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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

It's OK Leon...

6m ago16:25

May says there are two reasons by the Wanless report is not being published today. First, she wants people to be able to study it separately from today’s statement. And, second, she has asked for an assurance that it is addressing the terms of reference.

(That suggests that she has demanded some kind of rewrite.)

and now Norman Baker has resigned - putting some pressure (but not much more) on May - a Lib Dem Minister resigning isn't in the league of a Tory minister going
Also, of course, a conspiraloon over David Kelly.... but then of course happy to work for the organisation he believes murdered him. They must be very good Ministerial Cars.
Also, of course, a conspiraloon over David Kelly.... but then of course happy to work for the organisation he believes murdered him. They must be very good Ministerial Cars.
They are - only problem is that they break down 6 months before the next general election due to a build up of principles somewhere in the system.
A little treat

P.S. Keep watching till 0.25. It's worth it.
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In the 5th draft of Fiona Woolf's letter to Theresa May she makes a strange admission that I didn't see elsewhere.
In my capacity as Lord Mayor my steward has been Colin Tucker, a former solicitor from Edinburgh. In 1989 Mr Tucker was prosecuted for fraud and acquired. He was later struck off as a solicitor. In 1983 he was involved in an inquiry into an allegation of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in Scotland, conducted by WA Nimmo Smith QC and JD Friel, Regional Procurator Fiscal of North Strathclyde. The inquiry, which concerned allegations that senior figures in the Edinburgh legal fraternity, including judges, were engaged in sexual relations with under age boys, found no Evidence of wrongdoing. For the sake of completeness I attach a link to the full report and the conclusions are found at pages 106-107 of the report.(https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment data/file/2288 13/0377.pdf). I can confirm that I have never discussed this issue with Mr. Tucker and was unaware of his prior history until this matter was brought to my attention.
(what appears to be a link isn't a working link)

Neither his name of the fact that he was struck off as a solicitor appear in the published final draft of her letter. Interesting that someone with his background can pop-up as the steward to the Lord Mayor of London, friends in high places I guess as his history must have been known to his employers :hmm:
In the 5th draft of Fiona Woolf's letter to Theresa May she makes a strange admission that I didn't see elsewhere.
(what appears to be a link isn't a working link)

Neither his name of the fact that he was struck off as a solicitor appear in the published final draft of her letter. Interesting that someone with his background can pop-up as the steward to the Lord Mayor of London, friends in high places I guess as his history must have been known to his employers :hmm:

I can't vouch for this source, but this blogger does appear to have had a good old dig around Tucker....


This stuck out..
Amongst other matters, this affair demonstrates the importance that the inquiry incorporates Scotland as well (and Northern Ireland, where the Kincora Boys’ Home scandal is said to have involved intelligence operatives from the mainland).
I can't vouch for this source, but this blogger does appear to have had a good old dig around Tucker....


This stuck out..
Thanks for that, my interest was sparked by something Paul Flynn said about 2 discrepancies in her letters, the first being her relationship with the Brittan's, but he didn't really expand on the 2nd issue in his question to May about the re-drafts, so I went to look at them (they can be found here PDF).

Also the report she mentions "The inquiry into an allegation of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in Scotland" can be read here (PDF)
Seems like some new claims to keep at bay till after the election.


Note the ever present theme of apparent police reticence to investigate.

Unless I'm being dim (quite possible) this shoddy journalism leaves me confused. Who exactly questioned the Minister? And who is reporting that response?

Asked if he had been to the school, the minister only said: “Not only have I never been investigated, but there has been no allegation made and nor are there any grounds for any allegation.”

Aside from the obvious line of inquiry you have to say that the Police should be concerned about why a minister might be at the (boarding?) school in the first place, and in a position to offer an unaccompanied child a pill.:eek:
Unless I'm being dim (quite possible) this shoddy journalism leaves me confused. Who exactly questioned the Minister? And who is reporting that response?

The lawyers have clearly been at the copy. It may not have been shoddy before that.

The Mirror rang up the accused minister and asked (inter alia) "have you ever been to school X?"

We could now learn quite a lot by examining requisitions for special upholstery cleaning in the Houses of Parliament?

Mr Mann alleges that there has been systematic abuse of under-16s by MPs dating back decades which he believes has been covered up by successive governments.

“There have already been some arrests but I predict more, including so-called ‘Honourable’ Members of Parliament,” he said.

“For too long they have avoided justice with the help of expensive lawyers and PR firms.

“Unfortunately, the police must also take some responsibility.

“If they had taken the accusations as seriously as the media we would have had more arrests.

“The more information we have the more difficult it is for the perpetrators to continue to escape public accountability.

“I am passing on every alleged name to the two inquiries already under way so they cannot ignore them.”

He has already been speaking to victims of child abuse in Nottinghamshire, including at three children’s homes and over an allegation relating to Jimmy Savile.

“I have also been shown evidence of two murders in Lambeth where the victim was about to speak out,” said

“I have been given lists from many sources, most highly credible, of names of prominent people involved.

“These allegations are as mind-blowing as the list of MPs and prominent people named.

“It is a who’s who of politics.

“I have put this together, though there is a vast amount more out there.”
This is getting interesting.


One of the VIPs who sexually abused boys at an apartment complex near Parliament has been identified as a former deputy director of MI6.

The disclosure of his identity has been provided to Scotland Yard for its new investigation into historical allegations that MPs and other prominent people carried out child sex abuse at Dolphin Square.

In the 5th draft of Fiona Woolf's letter to Theresa May she makes a strange admission that I didn't see elsewhere.
(what appears to be a link isn't a working link)

Neither his name of the fact that he was struck off as a solicitor appear in the published final draft of her letter. Interesting that someone with his background can pop-up as the steward to the Lord Mayor of London, friends in high places I guess as his history must have been known to his employers :hmm:
i also wonder who acquired him and for how much
Some of those front pages about Hayman make for interesting reading...how about this effort from Lizzy Butler-Sloss's brother...

Well, that goes a long way to explaining why the secret services would assist in a cover-up: the senior people do look after their own.
David Steel was also leading the charge against Hayman being named under parliamentary privilege ( when not studiously ignoring Cyril Smith )

Lobster attempted to link him in to PIE back in the day


....coincidentaly I picked up an old copy printing his rebuttal to this in which he points out that his contact with Campbell Dunn was entirely in his capacity as a leading legit figure in the gay rights movement ....
Having looked into the matter, I can confirm that the cupboard was bare. If there was anything in the cupboard, it must have been removed from the cupboard, but I don't know anything about that. The police sometimes put things in cupboards and then taken them out, but I don't know anything about that either.
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