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how mental do you feel??

I’m finding it really fucking tough rn. My nearly 18 yo is giving me shit, bullying his brother, in my face. My youngest has completely disengaged with any kind of normal life, and I communicating with him is very difficult. So home life’s nails, and work is squeezing me hard. I’ve been taken off shifts, but I’ve just got relentless 13 hour “long day” shifts, and the lack of family visits and ppe is making it complex and hard. I’m having to grit my teeth and just fucking weather this shit.

so you've got 11 hours a day to yourself including sleepy time, and of course kids are just little fuckers at such an age, they will give no help and probably intentionally go out of their way to make life harder!! I'm sorry I don't know what to say because I'm not in that situation.
I've been coping but really quite mental. Crying for hours, feeling like I can't go on, losing a lot of time just staring into space. Feeling angry, lacking empathy. Have felt that I'm vanishing, really, or that I'm just a brain in a box.

I have to teach online, which I guess has helped but I also feel has hindered as I would really have liked some space to process all this. I go for a walk every day, and I make sure I get up at the same time every day, since exercise, daylight, and good sleep hygiene feel like my last defenses against my increasingly shaky mental health.

I've been told I'm allowed back onto campus starting this week. This is going to help enormously.
I've been coping but really quite mental. Crying for hours, feeling like I can't go on, losing a lot of time just staring into space. Feeling angry, lacking empathy. Have felt that I'm vanishing, really, or that I'm just a brain in a box.

I have to teach online, which I guess has helped but I also feel has hindered as I would really have liked some space to process all this. I go for a walk every day, and I make sure I get up at the same time every day, since exercise, daylight, and good sleep hygiene feel like my last defenses against my increasingly shaky mental health.

I've been told I'm allowed back onto campus starting this week. This is going to help enormously.

I too felt like that whenever I was in China
Felt like my head was about to explode yesterday.
Just stressed beyond what I can tolerate right now. Proper head fuck.
I gave working from home a break and went and spent 2 hours working jn the garden. Dyed my hair. Flooded the bathroom. Cut my fingers on the grater grating cheese and bled like a stuck pig. Burnt my hand on the ledge in the oven.
Ate the last of the giant pavlova on my own.
And regretted it.
Felt really out of sorts and wanted to scream at the neighbour who has built an even bigger fucking trampoline right next to the wall and his 17yr old son is bouncing on it ogling me over the wall. His 18yr old sister has the cop to bounce with her back to the wall.
Then the dad starts bouncing and I just wanted to throw the hedge clippers at his head. The other neighbours kids are playing some very loud shit music with the word "nigga" repeated ad nauseum...and their dog never stops barking.

My 80 yr old mum keeps asking the same questions and asking what are we having for dinner tomorrow.
My 80 yr old dad is living in the garden shed. Probably the best place to be honest.

I need a change of scenery. Just to be able to go somewhere. Anywhere.
When do we get to go out on the street at 8pm and just scream our heads off for 10 minutes?

Edited... I realise these are really small stresses when I see people dealing with natural disasters and hunger and severe disease.
I should be thanking my lucky stars that I've a roof over my head and food on the table and company.
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No much more than normal. Motivation is a problem, not doing the things that I thought would be good lockdown projects, any excuse is a good one atm. Loving how quiet it is, that's so calming. Hate the worry about other family and friends etc, would have that anyway. Loving not working, don't want to work ever again. Well, not for "the man", just for me.
Yesterday I felt absolutely batshit. Took my temp. It was 38. Decided I'd got the 'rona. Slightly later I realised it wass 30 degrees in here and I was simply too hot. Today I've got up earlier and eaten properly. Hoping I do not feel quite so mental. I never know what sort of day it's going to be.
Really quite mental, with a mostly solid veneer of coping over the top. Feel like I'm under glass.
Well described-feeling like you are under glass. That fits for me too.

Unless I'm at work (which I'm not as I'm on leave) I wake up depressed-with the under glass feeling.

Today I've washed my hair, am in the bath, had my supplements and am determined to get my tyre on my van fixed and start finish painting half of a room. Do some exercise.

