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Horizon: Should I eat Meat?

I more concerned with the shit they do after its farmed such as injecting the meat with water and shit.

You can choose to spend your money on decent meat. Since we really don't need to eat as much red meat as we do, it makes sense to have it far less often, but choose to buy far more expensive but much less problematic meat.

Having said that, I'll add that it is indeed shit that cheap shitty meat is passed off as decent food and people are obliged (often by circumstance) to spend their pennies on something that is shamefully devalued at every point of the process.
I dont care to tell the rest of you what to eat. But i should eat eat meat because i like it. It works for me.
I will eat meat if I find a decent butchers but there aren't any where I live. I just don't think it makes sense to eat bog standard meat. I once worked in a bacon factory and some of the pigs had cancerous tumours in them that had turned the meat to gangrene, god knows what agony the pigs were in. The gangrene was washed out with a power washer and the frilly bits trimmed off and then they were sent on their way. I saw that three or four times a day and I didn't see all the pigs by any means.
I've switched my diet from probably 10% fruit and vegetables, 90% meat, grain, and sugar-based foods; to 50% fruit and vegetable, 25% meat [none of it processed], and 25% grain, and avoiding refined sugar as much as possible.

I feel immensely better for it.
I remember when I first stopped eating meat I felt much more chilled out. I'm not even sure why but it was definitely noticeable. Kind of like the opposite of what people are like when they stop smoking.
Watched it last night. Really interesting stuff - especially the new analysis on saturated fats suggesting they aren't the big problem after all and rather it's more likely that the by-products of the over-processed meats and microwave meals are in fact more likely to be causing overweight issues. I'm not vegetarian but my wife is and so I eat a lot of vegetarian food, and try to keep meat (especially processed meat) to a minimum. Home cooking and balanced diet ftw.
That's a strange logic: Because you're not harming the planet in one way, it's ok to harm it in another.:confused:

Except that's nothing close to what he said though, is it?

The only sensible way to control one's environmental impact is to take an overall view.

As far as the effects of intensively farmed meat is concerned, most people would probably prefer to contribute to it in as small a way as possible but of course not everyone can afford that luxury and still eat meat.

All of us have varying levels of concern for the planet and its occupants. I'll drive a large engined car but I won't sling it's oil down the drain when it's changed etc, etc...

Do you use recreational drugs?

If so you're doing far more social and environmental damage consuming coke and imported weed than those who like the odd well-sourced steak.

Someone who has chosen not to have kids is already light years behind a vegetarian family in terms of environmental footprint unless they're burning down rainforests for a laugh, so if that's a primary concern it's a completely valid position.
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What do meat eaters think about some of the more intensive farming methods (i.e. the methods by which a large amount of meat is produced?).
Hate them. Which is why we try to buy all our meat from our local butcher who can practically tell you the name of the cow you're about to eat.
Are you asking thins because of the heinous practices in the dairy industry?

No, I do not eat non-organic dairy.

Yep, just checking. Sorry, shit question really.

I do eat meat but have cut down an enormous amount of late, so much nice veggie food to cook.
Hate them. Which is why we try to buy all our meat from our local butcher who can practically tell you the name of the cow you're about to eat.
'You mean this animal actually wants us to eat it?' whispered
Trillian to Ford.

'Me?' said Ford, with a glazed look in his eyes, 'I don't mean

'That's absolutely horrible,' exclaimed Arthur, 'the most revolting
thing I've ever heard.'

'What's the problem Earthman?' said Zaphod, now transfering his
attention to the animal's enormous rump.

'I just don't want to eat an animal that's standing there
inviting me to,' said Arthur, 'It's heartless.'

'Better than eating an animal that doesn't want to be
eaten,' said Zaphod.

'That's not the point,' Arthur protested. Then he thought about it
for a moment. 'Alright,' he said, 'maybe it is the point. I don't
care, I'm not going to think about it now. I'll just ... er ... I
think I'll just have a green salad,' he muttered.
What do meat eaters think about some of the more intensive farming methods (i.e. the methods by which a large amount of meat is produced?).
i think an informed meat eater will find a level they are comfortable with.
for me - i find barn raised hens ok. but feel pigs need more space.
I will buy pork and beef that is very high quality, and any eggs/chicken that aren't from caged hens.
although i don't care enough about their welfare to be fussy when eating out, getting takeaway, or eating any product that contains egg (which is loads of stuff).
'You mean this animal actually wants us to eat it?' whispered
Trillian to Ford.

'Me?' said Ford, with a glazed look in his eyes, 'I don't mean

'That's absolutely horrible,' exclaimed Arthur, 'the most revolting
thing I've ever heard.'

'What's the problem Earthman?' said Zaphod, now transfering his
attention to the animal's enormous rump.

'I just don't want to eat an animal that's standing there
inviting me to,' said Arthur, 'It's heartless.'

'Better than eating an animal that doesn't want to be
eaten,' said Zaphod.

'That's not the point,' Arthur protested. Then he thought about it
for a moment. 'Alright,' he said, 'maybe it is the point. I don't
care, I'm not going to think about it now. I'll just ... er ... I
think I'll just have a green salad,' he muttered.
tbh a pig could stand in front of me and deliver an impassioned speech on the joys of vegetarianism and I'd still eat it.

Birds eat insects. Sharks eat seals. Cats eat mice. Lions eat wildebeest. Humans eat meat. C'est la vie.
As ever there was no conclusion from the program. I did food science graduating in 1995 and I'm still perplexed it's so fucking complex to come up with an optimum diet people can broadly stick to.

My favorite and the one I try live is Micheall Pollens elegant advice: "Eat food, not too much, mainly plants". My own not so elegant addition is "excercise daily and lift weights twice a week at least".
tbh a pig could stand in front of me and deliver an impassioned speech on the joys of vegetarianism and I'd still eat it.

Birds eat insects. Sharks eat seals. Cats eat mice. Lions eat wildebeest. Humans eat meat. C'est la vie.
I really wouldn't bother. I think this is a 'vegetarians are better than meat eaters' thread.
go on, make it so, it's itching to turn into the usual bullshit, started already, as ususal

:confused: I don't see how.

A vegetarian asked meat eaters what they thought about the environmental aspects of doing so and some meat eaters have responded, is all.
i think an informed meat eater will find a level they are comfortable with.
for me - i find barn raised hens ok. but feel pigs need more space.
I will buy pork and beef that is very high quality, and any eggs/chicken that aren't from caged hens.
although i don't care enough about their welfare to be fussy when eating out, getting takeaway, or eating any product that contains egg (which is loads of stuff).

Yeah, pretty much my position. Although wish it was easier to tell what level of intensity chickens have been reared at. Would be nice to see pictures of dairy sources stamped across the various dairy products too.
Yeah, pretty much my position. Although wish it was easier to tell what level of intensity chickens have been reared at. Would be nice to see pictures of dairy sources stamped across the various dairy products too.
I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to remove caged egg products from my diet, without a drastic change to what I eat.
Egg is in loads of stuff if you look at the stuff on a supermarket shelf. And I assume pretty much all of that is from torture hens.
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