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Horizon: Should I eat Meat?

I think too many people are fine with the poor welfare and environmental aspects, as well.
I think the majority of people don't really care, when it comes down to it.
Wonder if anyone has considered the existence of meat animals.
If we didn't eat meat, millions of cows, pigs, chickens etc would not exist at all.
Would it be better that they didn't exist than they exist in less than perfect conditions?
probably because you post like a dickhead on these types of threads.
most people are having a normal conversation about stuff, with interesting points put in from both sides.
what have i posted that is so bad?
does anyone on the meat eating side post like a dickhead in your opinion?
Wonder if anyone has considered the existence of meat animals.
If we didn't eat meat, millions of cows, pigs, chickens etc would not exist at all.
Would it be better that they didn't exist than they exist in less than perfect conditions?
hear hear!!
Wonder if anyone has considered the existence of meat animals.
If we didn't eat meat, millions of cows, pigs, chickens etc would not exist at all.
Would it be better that they didn't exist than they exist in less than perfect conditions?
what have i posted that is so bad?
does anyone on the meat eating side post like a dickhead in your opinion?
Sometimes, you get a someone posting about bacon and making jokes about vegans being unhealthy and weak. I don't really see much, if any thing like that on this thread.
your contributions have just been childish jibes.
There is a bit of a silly backandforth between Ed and Bees trying to out quote each other.
But other than that vegetarians and meat eaters alike are mostly agreeing.
Oh OK. You must know better than the professor emeritus at Cornell University, what with all your qualifications and shizzle. I'll look forward to your peer reviewed paper refuting his claims.
Hmm. Appeal to authority after finding the first scientific opinion that you like and then simply deferring to it. The racists who wrote The Bell Curve were also professors.

On my phone so cannot debunk bad science atm but i linked to some decent stuff last time we did this.
How long have domesticated plant species been around I wonder?

Settled agriculture dates from the neolithic period - i.e. late stone age. People were hunting and fishing for millennia before that, though.

I'm in agreement with beesonthewhatnow here. People aren't just going to stop eating meat: it's far too culturally ingrained, animal welfare isn't enough of a priority, and frankly many people enjoy it too much. Trying to stop people doing it altogether is pissing in the wind. Encouraging people to eat less but better-quality meat and cut out the processed and factory-farmed stuff is much more realistic, and might actually deliver some real benefits.
I think too many people are fine with the poor welfare and environmental aspects, as well.
I think the majority of people don't really care, when it comes down to it.

this is exactly it. most people don't give a fuck. half of meat eaters are hypocrites who don't care what happens to the animals as long as they don't have to see any suffering, and the other half get hard ons for animals being killed and fantasise about eating endangered species. fact.

fuck the lot of them. and don't get me started on vegans :mad:
I think too many people are fine with the poor welfare and environmental aspects, as well.
I think the majority of people don't really care, when it comes down to it.
I don't think that's true and the rise of free range eggs shows that many people care at least a bit. Not strongky but at least a bit.
Hmm. Appeal to authority after finding the first scientific opinion that you like and then simply deferring to it. The racists who wrote The Bell Curve were also professors.

On my phone so cannot debunk bad science atm but i linked to some decent stuff last time we did this.
The idea of a retired professor makes me think of a dusty old man thats a bit confused, too :D
Ed is proving that we haven't been eating meat since a genetic ancestor "crawled out of the swamp" - he took your post literally.
You are proving the our species has always eaten meat.
I'd say the fact that homo erectus (stop sniggering at the back), the first human ancestor to share what we consider our basic human physical attributes, ate meat kinda proves my point.
Settled agriculture dates from the neolithic period - i.e. late stone age. People were hunting and fishing for millennia before that, though.

I'm in agreement with beesonthewhatnow here. People aren't just going to stop eating meat: it's far too culturally ingrained, animal welfare isn't enough of a priority, and frankly many people enjoy it too much. Trying to stop people doing it altogether is pissing in the wind. Encouraging people to eat less but better-quality meat and cut out the processed and factory-farmed stuff is much more realistic, and might actually deliver some real benefits.

Yeah, sorry - was being facetious. Point being that if you're going to make an argument from ancestral diet it's probably worth noting that pretty much nothing we eat today would be in it.
I don't think that's true and the rise of free range eggs shows that many people care at least a bit. Not strongky but at least a bit.
Some people care a bit. I'd agree.
A lot of people don't.
A lot of people make empty token gestures (like me). I won't buy pork thats from a poor welfare environment, but I will eat a bacon butty from the greasyspoon over the road.
Sometimes, you get a someone posting about bacon and making jokes about vegans being unhealthy and weak. I don't really see much, if any thing like that on this thread.
your contributions have just been childish jibes.
There is a bit of a silly backandforth between Ed and Bees trying to out quote each other.
But other than that vegetarians and meat eaters alike are mostly agreeing.
what have i posted on this thread that is so bad?
Oooh Mr editor toe the line or you will be attacked
Oooh theres no point discussing someone will call you a weakling veggy

Infact, just scanning back, I don't think you've tried to add to any of the conversation with your posts. Just jibing away from the sides.
maybe because it has been done ad infinitum and is fucking tedious and boring?
plus you spy, bees and bj are all correct of course so there is absolutely no point
and that is ignoring the dickhead jonny v's of this world
Some people care a bit. I'd agree.
A lot of people don't.

And that's where the realistic environmental and animal welfare gains can be made; in seeking to change the outlooks of the latter. Telling people not to eat meat is futile. Suggesting that vegetarianism is a morally superior choice is not just bullshit, it's bullshit that'll achieve nothing but to piss people off.

A lot of people make empty token gestures (like me). I won't buy pork thats from a poor welfare environment, but I will eat a bacon butty from the greasyspoon over the road.

That's not an empty gesture. It increases demand for high welfare meat. Buying the odd bacon sarnie from Sid's Spoon doesn't negate that.
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what have i posted on this thread that is so bad?

This...Just coat-tailing and indulging your persecution complex...

editor, you will be told and told and questioned and picked and demanded evidence of until you shut up or get fed up
it is how all these threads go these days

and this...

now now ed, argue in an acceptable way for meat eaters!

and this...

lol at thread, again
- Not much of a contribution.

go on, make it so, it's itching to turn into the usual bullshit, started already, as ususal
- Except it's you that ballses up these threads - Others try to have a debate, you just foam at the mouth and flap excitedly. Still it's fun to watch so crack on AFAIC :thumbs:

ever so sorry boss!
If only you meant it.

So, in answer to your question - Pretty much everything.
As it happens I don't eat very much meat. I do like a steak every so often and eat pasta Bolognese with mince. It does concern me how much fat comes off processed meat when you cook it, I don't really want to be ingesting all that if I can help it. As part of a balanced diet I think meat has its place.

That said I do think animal welfare is important. Sure cows pigs chickens only exist because we eat them but that does not mean factory farming is right, massed chicken sheds are just wrong but equally you can't expect people to not buy chicken that is so much cheaper than free range. People do shop with value in mind.

Then there is the feeling I have that supermarket shoppers just don't register that beef is from cows, pork is from pigs. I think people have forgotten that meat comes from animals. Broadly speaking people live in cities these days and the number of people who have killed and prepared meat is smaller and smaller. To a certain extent I think people should only be allowed to eat meat that they have killed and prepared!
maybe because it has been done ad infinitum and is fucking tedious and boring?
plus you spy, bees and bj are all correct of course so there is absolutely no point
and that is ignoring the dickhead jonny v's of this world
My opinion on meat has changed a lot of the years. I am open to taking in info and forming new ideas.
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