Cus the bitch about it is it's so hard to look after yourself when you feel low- although it helps a lot.
Worse thing for me was at the start of the crisis when supermarket shelves were stripped bare and basic civility was kind of revealed to be as illusory as we all know it is deep down. I've always been unhealthily obsessed with the idea that one day all the supermarkets will just empty for some reason and it ties into my anxieties about climate change, especially soil erosion which i believe will eventually lead to mass crop failures. I still think there will be some kind of major structural collapse in the world at some point soon, and you can laugh at the absurdity (understandably tbf) but i do kinda obsess over it at times. I've calmed down a bit now though and settled into a routine of acquiescence, cycling and reading!
Surprisingly well. I'm very fortunate that Mrs SI is going to the shops, and that we're in a region not hammered by C19. I get to work from home in shorts (and I'm on holiday this week). Had a decent row about Mrs SI running out of clean bras yesterday but that's nowt unprecedented. Birthday on Friday. Got some crisps that taste like Maccies cheeseburgers. I'm mad at the government handling on this whole thing but in a remote way. I'm in my bubble. Big love to anyone struggling. I've been there before and I will again.
Stayed in bed til late today in the hopes that the day would be shorter.
Took me 2 hours to sign forms with an online signature for online assessments. That was only for 2 students and 5 subjects!
How the fuck will I get 60 more forms done by next week?
I keep getting distracted too. Looking out the window at people passing by and foraging in kitchen for treats. Found a bag of taytos cheese and onion and it was delicious if a bit old.
I'm actually looking forward to summer holidays. Just to be able to do fuck all.
Never worked so hard at school. This online teaching is ok but the online assessment lark is very stressful.
Anyway. Back to work. As my da would say "thank your lucky stars you have a job".
I'm sorry that you're feeling bad enough to come onto a thread where people are talking honestly about their mental wellbeing and say something like that. May you find a little generosity and compassion during whatever shit you're going through.

Do they not still point at you in the street, holler ‘old outsider’ and giggle?
I'm sorry that you're feeling bad enough to come onto a thread where people are talking honestly about their mental wellbeing and say something like that. May you find a little generosity and compassion during whatever shit you're going through.

Cos I’m being honest with you when I say that living there and coping with their idiosyncratic behaviour and grotesque nationalism made me feel like I was going mental.
Cos I’m being honest with you when I say that living there and coping with their idiosyncratic behaviour and grotesque nationalism made me feel like I was going mental.

Well, this is a thread about how people are faring mentally during this crisis, not an invitation to reminisce about how much you hated specific countries, so I'm not going go off topic. :thumbs:
Well, this is a thread about how people are faring mentally during this crisis, not an invitation to reminisce about how much you hated specific countries, so I'm not going go off topic. :thumbs:

I didn’t hate it it just drove me potty at times, but yeah sorry for being antagonistic. Just done two weeks lock-up (No exercise and too much, fatty and calorific food) at the cost of $1500; so feeling a bit off myself atm.
I've been coping but really quite mental. Crying for hours, feeling like I can't go on, losing a lot of time just staring into space. Feeling angry, lacking empathy. Have felt that I'm vanishing, really, or that I'm just a brain in a box.

I have to teach online, which I guess has helped but I also feel has hindered as I would really have liked some space to process all this. I go for a walk every day, and I make sure I get up at the same time every day, since exercise, daylight, and good sleep hygiene feel like my last defenses against my increasingly shaky mental health.

I've been told I'm allowed back onto campus starting this week. This is going to help enormously.

Send me a message if you feel bad and Ill try and reply. Sometimes quickly sometimes not but offer is there.
Well, this is a thread about how people are faring mentally during this crisis, not an invitation to reminisce about how much you hated specific countries, so I'm not going go off topic. :thumbs:

Jay is suspected of being either a sockpuppet or at the very least a troll. Ignore.
I'm OK most of the time

Stuff with the other residence of the house is a little rough. Had a few stressful times. Mainly when I can't sleep and start to worry about how my poor sleeping pattern is major point of contention.
Approaching peak fucked upness today. Everything becoming too much. Life, lies, family, friends, people screwing us over.

I need a break from everything. Didn't sign up for this life.
Send me a message if you feel bad and Ill try and reply. Sometimes quickly sometimes not but offer is there.

Thank you. That's kind. 💖

I actually decided this week that the depths of my misery had exceeded acceptable levels and paid for some online sessions with a therapist, so I don't need to disturb and traumatize those around me. :D :oops:
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