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Album Recommendations: 2024 Edition

I got this via facebook advertising algorithm but it is a nice song... like Low mixed with dinosaur jr. their other songs seem a bit shit tho, it is the vocal harmonies that make it and the guy doesn't seem to sing on the other stuff.
The most professional outing for Dsablu yet, but not as melodic and driving as my favourite tracks (which seem to only exist on home made tapes).

Fat White Family have a new album out today - never really listened to them before (only aware of them from the lengthy thread on here) but it's pretty good so far:

Another kick-arse album from Melts "Field Theory". Playing the Moth Club in Hackney next week, I might well have to try get a ticket.
Fat White Family have a new album out today - never really listened to them before (only aware of them from the lengthy thread on here) but it's pretty good so far:

they've lost the musically most interesting member, amongst most of the others, so I can't see it as the original band at all really and it doesn't have much of interest to me any more... so it will probably be their biggest album.

but I only really loved their first album which all the big reviews seem to say is shit, so what do I know.
Just seen the almost-always-excellent Pagans label has dropped a couple of new albums since I last looked. Listening to this one now by Marion Cousin and Eloise Decazes.
If you like Nico, Lankum, Volcano the Bear, it'll probably float your boat. Trad-folk harmonies with a bunch of spanners thrown in the increasingly dissonant works.

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they've lost the musically most interesting member, amongst most of the others, so I can't see it as the original band at all really and it doesn't have much of interest to me any more... so it will probably be their biggest album.

but I only really loved their first album which all the big reviews seem to say is shit, so what do I know.
e.g. this album is much much better
The Afterlands album 'We Are The Animals in the Night' is out today. Here's another song...

New Iglooghost album out today, if you like glitchy electronica - not as immediately brilliant as Neo Wax Bloom, but definitely needs a few listens:

Oh my fucking lord. Theres a new The The album, Ensoulment, coming out in September. The first one this century. It has been pre-ordered.
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