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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Keith Vaz puts to rest mystery of the deleted social media accounts

Keith Vaz’s mysterious deletion of his social media accounts has sparked a frenzy of speculation, but the Labour MP has insisted he was merely refurbishing his profile page.

A spokesman for Vaz, who is a prominent media commentator, said there was no conspiracy behind the deletion of his Twitter account. The MP was away in India while followers hypothesised about his whereabouts and wellbeing.

“The account is being refurbished with new pictures and a profile for example, but we’ve created a new account in the meantime, and we’re trying to get Twitter to verify that,” the spokesman said. The new account has tweeted several times this morning.
Not understanding this at all unless the point is that Vaz himself soehow now under suspicion??
Could it just be that he is going for the position of Speaker of the House, would that be a reason to delete those accounts?
Is this inquiry going to be streamed over the internet? (the public bits?)

Too early to answer that question. We are talking about at least 12 investigations as part of the inquiry, most of which they anticipate will cumulate in public hearings. They are very much still in the stage of setting everything up, and getting the detail of procedures laid out.

There is already quite a lot of info scattered around their website so I might have missed something, but as far as I know this is the biggest clue we have so far as to when your question may be answerable:

3. When will the public hearings actually start?

Preliminary hearings will begin in February 2016. These hearings will consider applications from those who wish to be designated as core participants and will deal with other
procedural matters the Inquiry needs to consider. They will also provide direction on the scope, format and timescales for the main public hearings.

(from https://www.iicsa.org.uk/sites/default/files/november-2015-update-statement-faqs.pdf )

So perhaps during or shortly after these initial preliminary hearings we might learn enough about the format of the main public hearings to find out about streaming etc.

Meanwhile the latest official news from the inquiry website involves which investigations core participants are being asked to apply first:

Individuals and organisations that wish to be designated as a core participant in relation to the following investigations are being asked to submit their applications before 5 February 2016:
  • The Anglican Church
  • Lambeth Council
  • Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale
( from Applications for core participant status | IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse )

I'm sure its not totally safe to assume that these will be the first three to make it to public hearing stage, but I'll tentatively consider they might offer some guide for now.
Or as it turns out we got another indication much sooner:

The Goddard inquiry - the independent inquiry examining historical child sex abuse in England and Wales, chaired by New Zealand judge Justice Lowell Goddard - said it would resume its investigation into the allegations against Lord Janner now that the criminal case had ended.

The BBC's home affairs correspondent, Tom Symonds, says he understood the inquiry was considering televising some of the evidence sessions relating to Lord Janner.

Lord Janner: Criminal proceedings over abuse claims end - BBC News
Hatton Garden Heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser' in 1971 raid

18 JAN 2016 UPDATED 07:51, 18 JAN 2016

Hatton Gardens heist boss Brian Reader was horrified when his gang broke into a bank vault and found sickening photos of a leading politician abusing children.

But the notorious crook was shocked further when the thieves left the pictures for police to find – only for the Tory Cabinet minister’s crimes to be hushed up.
There is apparently "insufficient evidence" to charge Lord Bramall with child sexual abuse.
Lord Bramall calls for investigation into man who accused him of sex abuse

They said the same about Janner iirc.

Max Hastings (spits) defends his "friend". It's the Daily Heil, so apologies.
MAX HASTINGS: My friend Lord Bramall's ormentors MUST be punished

Since the exposure of Jimmy Savile, sex abuse allegations have been made against a range of high-profile people. Some charges are supported by credible and circumstantial evidence from a range of witnesses – for instance, those concerning former Liberal MP Cyril Smith and ex-Labour MP Lord Janner, both now dead. It is entirely right that several elderly showbusiness figures have been convicted and imprisoned for their criminal misconduct.

Amid the rightful charges, however, some malicious people or fantasists have made claims against public figures – most prominently Edward Heath, Leon Brittan and Lord Bramall – which seemed grossly implausible. Yet never did the police officers conducting the Operation Midland inquiries seem to acknowledge a duty of care towards those falsely accused, matching their responsibility to the victims of real abuse.

