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Should people in "the live arts" do another job until this blows over?

Friend of mine who is an opera singer and has not been able to work as such since march went on the gov's 'i am an artist what shall i do now' website and was told to consider being a steeplejack a cake decorator and sports coach. It is not just laughably shit its deeply insulting, if she didn't have a robust sense of humour and another job she'd be on the waiting list for mental health services for 2027.

A fucking steeplejack?
There's some wild conspiracy theories about it (as there is about everything) but tbh most of the stuff I've seen is just people rolling their eyes that no-one thought to pull this particular image considering the campaign was launching today, right in the middle of a massive row about arts funding.
Oh it only launched today? Oh god yeah that’s crass. Turns out they are knob jokeys after all. It’s like a rollercoaster.
Oh it only launched today? Oh god yeah that’s crass. Turns out they are knob jokeys after all. It’s like a rollercoaster.
there's an extra dimension of crassness when you consider how well represented ethnic minorities are in ballet (ie. they aren't). A black ballerina finding there isn't space for her in her chosen profession and having to retrain as a coder is not the uplifting story of new and exciting opportunities to be grasped that the campaign was aiming for...
I think i found the website. i don't get steeplejack but do end up with seismologist. Cool!
Zero questions on what your actual interests are, all human potential seen though the lens of intererpersonal issues ie how you could be slotted into a large organisation as far as i can tell.
This is the time for the state to put money into the arts, like never before, and we get this total nonsense instead.
I think i found the website. i don't get steeplejack but do end up with seismologist. Cool!
Zero questions on what your actual interests are, all human potential seen though the lens of intererpersonal issues and how you could be slotted into a large organisation as far as i can tell.
this is the time for the state to put money into the arts, like never before, and we get this nonsense instead.
I did this the other day but I got bored before the end and didn't finish it. Seemed to be essentially a horoscope.
FWIW second undergrad degrees in some STEM subjects can be funded, even if you already have a degree in another area. Despite the govt stupidity, getting new skills isn't actually a horrible idea in itself.

Oh it only launched today? Oh god yeah that’s crass. Turns out they are knob jokeys after all. It’s like a rollercoaster.

Yep. Even if it's paid for and ready to go, it can be delayed.

If you say yes, you get told to become a cake baker. If you say you prefer the outside of an issue, you get told to become a cake decorator. Inside / Outside, see?

seriously though, wtf does this actually mean? Like someone somewhere has designed this question and must have something they are getting at with it but I don't even understand the sentence,.
Strongly disagree, i prefer to stay on the far perimeters of any issue because that brings me much joy. maybe that way lies Politician.

I've tried entering all the most unreasonable answers and it does indeed suggest 'politician' as an ideal job.
If you say yes, you get told to become a cake baker. If you say you prefer the outside of an issue, you get told to become a cake decorator. Inside / Outside, see?

seriously though, wtf does this actually mean? Like someone somewhere has designed this question and must have something they are getting at with it but I don't even understand the sentence,.
Isn’t it more, some people like the details (coder, engineer, scientist), some people see the bigger picture (architect, designer, big picture painter).
Isn’t it more, some people like the details (coder, engineer, scientist), some people see the bigger picture (architect, designer, big picture painter).

That makes some kind of sense I guess but what a weird way to ask that question.
For me it recommended Advertising Director, Graphic Designer, TV Presenter, Insurance Broker, Palaeonotologist, EU Official or MP (WTF??)
Have only heard the word 'cyber' on the news or current affair programs when it's used by the military or intelligence services.
Yes. She is scared of heights but was more offended by the cake decorator suggestion. Its like a joke but we paid for it, whatever that website is.

She could be a vertigo-suffering steeplejack, just take the chimney down by removing the bricks at the bottom first, the whole job can then be conducted at ground level. Blue sky thinking is what's needed during a pandemic 😎
Have only heard the word 'cyber' on the news or current affair programs when it's used by the military or intelligence services.
My kid did a cyber security course this year run by GCHQ and NCA. Ironically, he was identified for the course because he was using the dark web to buy drugs whilst concurrently winning a local plod competition on cyber security. These people do use the word cyber. Is it different skill set to to developers? I have no fucking clue about any of it.
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