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How many times have you been abroad since this all kicked off?

How mant times have you made it out of your home country since COVID hit?

  • Zero

    Votes: 100 69.9%
  • Once

    Votes: 13 9.1%
  • 2-3 times

    Votes: 18 12.6%
  • 4-5 times

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • 6+ times

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • I never leave my home country anyway

    Votes: 5 3.5%

  • Total voters
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I went to Spain for a few days at the end of last month. We ummed and ahed a lot but decided to go for it close to the date. As it happened we did get caught by the change in requirements and had to order PCR tests for the return at short notice, but that's the risk you take isn't it. It wasn't too bad overall, I certainly don't regret going.
Zero - I used to go abroad 2 or 3 times a year for work. Not sure if I'll travel abroad again? Also don't want to fly anymore, it's not just the pollution, it's my ADHD which is worse now and I find airports torture to be honest. Infact I don't really enjoy going away at all, I like being at home.
As I'm the only one so far who's ticked 6+, I feel I should out myself (I've been outside the UK seven times since March 2020).

Just for the record want to say that I've never whinged publically about not being able to travel and all my movements have complied with the rules and restrictions of this country and the one I was visiting at the time. Only two of those trips were what most people would think of as a holiday, the others were my usual train tramp jaunts. There was also an element of timing, in that I inherited a bit of money after my mum died and had all these trips planned that then got stalled. Ordinarily, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford them (esp. £6 a pint Denmark).
Once to Scotland and twice to Wales
All, more or less work related ... and at times of very, very low cases.

e2a - Abroad, as in out of the UK - big, fat ZERO.
and likely to stay that way for quite a while yet [and my passport has expired].
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Just once, to see my elderly mum.

I found it really stressful - three hour long queues at the airport at both ends, lots of forms to fill out and always the fear of testing positive and getting stuck over there.
Been to the U.K. three times. The first time I arrived back here in Portugal two days before they announced total confinement. The second time was for an operation in the U.K. when everything was shut. Spent the week watching tv , cooking and ordering takeaways . There were about a dozen people on the flight both ways .Last time I was amazed at the lack of any restrictions .
I went to visit family for my mother's memorial, and am going to EDI to visit my F-I-L, with my wife. He's still in hospital and unlikely to come out. (He's physically ok, but can't eat, drink, walk, or otherwise look after himself. We need to see him while he's still here) There's no way we can't go.
When do we mark this as having kicked off?

I selected 0 just now but that’s based on the kicking off point being March of 2020 in the UK.

I went on holiday early February 2020. And had a strong feeling while I was there that this would be the last time this sort of thing could happen.

Think I’d read about Wuhan at that point but hadn’t remotely registered it as something which would turn up this side of the globe.
Nope. But I hadn’t been abroad for years, because I’m skint. And disabled. And latterly, single.

That said, if I was desperate to go, I could have. It’s not like I’ll never travel again, I think. But since covid I have zero interest. I don’t like the rigmarole of air travel anyway (or trains. I just don’t like spending hours in transit, with added queueing and bag-hefting and objectionable people), and to do all that with greater exposure to the Lurgy, face masks (and people not wearing face masks), extra testing etc… it really doesn’t seem worth it.

But it’s an easy decision for me. I don’t have rapidly growing kids, or rapidly declining health. I’ve travelled a lot before and I will be able to see more of the world once all this has fallen into the background.

In the meantime I like my home, I can drive, I have lots and lots of culture and history within a handful of miles, and then all kinds of beaches and rivers and rolling hills within a few hours behind the wheel. And I have my comfy home where I can please myself and watch all the films and telly I want. I can hold off on going overseas for a good while yet.
I feel really lucky that I actually left Australia 20 years after moving here, to go on my big european/ Asia trip in 2019. Got to see my dad & family and urbanz. Plus some amazing sights

I usually fly interstate in Aus around 10 times a year for work. Last time I did that was Nov 2019 now. Plus I did have plans for 2020 travel but decided not to for obvious reasons.
Not once. Would usually go abroad 2/3 times a year and do a long haul holiday either Easter or Christmas.

Cancelled a holiday in Italy Easter 2020 and then tried to book flights to Portugal earlier this year for my birthday but that was too optimistic. I'm thinking it's going to be 2024 before proper holidays are going to be possible for us again.
Have made two fleeting visits home to Glasgow to see parents. ms starfish has been to France but that was due to her dad being terminally ill, at least she was able to see him just before he passed.
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