The second paragraph says it all "Our lot are innocent. Don't you dare touch them".
Hatton Garden Heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser' in 1971 raid

18 JAN 2016 UPDATED 07:51, 18 JAN 2016

Hatton Gardens heist boss Brian Reader was horrified when his gang broke into a bank vault and found sickening photos of a leading politician abusing children.

But the notorious crook was shocked further when the thieves left the pictures for police to find – only for the Tory Cabinet minister’s crimes to be hushed up.
Reader is awaiting sentencing, yes? How does he think mentioning this now will help?
There is apparently "insufficient evidence" to charge Lord Bramall with child sexual abuse.
Lord Bramall calls for investigation into man who accused him of sex abuse

They said the same about Janner iirc.

Max Hastings (spits) defends his "friend". It's the Daily Heil, so apologies.
MAX HASTINGS: My friend Lord Bramall's ormentors MUST be punished

The second paragraph says it all "Our lot are innocent. Don't you dare touch them".
I can't really comment on whether the police have failed in their "duty of care" to people accused of sex abuse crimes, but that Mail article smacks a little too heavily of the "What about National White Day" attitudes we see from reactionaries about race: as if there is a simple pendulum that swings between (in this case) accusers and the accused.

For far too long, any duty of care towards victims of abuse has been grossly neglected, and it is only in the last few years that it seems to me that the police have started listening properly to people claiming to have been abused in the past. I think we have made great progress in improving that, and it is not for the likes of Max Hastings to try to undermine it, no matter how obliquely, by shifting the focus to the accused, rather than the victims.

I'm not suggesting that it should be open season on anyone who someone sees fit to accuse, for whatever reason, and there will be false (either malicious or for some other reason) allegations which at the same time as being taken seriously need to be investigated carefully so as not to put those being accused too firmly in the frame. But perhaps we also need to remember that our justice system is supposed to operate by making it possible for allegations to be made, and properly tested, ultimately in open court. For that to happen, it is inevitable that allegations which are ultimately unsustainable (as many of these historic ones may turn out to be) are still able to be aired.

Lord Bramhall has been, by default, exonerated: since there is insufficient proof to try him, he must be deemed to be innocent in the eyes of the law. I imagine it has been an awful experience for him to endure these allegations and the long wait to find out what action is to be taken, but there isn't really a better way, unless we want to go back to simply ignoring victims of abuse.

Given Hastings' rather antediluvian mindset, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he falls into the set that tends to argue that there's no point raking over historical allegations, and that victims should just accept that they were silenced for too long, and have no recourse to the law. Personally, I don't much like that idea.
I wasn't at all sure why this was announced by his "close confidant" now. Perhaps...
What his actual motives for doing it are is probably open to debate, but I suspect the core intention is to be able to say "Look, I might be a bit of a rough diamond, but I'm a good guy really - look, I even struck a blow against pervs".
Seems a bit of a forlorn hope. If indeed he did see such pics and left them at the vault, it's his word against the police's no prizes for guessing how that would turn out I reckon.
yeah my head started imagining a tragic jailhouse 'suicide' before realising its all a bit tin foil. Existentialists sounds the more reasonable explanation
Insufficent to charge is a bit vauge covers everything from this is a load of codswallop to we cant prove it but he did it :hmm:
Insufficent to charge is a bit vauge covers everything from this is a load of codswallop to we cant prove it but he did it :hmm:
This is intentional. If you say there is nothing in one allegation and there is insufficient evidence relating to another allegation, it is implicit that there was something to the second allegation, which would be very unfair to the suspect since the evidence would never be tested in court.
Why has this story about Brian Reader surfaced now ? In order to make money from a tabloid. Why has it come from a 'close confidant' ? Because that is a simple way of avoiding any action under Part 7 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 that might prevent Reader from profiting from the sale of the story. Why would a tabloid buy it ? Because it combines a story about a "celebrity criminal" and one about Westminster paedophiles and thus appeals to two small but devoted fanbases who will lap up any old guff provided its appropriately branded. And it also gives the Mirror the opportunity to publish the following with an entirely straight face :
The Government of the time allegedly forced the press to stop reporting on the burglary as a matter of national security amid allegations raunchy photos of the late Princess Margaret were found in another safety deposit box in the vault.

