Most days.
I must say, I liked the buzz of being back in the office with some people, though editorial is mostly fairly solitary work. I miss (some) in-person meetings and things like training, but obviously they're the hardest thing to get back to, generally having to involve a group of people in an enclosed space.Well this is… eye opening.
It’s a good thing, right? People prefer it, less pollution and expense and stress of commuting, more family time. Less work bullshit.
Is something lost though? What do you think?
It was fairly busy went I went in Sept/Oct, but not full on on the Northern Line, though other lines were much busier. That always feels like the 'riskiest' part of going into work - and indeed been observed as a key reason that larger cities are having a harder time recovering than smaller ones. First there's the fact that people can't afford to live centrally and are commuting longer distances, so they're disinclined to come in regularly; then there is the risk element of public transport at all.The tube has been a lot busier lately (compared to early summer) but that could change given recent announcements. I'll find out tomorrow when I head in .
A really great idea for big cities would be to make it affordable for 'ordinary' people to live centrally
Wednesday seems to have become 'our' day, almost certainly because it breaks the week up and you've done your one day a week bit.So there's no pick-up at all in attendence at my office. I've been going in most Tuesdays since Feb and it's still not got over about a dozen people (absolute max) from an office of c200. That's generally a revolving cast of around 6, 2-4 facilities staff and one technology guy. Other than one day when there was an event, that's been it. People are talking about office attendence being still low in London, but we seem to be exceptionally so!
I'm starting a new job next month, so I'm going to mention in my exit interview that I do feel like a little more should be done to encourage people in - like, even declaring 'Tuesday is dept A and B day, Wednesday Dept C and D....' etc so people can think 'If I go in, I'll see someone I work with' because it's been a bit demotivating feeling I literally have to ask someone in if I might, y'know, just fancy working with a close colleague around. I get we've had a horrible 18 months and they don't want to impose on staff, but I think one can create conditions to do this.
positively tripping over each other eh?I'm in the office as usual , where I'm based there is potentially 43 other Housing Staff who could come in , today there are 5 of us , last week there was a day we hit double figures
Piccadilly circuspositively tripping over each other eh?
TBH their only way round things might be to sell up the HQ (a building they own) and relocate to somewhere much smaller in London, but then they'd be giving up somewhere that is supposed to be a focal point for their membership and miss part of the point of their existence.