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How many times have you been abroad since this all kicked off?

How mant times have you made it out of your home country since COVID hit?

  • Zero

    Votes: 100 69.9%
  • Once

    Votes: 13 9.1%
  • 2-3 times

    Votes: 18 12.6%
  • 4-5 times

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • 6+ times

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • I never leave my home country anyway

    Votes: 5 3.5%

  • Total voters
I booked to take the kids to Paris in August and when the flights were cancelled I found I was really relieved. So zero times.
Twice. Four if Wales counts.

Went to Spain when restrictions eased in 2020. We landed the morning the announced the 2 week quarantine (which we did - we knew it was a risk before we went). Went again a couple of weeks ago. Missed the PCR requirement by the skin of my teeth.

Had a week in Wales in August and went to Conwy to run a couple of weeks ago.

Would do all of them again. Totally worth it.
None. Couldn’t afford it besides which I never did the week in Spain / Greece thing anyway.

The next time I go abroad will probably be when there’s no masks / tests needed. Booked to go to Marseilles for the first weekend of the World Cup in September 2023, hope that will be a normal experience. However I suspect air travel is now changed for ever as it was post 9/11

41 nights in various hotels in the UK over the past year but that is largely due to not having a fixed abode for a few months, so I was living in them, rather than leisure travel.
I went to visit family for my mother's memorial, and am going to EDI to visit my F-I-L, with my wife. He's still in hospital and unlikely to come out. (He's physically ok, but can't eat, drink, walk, has dementia, nor otherwise look after himself. We need to see him while he's still here)
None. My son's been back and forth to Berlin a few times and I probably would've travelled to Germany to be tattooed but one of my tattooists came within 5 miles so saved me making the trip.

I really want some sun now which is most unlike me. Might look at going somewhere before March if it looks viable. It's the airport faff that's put me off more than anything although my 21 year old manages it fine.
Twice, once work, once family stuff. Was meant to spend 6 months of 2020 abroad, but that didn't happen. Was also meant to do a fair bit of touring, but hey.
don't think i went more than about 5 miles from home from march 2020 until this summer

and don't think i've been anywhere except work and mum-tat's (and stuff for her round that area) since
Not been abroad. Our planned trip to the US in March/April last year looked feasible up until a few weeks before we were due to fly. Our friends had done a similar route in February and had a great time :mad:

I'm January this year we optimistically booked to go to Thailand in the summer, in the full knowledge it might not happen. And of course it didn't.

A trip to Austria next month that was booked before omicron kicked off has just been cancelled by ryanair.

So the furthest I've been is exotic Macclesfield
Zero here - I don't feel too sad about that but a little jealous of some friends who have travelled in the last two years!
Zero here too. I feel a bit of jealous of friends who have travelled too. I’m sad that my little one’s great grandmother who is abroad hasn’t met them. I’ve been so worried about giving the great grandmother covid if we did visit and also getting covid abroad and also I couldn’t afford to quarantine in a hotel on the way back if it had come to that. Annoying in a different way as people say it’s easier to travel with a baby than a toddler.So we’ve missed that bit
I was in Vienna when everything was kicking off but nowhere since. I usually travel with work at least once a year and usually have a holiday abroad at least once a year, even if it's just a weekender to the Dam or Hamburg or Barcelona. I'm missing it but not prepared to take the risk I might get stranded or need to do 2 weeks in a shit hotel on my return.

Hopefully going to Ibiza for mine and a load of mates 50ths in July though.
Zero. My passport expired last year too. Haven't renewed yet, what's the rush? Not expecting to be going abroad for a while.
I tried to come back to the UK last Christmas but got stuck in France instead. Went to Spain this September for a week. And finally made it back to the UK in August 2021
Once. Went to Athens for ten days at the start of October. I understand people being put off travelling at this time but I actually wanted to have at least one experience of going abroad during Covid. And I'm glad I did. Spending some time in a country where people still seemed to be taking it seriously and respecting each other by wearing masks etc helped restore my faith in humanity a bit and made getting away from plague island feel even more enjoyable than it usually is. I was tempted to stay and use up my entire 90 post-Brexit days allowance there and probably would have done if I hadn't had to return for a commitment back here. Sadly.

Hopefully Germany will have relaxed its current restrictions on us by March which is when I plan on going away next.
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Zero. Postponed a trip away for a year when all this started and then later gave up on any idea of going abroad until it's over/very much faded as a problem. Have been to Wales once for a week long holiday, and have had a 3 few day trips to London, and a short trip to Scotland.

Only trip abroad I have planned now is 2 weeks in France next March, which looks increasingly uncertain now.

I think the pandemic will change my travel patterns permanently tbh.
Been to Scotland once, that's it I think. Not been abroad abroad since 2018 and no idea when the next time might be.
Once. Cancelled holiday to Turkey in 2020 when everyone was in lockdown. Cancelled holiday this year when the UK gov put Montenegro on the red list, fortunately, the week before we were due to leave (better the week before than the week after we got there). Managed a trip to Norway the week before last, by the skin of our teeth as Norway closed their pubs and restaurants the day after we returned.

Did 2 weeks in Scotland in September.
Zero. Went to France in November 2019, and had planned to go again a couple of times in 2020, but cancelled even though I could have gone in terms of timing and lack of restrictions.

My passport has now also expired, and there's no reason to renew it yet. The thought of being far enough away from home that I can't return under my own steam is totally unappealing at the moment.
Again, another zero - me and Mrs Voltz were due a fortnight in Crete in 2020, was booked very early on in that year and almost as soon as it was paid for could see it not happening - luckily, apart from the cost of holiday insurance we got everything back

Apart from 1 night away, for a funeral, I've not had a night away since this all started. As with others my passport is now out of date and I don't see any point in renewing it any time soon . . . maybe for 2023 (??) maybe

We might try and get away for mid-week breaks next year, just see how it goes I 'spose
Once. A crete trip in Sept this year. It just seemed to be a window of opportunity which opened after getting double jabbed and before delta and omicron took off. Was much needed and much enjoyed, so even if it represented a small risk, it was worth it.
Zero. Two day trips to Perthshire and a few days in Mull camping, all by train/bike. I live in Scotland anyway though so it definitely doesn't count as abroad :D I haven't actually been abroad since 2014.
Once - did a trip to France going around various places on an Interrail pass.

Enjoyed the holiday immensely but it was depressing comparing it to how things are here. 99% of people on the Metro and RER in Paris (and everyone on the TGV) were wearing masks still, rather than about 50% here on the Underground; people actually checking COVID passports / their app rather than no-one checking the PLF on my way back (one lady from Eurostar glanced at it, but in her defence she had to do that to an entire trains' worth of folk).
2 nights in Liverpool and one in Abergavenny!

Loads of decent day trips out though , and us retired railway staff were not allowed to our use free travel for months ,as the running , deserted trains were for "essential workers only" - as passes are smart cards , any transgression would have been picked up pretty soon. Very tedious.

We had planned a Xmas German market trip , well you know what happened to that .....:mad:

Better times ahead one hopes......
I’m nervously waiting for my PCR test results so i can go to France later this afternoon…it will be my first trip out of Brazil since returning from London in March 2020…pretty much the last flight before London closed down
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