But the latest claims, revealed to the Daily Mirror, are more disturbing and further evidence of the Establishment cover-up of powerful paedophiles.

We are not naming the politician, who has since died and was never publicly linked to allegations of child sexual abuse.

But we have passed details to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which is set to examine claims against Labour peer Lord Janner, who died before facing trial for child sexual abuse, and Lib Dem MP Cyril Smith, whose paedophilia was exposed after his death.

Inquiry chairman Judge Goddard said in November: “We will conduct an objective fact-finding inquiry into allegations of abuse by people of public prominence (...)"
Goodness how public spirited they are. *slow hand clap*.

The unanswered question as far as I am concerned is why anyone sensible would give this drivel any more credence than the equally nonsensical 'recollections' sold to the tabloids by ex-detectives. Does paedo slash-fiction produced by cunts to make money out of the abuse of others really become something other than a repellent form of pornography just because its shelved in the "tru-crime" section ?
VIP paedophile inquiry being killed off, claims Harvey Proctor

Rajeev Syal
Monday 18 January 2016 22.36 GMT

A former Conservative MP who is under investigation for child murder has accused the Metropolitan police of attempting to kill off the Westminster paedophile inquiry to protect the careers of senior officers.

Harvey Proctor made the claim after the Met’s Operation Midland – which is investigating claims that establishment figures murdered and raped boys – dropped claims of child abuse against the war hero Lord Bramall.

Steve Rodhouse, deputy chief constable of the Met, who is in charge of Operation Midland, has written to Proctor’s solicitors to say that detectives are assessing new information which could be relevant to their inquiry.

The former MP for Billericay, who denies the claims against him, said Rodhouse’s latest claim was part of a plan to kill off Operation Midland by degrees.

“This is all part of the media management of the Met as they plan how to wave the white flag over this inquiry in a way that does senior officers the least amount of damage,” he said.
VIP paedophile inquiry being killed off, claims Harvey Proctor

Rajeev Syal
Monday 18 January 2016 22.36 GMT

A former Conservative MP who is under investigation for child murder has accused the Metropolitan police of attempting to kill off the Westminster paedophile inquiry to protect the careers of senior officers.

Harvey Proctor made the claim after the Met’s Operation Midland – which is investigating claims that establishment figures murdered and raped boys – dropped claims of child abuse against the war hero Lord Bramall.

Steve Rodhouse, deputy chief constable of the Met, who is in charge of Operation Midland, has written to Proctor’s solicitors to say that detectives are assessing new information which could be relevant to their inquiry.

The former MP for Billericay, who denies the claims against him, said Rodhouse’s latest claim was part of a plan to kill off Operation Midland by degrees.

“This is all part of the media management of the Met as they plan how to wave the white flag over this inquiry in a way that does senior officers the least amount of damage,” he said.
Surely that's a brag that it's being killed off rather an accusation and a demand to keep it going?

Also seems at times like every single safe and deposit box in the 60s and 70s that was successfully broken into and the culprits later nicked at some point for something or other was stuffed full of pics of VIPs involved in child abuse.
......there's a liklihood there could have been child porn in one of those boxes...longer odds on the perp being a politician of the sort that your average London villian could identify back before you had media-saturation of politics / Parliament etc.....
......there's a liklihood there could have been child porn in one of those boxes...longer odds on the perp being a politician of the sort that your average London villian could identify back before you had media-saturation of politics / Parliament etc.....
I might be missing something important here, given that I don't know much about the proclivities of child porn consumers, but what use is smut locked in a safety deposit box?
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