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how mental do you feel??

My levels of mentalness have gone through the roof again, triggered by having two weeks off work (we have to take half our annual leave before the end of August). I blithely said I was going to spend them sewing and going for long bike rides. But actually, I want to see my friends and go for little day trips, not anywhere major, quite happy pootling round London. But everything's so bloody difficult, most things are not open, there are all sorts of restrictions on what you can practically do and who you can see.

I keep feeling... ostracised. Left out of my social circle. Excluded. Which I think is mostly just my brain being a dick. And I will have to get over it. Lockdown FOMO.

Also, I think it's partly mental exhaustion. Prior to and during lockdown we kept thinking my mother was about to die. That's been going on since January (she's stable now). I kept saying I was fine in lockdown, and I was. But yes... loneliness is hard to admit to because it feels like a massive failure to admit that as a human being you cannot maintain sufficient contact with other humans to keep you happy.

There's quite a lot of people flaking out of things at the moment. That happened a few days ago. Something that should have been a fun, social start to the hols became a lone chore that prevented me doing other more enjoyable things.
I'm reverting back to feeling like I want to go off the rails again!! Fed up now; I need to be back doing something meaningful instead drinking myself in to stupidity... the early drinking is starting to creep back in again!! I went a bit silly on it last week and I'm still hanging out so it's an easy excuse to have a drink.... ease my pain kind of thing I suppose.

The child is here on Friday after not seeing for two weeks, so that should level me out a bit.
I'm reverting back to feeling like I want to go off the rails again!! Fed up now; I need to be back doing something meaningful instead drinking myself in to stupidity... the early drinking is starting to creep back in again!! I went a bit silly on it last week and I'm still hanging out so it's an easy excuse to have a drink.... ease my pain kind of thing I suppose.

The child is here on Friday after not seeing for two weeks, so that should level me out a bit.
get some decent booze in and drink that instead of muck like stella or whatnot. but only get in what you're going to have that day, so say a 4 pack. go to a specialist offie like jack's off licence on stroud green road, one with a really good selection, and get in something nice like dab or some other german lager. or a good bottle of wine or whatnot.

if you're going to drink, and i suspect you are, then you ought to have nice stuff. like it's nicer to have a steak than a mcd's.

and when things are a bit more relaxed, maybe say 'i'll only drink in pubs for a bit' because i think that'd reduce your intake to levels which are a) sustainable and b) perhaps back more where you'd like.
get some decent booze in and drink that instead of muck like stella or whatnot. but only get in what you're going to have that day, so say a 4 pack. go to a specialist offie like jack's off licence on stroud green road, one with a really good selection, and get in something nice like dab or some other german lager. or a good bottle of wine or whatnot.

if you're going to drink, and i suspect you are, then you ought to have nice stuff. like it's nicer to have a steak than a mcd's.

and when things are a bit more relaxed, maybe say 'i'll only drink in pubs for a bit' because i think that'd reduce your intake to levels which are a) sustainable and b) perhaps back more where you'd like.

Sadly at the moment it makes no difference if it's a 10 pound chianti or a bottle of white lightning, I just go mad on it, then drugs(nothing heavy) on top when I've got the money.

The thing is I've got to get myself back to a point now where I can say I'll only drink with company, or in the pub, but it's getting to a point where I feel I need to drink just because!!! And there's no outlet at the moment. Working has always kept me on a level but that's not happening at the moment. I drop in to SMART meetings as well when I feel I need to get a grip but again, not happening is it.
The child is here on Friday after not seeing for two weeks, so that should level me out a bit.
fingers crossed for this :) all my mentalness has to fit around resident kids and i'm sure it keeps me on the straighter and narrower than the alternative. although they've been aware of stuff i wish they never had to as a result... :(
fingers crossed for this :) all my mentalness has to fit around resident kids and i'm sure it keeps me on the straighter and narrower than the alternative. although they've been aware of stuff i wish they never had to as a result... :(

I knew child wasn't coming so I knew I could have a blow out and it spiralled to where I am now. When child comes I plan it out so that we'll go for a walk at 4 and that means I can't start drinking til 7 and I can't go overboard/don't have the chance to go overboard because I need to be asleep at a reasonable time for the next day.

