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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

there is zero distinction, its a binary, carry on killing or stop killing - er abstain! thats carry on killing in practice
Yep. It's Starmer's Parliamentary Labour Party's Iraq War moment (coming before they're even in power ffs). You either pass or fail the test. And there's no coming back after that, as the likes of Claire Short found out. There is no 'middle way'.
Yep. It's Starmer's Parliamentary Labour Party's Iraq War moment (coming before they're even in power ffs). You either pass or fail the test. And there's no coming back after that, as the likes of Claire Short found out. There is no 'middle way'.
Yep his first crisis already and he can’t even deal with that.
opportunity for a labour purge

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From a sort of morbid curiosity what is Mason's line on Israel's actions?

Find twitter absolutely impossible to read these days, but this gives me the answer
This week I’ve written about Labour’s internal debate over Gaza at The New European. I support Keir Starmer’s determination to prioritise statesmanship above inner-party pressure, but believe the achievement of any substantial on-the-ground pause in fighting has to be a stepping stone to serious de-escalation and ceasefire. I’m making this edition of Conflict & Democracy open source. Please subscribe.
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Could the "burning" part just be the best Israel can do in terms of an explanation as to why it took a month to realise they were Palestinian?
I suppose realistically the investigators et al have had to piece together a painstaking and complex list of those identified as dead, those identified as possibly dead or missing, those identified as having been kidnapped etc. So I'm happy with estimates, this random 200 figure does pose more questions than answers though.
I suppose realistically the investigators et al have had to piece together a painstaking and complex list of those identified as dead, those identified as possibly dead or missing, those identified as having been kidnapped etc. So I'm happy with estimates, this random 200 figure does pose more questions than answers though.
I am not saying I know anything, but it was claimed by (I think) Hezbollah some time ago that the media portrayal or what happened at the music festival (a Batalclan-style killing spree) was not the true picture. The claim was that most of the dead were not frestival-goers, but Hamas fighters who had been killed in a battle with the event's (presumably fairly strong) security. Two hundred deaths being moved from one column to another might be related to that. Or, equally, it might not.
I’m pretty sure that the babies in incubators that are now dead because Israel decided to kill them weren’t holding any hostages.

All the babies in incubators in Al-Shifa are now dead. New borns are dying now too.

Now they are telling staff in West Bank hospitals to evacuate.

As much as I condemn what happened to innocent people on October the 7th I am sick of hearing this 9/11 dog whistle date to justify genocide and killing more babies. While our leaders stand and applaud.

Fuck them.

Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

I have no words.
All the babies in incubators in Al-Shifa are now dead. New borns are dying now too.

Now they are telling staff in West Bank hospitals to evacuate.

As much as I condemn what happened to innocent people on October the 7th I am sick of hearing this 9/11 dog whistle date to justify genocide and killing more babies. While our leaders stand and applaud.

Fuck them.

Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

I have no words.
I do. String up those complacent, complaisant cunts
Even graun (and BBC mentioned in article) entirely unconvinced by IDF 'evidence' around Al Shifa, e.g:

Even the videos produced so far have raised questions under scrutiny. A BBC analysis found the footage of an IDF spokesperson showing the apparent discovery of a bag containing a gun behind an MRI scanning machine, had been taped hours before the arrival of the journalists to whom he was supposedly showing it.

In a video shown later, the number of guns in the bag had doubled. The IDF claimed its video of what it found at the hospital was unedited, filmed in a single take, but the BBC analysis found it had been edited.

All the babies in incubators in Al-Shifa are now dead. New borns are dying now too.

Now they are telling staff in West Bank hospitals to evacuate.

As much as I condemn what happened to innocent people on October the 7th I am sick of hearing this 9/11 dog whistle date to justify genocide and killing more babies. While our leaders stand and applaud.

Fuck them.

Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

I have no words.
BBC is still at this 'for balance' bollocks where it won't mention one without the other. 6 o'clock news on World Service today led with a piece about the technology they were using to find the bodies of those killed on 7 October. Led with it. First item.
The BBC verify bit reported in above article is surprisingly hard to find, but you can view it on this reddit thread. It's from yesterday, but couldn't see it mentioned here.

Also, the 'weapons cache'. It's in an MRI machine room. Y'know, the place where people definitely put magnetic objects just casually like.
From a sort of morbid curiosity what is Mason's line on Israel's actions?

Find twitter absolutely impossible to read these days, but this gives me the answer

Starts out good. I actually agree with first section.

This sums up first section

So when an event like October 7 happens, creating major divisions in society, unleashing mass mobilisations that Labour cannot control, technocratic managerialism is never going to be enough.

What Mason says is that Starmer got elected leader. Then ditched the ten pledges. Replacing this with being centrist on NATO and being seen as better at management of country than Tories.

The kind of mass membership under Corbyn years was ditched

Then along comes this and Labour leadership can't deal with it.
What he regards as Corbyn liberal pacifists plus those of Muslim backgrounds suddenly re appeared.

This wasn't part of the script.

Second part of Mason article is terrible.

He's doing exactly what he complains Starmer did over the Ten pledges treating the Muslim voters and liberal pacifists part of coalition that makes up Labour voters with barely disguised contempt.

Praising the leadership of Germany for threatening people with deportation over this.

Second part isn't denying the first section. It looks to me he wants a Labour government which would crack down hard on any protest like this in future

Comes across as authoritarian to me. And quite unpleasant.

Like Starmer it comes across that he does not want certain kinds of people to have a say in the body politic
I'm not totally sure what you mean here. The calls for a ceasefire are very literal, no? Stop firing. Only one side is firing right now. Only one side is flattening buildings, bombing hospitals and killing babies. How many Israeli civilians has Hamas killed since October 7? What would they do if Israel were to stop bombing Gaza and withdraw its troops from Gaza today, immediately? What could they do? What state do you think Hamas are in, logistically?
I was just saying that if the powers that be are only going to tolerate a conditional ceasefire, ie upon release of hostages, then it's unlikely to expect Hamas to concede their only leverage.

I've no idea how strong Hamas are or what their supply lines look like but I agree that currently Israel are the aggressor, and then some. This is a course of action they freely chose. It didn't need to be this way.
It seemed odd that Israel's intelligence agencies didn't seem to know about Hamas preparations for their assault on Israel on 7th October.

But the Hamas assault has rather conveniently allowed Netanyahu to play the war leader again and to invade Gaza and attempt to completely destroy Hamas or even to go further.

Is it possible Israel's intelligence did know about Hamas preparations but underestimated its force, and that people like Netanyahu kept schtum because he wanted the excuse to invade?

I don't know the workings of Israel government agencies, would it even be possible to keep a secret like that?
Had a look and more from Paul Mason,

He rejects the term Settler Colonialism. Which he says gives justification to those who want to destroy Israel state.

( what he is doing here is opposing a One State solution. Using term destroy to conflate it with anti semitic desire to destroy the Israeli Jews. Which it is not. A One State solution would not be Zionist. It would be were Israeli Jews and Palestinians could live together as equals)

Has nothing to say about West Bank where illegal settlements have made a two state solution less viable.

Blames rise of Hamas on Gaza being dependent on welfare handouts.

( disagree with this. Hamas was initially elected. Due to the corruption of Fatah and disillusionment with the Oslo accords. More recently Hamas on West Bank have been seen to be taking on Israel. Settler violence in West Bank among other issues was causing anger. Unlike the toothless PA run by Fatah. So no rise of Hamas was not to down to "handouts".)

He does not mention elections to any new authority in Palestine. Only referring to PA. He seems to think Hamas will be completely removed and then Gaza rebuilt to come under PA control as part on two state solution.

Economic growth will magically remove Hamas from the picture. Forgets that Hamas came from Muslim Brotherhood. Who in Palestine built up reputation for providing welfare for less well off.

Does he imagine this will disappear?
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