with you morally these were probably not the best courses of action to have taken in hindsight. However they were made in the context of attacks from Arabs and threats to destroy the fledgeling state of Israel.
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