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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

So the aftermath of this Israeli invasion may well be a Gaza half the size it was but with the same number of impoverished Palestinians forced to live behind the wire.

Wouldn’t be that surprising. Presumably that’s one of the reasons lots of people in Gaza don’t want to leave, they strongly suspect they won’t ever get to come back to their homes. Although it’s also quite likely Hamas soldiers are putting pressure in people to stay as well.
You know, there’s a whole host of literature out there applying a psychoanalytic lens to Israel as a nation, analogising its actions to the re-enactment of trauma that leads children who suffer abuse to become abusers as adults. I’ve never been that convinced, thinking that it pays too much attention to what is happening in the brain and too little to institutional systems and power dynamics. However, it’s hard to see Israel reenacting with Palestinians the genocide that was perpetrated on Jews and not think that maybe the psychodynamicists have point.
a golden opportunity for someone like Netenyahu to further the job he lives to do - eradicate all Palestinians from within Israeli borders
and the space taken , then being open to new Israeli settlements after the land has been raised and levelled :(

Its been reported that the Israeli government knew these attacks were coming....
....which does open up the possibility that they let this happen in order to be able to launch such a war. Yes that's conspiratorial, true or not it does fit the mindset of the fundamentalists in power in Israel. Certainly a shock doctrine moment
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You know, there’s a whole host of literature out there applying a psychoanalytic lens to Israel as a nation, analogising its actions to the re-enactment of trauma that leads children who suffer abuse to become abusers as adults. I’ve never been that convinced, thinking that it pays too much attention to what is happening in the brain and too little to institutional systems and power dynamics. However, it’s hard to see Israel reenacting with Palestinians the genocide that was perpetrated on Jews and not think that maybe the psychodynamicists have point.

When I visited Auschwitz I was shocked - disgusted tbh - to see groups of young Israelis - IDF conscripts - walking around the site in full military fatigues, jack boots, and flying the Israeli flag. It was quite sickening as the strong lesson of visiting the camp is ABOLISH MILITARISM....that was not the lesson these young people were taking away

IMO a deliberate attempt to refuel, continue and remilitarise the trauma.

What's so great about graphic novel Maus is that it deals so honestly with the passing down of this trauma, though in that case within the context of an american jewish holocaust surviving family
When I visited Auschwitz I was shocked - disgusted tbh - to see groups of young Israelis - IDF conscripts - walking around the site in full military fatigues, jack boots, and flying the Israeli flag. It was quite sickening as the strong lesson of visiting the camp is ABOLISH MILITARISM....that was not the lesson these young people were taking away

IMO a deliberate attempt to refuel, continue and remilitarise the trauma.

What's so great about graphic novel Maus is that it deals so honestly with the passing down of this trauma, though in that case within the context of an american jewish holocaust surviving family
i thought the strong lesson of the camp would be to abolish fascism. but then i've never visited auschwitz.
a golden opportunity for someone like Netenyahu to further the job he lives to do - eradicate all Palestinians from within Israeli borders

Its been reported that the Israeli government knew these attacks were coming....
....which does open up the possibility that they let this happen in order to be able to launch such a war. Yes that's conspiratorial, true or not it does fit the mindset of the fundamentalists in power in Israel. Certainly a shock doctrine moment
yeh we've had these warning stories upthread, and ap reports on a video of hamas training for the assault Hamas practiced in plain sight, posting video of mock attack weeks before border breach so it's not like the zionists didn't have information coming in, complacency and arrogance were two of hamas's allies
When I visited Auschwitz I was shocked - disgusted tbh - to see groups of young Israelis - IDF conscripts - walking around the site in full military fatigues, jack boots, and flying the Israeli flag. It was quite sickening as the strong lesson of visiting the camp is ABOLISH MILITARISM....
Yes, because the way the Third Reich withered away in the face of robust political analysis, supported by some intelligently applied non violent direct action is a lesson to everyone.

Israel has told 1.1 million people in the northern half of the Gaza strip to move to the southern half within 24 hours.

