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Should people in "the live arts" do another job until this blows over?

The who will make all the limited edition cassette-only albums of bin lorry reversing sirens played backwards over the sound of Ukrainian plant machinery gradually rusting?
Its a brave new direction for the lads, but I'm sure Pete and Rog are up to it
ETA And it's not a case for people like her of their jobs not existing anymore, it's them not existing at the moment.
Exactly this. What, we won't want the arts next year or any year after that? Bonkers.

As for giving advice to people who have lost their jobs that they should go get another job? They'll be handing out leaflets explaining why you shouldn't eat yellow snow next.
There is one job you don't need any qualifications for, or any relevant experience, or any references, or really anything at all that shows you're not in the bottom 1% of mankind on any metric you care to name.

I don't really need to put the punchline here do I?
Strongly suggests that the Powers That Be do not consider jobs in the arts to be real jobs.

"Why are you pissing about being a ballet dancer Fatima? Get a proper bloody job why don't you"
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The idea that a ballerina can simply retrain in cyber security and get a (non existing) job is one of the more absolutely fucking stupid ones by the Government. Really, a completely out of touch embarrassment. Generates a ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’ face. Twats.
The who will make all the limited edition cassette-only albums of bin lorry reversing sirens played backwards over the sound of Ukrainian plant machinery gradually rusting?
I was answering these two questions, not the thread title. Cheers for the weird dig tho.

Do they expect the government to pay them a decent wage until the venues are back, and should the government do that indefinite?
The idea that a ballerina can simply retrain in cyber security and get a (non existing) job is one of the more absolutely fucking stupid ones by the Government. Really, a completely out of touch embarrassment. Generates a ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’ face. Twats.
Years of really fucking hard training, dedication and sacrifice, or just prancing around in funny clothes?
Artists and performers need to reflect upon how their skills can be adapted to meet the demands of the current situation
Apparently so...bit of a hoo-har going on and it's been withdrawn but it illustrates the attitudes perfectly.

I've been hearing the words "viable jobs" for months now. Implying that the kinds of jobs that will be lost are not "viable jobs". Jobs like these I imagine.
It's not a job, though, is it? It's a glorified hobby. :rolleyes:

They clearly have no fucking idea how hard it is to get good enough at something like ballet to make any kind of a living out of it. Nah, go and do data entry instead. Antihuman wankers.
What jobs can people do right now? Amazon driver?

Cyber is a word that stopped being even slightly relevant around 1997. But please tell me about his explosion of new jobs in the 'cyber' industry.

More important tell me where it doesn't need qualifications and training because offering cyber-security requires at the very least a good knowledge of computing and for bonus points decent coding ability.
What jobs?
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What jobs can people do right now? Amazon driver?

More important tell me where it doesn't need qualifications and training because offering cyber-security requires at the very least a good knowledge of computing and for bonus points decent coding ability.
What jobs?
Fatima needs to give up on her silly little girl ideas and train herself in something useful for the real world instead.

That's the subtext. These aren't proper jobs. This isn't the real world.

Fuck you, Fatima!
In the short term there are few jobs anywhere. In the longer term, unlike sectors such as retail, financial services and administration, the "creative sector" is one that actually still needs humans.

And I can't actually see many of those being targeted succumbing to cyberian charms as they've already chosen to devote themselves to a career that lacks stability and renumerative salaries.
A lot of the arts jobs can't really be done part-time to the level audiences demand, either. Ballerinas do need to practise hours every day, and can't just sack it off for a year or two and then get back into it.

And ballet and dance provide skills for other people in the performing arts, which, until this year, was actually a pretty viable industry in the UK. And it's not like nobody's never going to want to watch an action movie where a ballet-trained actor or stunt person executes moves that make us wonder at the limits of human possibility. We're going to need that.

Ballerinas are fucking hardcore, too. They dance till their toes bleed and smile while they do it, and their arms are made of steel girders. If there's ever a revolution, I would very much want them on my side.

The idea that a ballerina can simply retrain in cyber security and get a (non existing) job is one of the more absolutely fucking stupid ones by the Government. Really, a completely out of touch embarrassment. Generates a ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’ face. Twats.

TBF, it was part of a recruitment drive last year, and included people in other jobs. It was still clueless then.

Though actually most of those other jobs were things like warehouse worker, which has turned out to be essential, necessary and probably way more secure than almost any other job.
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Can you imagine that a team came up with that concept, designed it, signed it off, published it, and no one stopped it and said ‘hey mates, this is an absolute fucking insult to all the thousands of people who have seen their livelihoods and careers destroyed’. The mind actually boggles.
Apparently it was an ad from 2019.
A lot of the arts jobs can't really be done part-time to the level audiences demand, either. Ballerinas do need to practise hours every day, and can't just sack it off for a year or two and then get back into it.
Well the fact it's pre-covid makes more sense, although it makes it no better. If anything, the intent is worse. The ad is telling Fatima that her dreams of being a ballerina are over for good.

You're not good enough, Fatima. Forget about it. Give up now and get yourself a computer.

But it obviously illustrates the wider point right now. How do we keep dancers going until live performances start again? How do we avoid losing all these skills for good? Govt has no answers to that, clearly.
I've got a workable solution: tax the cunting rich so that they ensure that arts industry can survive.

They'll still have millions left to buy the garish lifestyle shit they're addicted to, and they'll be doing something actually useful for once in their pathetic, self-interested, self-serving, greedy lives.
If we're going with cyber as a word people actually use then I suppose it's correct that OnlyFans is a growth industry but I wouldn't expect the government to encourage it.
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