I don't know your situation obviously, but I can imagine having the kids all the time can work the opposite way as well e.g you fancy having a glass of wine at 10am every now and then, and you can have a few hours to sleep it off between school run etc. and you can't because you have them there. I had the young one for nearly a month during the second month of lockdown and it was ace... but you have to remember I'm not a full time parent like childs Mum so I don't have the challenges of having to be responsible week in week out.
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... I can imagine having the kids all the time can work the opposite way as well e.g you fancy having a glass of wine at 10am every now and then...
<checks over shoulder> :D

i'm settling into a new routine atm, medicated sleep (low dose antipsych) between 9 & 10, wake at 7, have been pacing drinking to every 3 days at most, afternoon drinking a rare treat, but still bed at 9.

my disclaimer for all of this is my kids are teens, youngest is running on a US time zone and there's 2 adults home. all. the. time. :/
My mentalness has dissipated again. Basically as long as I see people I seem to be fine. I've been having people round to sit in the garden which helps.

If we go back into lockdown again later in the year I CANNOT go back to the level of pure solitude I was at before. It was fine at the time but afterwards....
I had a bad point this week with some intense working at home. Yesterday, I was feeling really ground down with no escape from work for months on end now - and realising that when this whole Covid thing is over I'm going to need to move away from this flat because it'll always feel like a prison to me now.
I had a bad point this week with some intense working at home. Yesterday, I was feeling really ground down with no escape from work for months on end now - and realising that when this whole Covid thing is over I'm going to need to move away from this flat because it'll always feel like a prison to me now.

I can understand that.
Yet another COVID dream, but this time with a twist, armchair psychology fans.
Went for an appointment in Cleethorpes and ended up in the pub with friends. Then walking outside with them there were a large group of lads who came running but then all suddenly blended in with the crowds and the cop cars that had been chasing them drove past. Then it turned into a heist, lots of people including me with shotguns and pistols pointed at them. Was terrifying. Finally I made a run for it but went round a corner and my son was there with a shotgun pointing at me.

He starts college today.
This is low level (and somewhat self-centred :( ) compared with what a lot of people are or have been going through :oops:.

But I've currently been pretty depressed in recent days about the worsening Covid situation in Wales, including our area.

And (selfish bit) I've been becoming ever more down and pessimistic about the likely absence of much of a summer (festivalwise mostly :( ) -- this is clearly remaining a bigh risk :(

Despite progress on vaccines ......
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Been feeling a bit mental for the last two weeks tbh. That fucking thread hasn't helped but the main stress is work related and probably related to my periods (as everything is). I miss seeing people as well tbh :( apart from seeing my mate this week the only person I see or speak to is my mum and sometimes the neighbours.
I keep getting sore throats. No fever. The sore throats are causing me anxiety when I’m otherwise slowly improving from other anxiety issues. The sore throat brings me back down because I worry that it’s Covid and that I’ll give it to someone. I really fear giving someone Covid. I don’t really go anywhere except medical appointments.
if i get Covid over Christmas then the single relative that my household is bubbling with will have to spend Christmas alone.
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I've got myself in a right pickle since March with my drinking. It's getting now that I can't shake the hangovers/headache without having a drink.
Try milk thistle, just as short term relief, easy to find on the net, for about 6 pounds
it helps with the day after effects of drinking alcohol.
You can get it for cheaper than that.

Get the dried seeds, whizz them up in a blender or grinder, freeze the resulting granules or powder so it doesn’t degrade. Then take a tablespoon with a cup of water when you get home after a night out. Or two tablespoons if you like.

It’s not a cure for anything but it helps then liver to cope with the extra load of booze drugs etc.

Caveats qualifiers etc:

Not a substitute for anything.
Not a cure for anything.
Seek appropriate help etc.
Don’t take a stupid amount.

I’m not selling pushing claiming advocating anything.
Try milk thistle, just as short term relief, easy to find on the net, for about 6 pounds
it helps with the day after effects of drinking alcohol.
I’ve turned a corner a bit recently. I’m still drinking daily but I’ve cut down a lot, and started drinking a lot later in the day. I also had a few days off so I know I’m not physically dependent, thankfully.
I’ve turned a corner a bit recently. I’m still drinking daily but I’ve cut down a lot, and started drinking a lot later in the day. I also had a few days off so I know I’m not physically dependent, thankfully.
Yes the drinking early is a problem for me, I need to break into a few days of not drinking
I was not insinuating you had any sort of problems drinking, just saying milk thistle
was of some use to help cleanse the liver.
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Tbh - I’m done with relying on the substances and indulging in self-pity.

Im off to read Jordan Peterson and clean my room
Quite mental today. Getting ready to go home after an over five weeks stay at my parents. I hate packing and that combined with working/running our business is a bit much. I'll live, but for now, i'm quite mental.
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