Is the plan to reduce the size of Gaza by 50%? This is horrible.
Grant Schapps on R4 Today this morning floundering when questioned about this. It's pointed out to him that people who don't have fuel, or roads for that matter, cannot comply and after repeating that Israel has done the right thing by warning them he is reduced to complaining that the Beeb don't describe Hamas as terrorists then gets a lesson on the Ofcom code for broadcasters.
Grant Schapps on R4 Today this morning floundering when questioned about this. It's pointed out to him that people who don't have fuel, or roads for that matter, cannot comply and after repeating that Israel has done the right thing by warning them he is reduced to complaining that the Beeb don't describe Hamas as terrorists then gets a lesson on the Ofcom code for broadcasters.
Tbh the only reason anyone might interview Shapps is that none of the breeze blocks had any free time in their schedule.
What would you call it when you deny 2 million people access to food, water, medicine and power, and then bomb them?

Not every war is a re-enactment of the holocaust. Are you seriously comparing Hamas to the Jews in pre-War Germany? Have you seen the gas chambers for systemically executing all the Israeli-Arabs? I don't know any school kids who would make such a facile analogy as you did there.
Not every war is a re-enactment of the holocaust. Are you seriously comparing Hamas to the Jews in pre-War Germany? Have you seen the gas chambers for systemically executing all the Israeli-Arabs? I don't know any school kids who would make such a facile analogy as you did there.
anyone who knows anything about the holocaust will know, as indeed netanyahu made reference, about the killings outside death camps, at ravines like babi yar and so on - i saw a site near vilnius where many thousands of jews had been killed in a forest and their bodies burned. the death marches at the end of the war. it's not all auschwitz and sobibor and treblinka you know.
Grant Schapps on R4 Today this morning floundering when questioned about this. It's pointed out to him that people who don't have fuel, or roads for that matter, cannot comply and after repeating that Israel has done the right thing by warning them he is reduced to complaining that the Beeb don't describe Hamas as terrorists then gets a lesson on the Ofcom code for broadcasters.

To be fair to Shaps, when they asked him on to talk about Israel and Palestine he probably thought they meant Train tracks and play dough…
Grant Schapps on R4 Today this morning floundering when questioned about this. It's pointed out to him that people who don't have fuel, or roads for that matter, cannot comply and after repeating that Israel has done the right thing by warning them...

He is a fool. (Potentially career-ending statement from me there, given that he's my boss, and politicians tend not to cope well with challenge).

If your plan requires a million people to move in 24 hours, and you know that they can't, then you need a new plan.

Even if the 24 hours proves to be a somewhat elastic concept, the negative effects of a million people trying to move in 24 hours are deeply problematic from a humanitarian and moral - and I would argue, political in the medium/long term - standpoint.

I think the Israelis have really fucked up with this - and Shapps could have skirted the issue by simply saying (and resaying) that we are in constant contact with the Israelis to both support them, and to offer our candid advice as a friend. That might not have pleased the interviewer (I listened to it), but it would have avoided answering the direct question and allowed anyone listening to hear what they want to hear - we are supporting the Israelis, but we are not saying that this is a good idea.
anyone who knows anything about the holocaust will know, as indeed netanyahu made reference, about the killings outside death camps, at ravines like babi yar and so on - i saw a site near vilnius where many thousands of jews had been killed in a forest and their bodies burned. the death marches at the end of the war. it's not all auschwitz and sobibor and treblinka you know.

I fail to see the relevance of that obvious point to the matter at hand.
Herding people by the millions is certainly very ominous

Warning civilians to evacuate before attacking is something that doesn't even happen in most wars, so I'm not sure it's suggestive of the holocaust. But Jewish people are doing it so go off I guess.
Not every war is a re-enactment of the holocaust. Are you seriously comparing Hamas to the Jews in pre-War Germany? Have you seen the gas chambers for systemically executing all the Israeli-Arabs? I don't know any school kids who would make such a facile analogy as you did there.

Not all genocides are identical to the holocaust. They are all different. It doesn't mean that genocide is not a very real possible outcome here. A forced march of a million en masse without provisions, water or fuel and under fire is exactly what the Armenian genocide was.
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