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Happy ... er ... new year, it's the 2023 album recommendations thread!

Also if it's not been posted here yet, Full of Hell have done a new album with Primitive Man, but none of them were in Tallulah Gosh, so fuck 'em:

I can't remember if I posted about this but I've listened to it a lot. It's a cracker. Heavy as lead.
Also if it's not been posted here yet, Full of Hell have done a new album with Primitive Man, but none of them were in Tallulah Gosh, so fuck 'em:

Think I might have posted about this but regardless, it's an absolute beast. Possible top ten finish for me. Absolutely crushing disgusting filth - in a good way...
New Roisin Murphy is excellent, of course.

The album release has been a bit overshadowed by the trans shitstorm Roisin Murphy has created.

As I understand it: someone shared a Facebook post by Murphy where she supports Graham Lineham with some ill informed stuff about puberty blockers, big pharma and trans teenagers being mixed up kids. A lot of LGBT fans were outraged. Further stuff in a similar vein came out. Her former stylist, Kabira, who is trans, claimed Murphy is a toxic, fucked up person who has been transphobic for over a decade. Murphy was quietly dropped from playing at Homoelectric and record signings at Rough Trade were cancelled. Then Murphy put out a non-apology statement, basically saying sorry if you were offended but I don’t want to talk about this. She's been getting lots of love from Lineham, glowing reviews in the Daily Mail and support from Brendan O'Neil. It's all turned her into a bit of a culture wars lightning rod and hero to transphobes :(

I like the album, but it's no Roisin Machine.
Faith No More keyboardist (and Imperial Teen leader) Roddy Bottum has a new project MAN ON MAN that has a new album out - it's almost aggressively gay (lyrically anyway; musically it's closer to Imperial Teen than FNM):

Absolutely fucking brilliant death metal from Toronto - the new Tomb Mold. I'm on my 3rd listen of the day. Massive thumbs up from me..... what a trip.

This came out a while ago, but I don't think anyone ever mentioned it - bit of a grunge supergroup, at least the backing band is (Krist Novoselic from Nirvana, Kim Thayil from Soundgarden, Matt Cameron from Soundgarden/Pearl Jam/Temple of the Dog), and the music is actually pretty good:

Who does the vocals, or do they share them? Cian's solo vocals aren't bad.
There’s a bit of Rhys Ifan, a couple of other singers whose names are written way too small on the sleeve for me to be able to read them, but most are shared between the band.

Gruff’s voice really did add a massive element to SFA they just can’t replicate. Whole new melodic lines within them. They are missed, but it’s still pretty fine on first listen.
Also just had the listening party on for the new Colleen album. Only six tracks up so far but hopefully it'll all be up soon. Some Uk gigs coming up. Recommended for Craven Fauls fans.

Just got to this and I'm enjoying it thanks
Purelink - Peak Oil

This is some seriously good woozy ambient dub techno business. Really highly recommended....

I haven't listened to anything from it yet, but from the write-ups it ticks a number of my buttons.

As does this, from Föllakzoid, who do long droney pieces to house and techno beats.

French psych/noise rock from The Psychotic Monks. Produced by Daniel Fox of Gilla Band. Currently on UK tour.

Not my sort of thing, but I know there are some fans of endless droney stuff on here - Shone a Rainbow Light On by Setting who are apparently a bit of an Americana drone supergroup:

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