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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Babies had to be removed from incubators as power has gone in Al Shifa hospital ...the babies are now all lying together on the floor under blankets as IDF snipers shoot through the hospital windows and soldiers surround the hospital according to Dr Mads Gilbert. He goes on to counter the Israeli claims of hamas bases at the hospital and says he and his colleagues have never seen hamas around the hospital and he denies there is a base there.

There are clips of IDF commanders saying they will protect the babies and move them to another hospital but then Dr Gilbert describes how snipers are shooting jn the windows and one nurse was killed already by the sniper.
The lies are so blatant now.

Then this..

The Israeli prime minister showing a pristine copy of Mein Kampf allegedly found in a child's "sitting room " on the body of an alleged hamas soldier AFTER the place was bombed. Really?? And this is some sort of justification for what Israel is doing now to ordinary and undoubtedly innocent people.

this copy of mein kampf, was it in german or an english, hebrew or arabic translation?
so it's a brand new copy of the 1995 edition.
He also says that everyone who is demonstrating in the UK is supporting Hitler and nazis...

oh and they "found" this barely used brand new looking book (he holds it up to the camera)...in the clothing of a dead "hamas" soldier who had been bombed in his home inside his child's room which he had turned into a hamas base.
Having tried and failed to complete Mein Kampf myself on several occasions, I refuse to believe this claim that someone has read it.
If you bought or downloaded it you clearly suffer from Bibliomania (apart from anything else). So you would presumably understand that having a book is the important part - not reading it. Similarly with swearing on the Bible in court (or taking office in Parliament). How many MPs have read the bible?

As for Israeli assertions that this book in Arabic was in a children's living room which had been converted into an operational base - I would have thought this was a military side issue - or an Israeli plant. I would not have been surprised if bomb making manuals had been found, and weapons manuals in the manner of a US urban terrorist.
But I think this discovery of an Arabic version of Mein Kampf is designed to make sure "Friends of Israel" in the USA and the UK stay loyal to the Zionist cause.
If you bought or downloaded it you clearly suffer from Bibliomania (apart from anything else). So you would presumably understand that having a book is the important part - not reading it. Similarly with swearing on the Bible in court (or taking office in Parliament). How many MPs have read the bible?

As for Israeli assertions that this book in Arabic was in a children's living room which had been converted into an operational base - I would have thought this was a military side issue - or an Israeli plant. I would not have been surprised if bomb making manuals had been found, and weapons manuals in the manner of a US urban terrorist.
But I think this discovery of an Arabic version of Mein Kampf is designed to make sure "Friends of Israel" in the USA and the UK stay loyal to the Zionist cause.
if it was indeed brand new and unread it would be no surprise given the turgid nature of its contents
Blair did say that the UK et al should have tried to engage with Hamas after it won the elections to the Palestinian Authority in 2006

This is New Labour Third Way.

Blunkett did this on the Indeterminate sentences that New Labour brought in to show they were tough on crime. Now dropped due to the appalling human rights abuse it was.

Blunkett now saying it was all a mistake and he did not mean it to be used like this.

Its typical triangulation politics.

Do one thing and then cover your self by saying it perhaps was a mistake.

TBF I prefer right wing politicians to this.

End result of the New Labour approach is the same end result. But they go I didn't really mean this.

Its disingenuous.
This is New Labour Third Way.

Blunkett did this on the Indeterminate sentences that New Labour brought in to show they were tough on crime. Now dropped due to the appalling human rights abuse it was.

Blunkett now saying it was all a mistake and he did not mean it to be used like this.

Its typical triangulation politics.

Do one thing and then cover your self by saying it perhaps was a mistake.

TBF I prefer right wing politicians to this.

End result of the New Labour approach is the same end result. But they go I didn't really mean this.

Its disingenuous.
They are right wing.
What gets me about this is that at the very least Blair led this country into worst foreign policy disaster in Middle East since Eden and somehow he's survived all that.

Compare way he is treated to Corbyn.

Blair started a war built on lies the consequences of which are still felt now.

Yet he is regarded as credible candidate to be involved in middle east policy.

Beggars belief.
Corbyn showing remarkable restraint with Morgan.

Wonder does the latter see the coalition and IDF as terror groups?
He couldn’t answer a simple question. If he wasn’t so thick he could have easily tacked to the fact that Hamas are the directly elected representatives of the Palestinian people etc. but he didn’t because he’s none too bright…
He couldn’t answer a simple question. If he wasn’t so thick he could have easily tacked to the fact that Hamas are the directly elected representatives of the Palestinian people etc. but he didn’t because he’s none too bright…
He's yet another scapegoat for apologists for colonialism. Like Sinn Fein used to be the target of censorship and bile from the British establishment and allies in the media.
He couldn’t answer a simple question. If he wasn’t so thick he could have easily tacked to the fact that Hamas are the directly elected representatives of the Palestinian people etc. but he didn’t because he’s none too bright…
It isn't a simple question. Hamas has two separate sections. A political wing that is called Hamas that does political and welfare activities mostly in Gaza, and a paramilitary wing that is called the Al Qassam Brigades that organises a mix of legitimate resistance to occupation and outright terrorism in both Gaza and the West Bank. So it just isn't a simple question if you actually know what Hamas is comprised of and all of what it does. The way that bastards such as Piers Morgan operate is that any attempt to introduce complexity beyond "everything covered by this label is bad and everything this other label applies to is good". Which is simple, easy to understand, and absolutely nothing to do with anything that happens on Planet Earth. Playing the game their way by trying to twist their simplistic mis-characterisations into a narrative that suits you just leads to adding to the level of fantasy over reality. Trying to stick to the complex realities doesn't look great at the time, but is better than twisting the truths for a short term win only to end up being hammered with it later when people see through the spin.
More than anything this shows the universal truth that once you start lying, it's difficult to stop.

Myself I'm waiting for any evidence at all that there is "military infrastructure" underneath eg. Al Shifa hospital. The Israeli government asserts shit like that all the time but never actually shows any evidence for it. What we get to see is a brand new paperback found in pristine condition in a bomb crater, and the days of the week re-imagined as terrorists' names. Which is especially weird since the days of the week are called the same in Arabic and Hebrew (named after numbers, first-day, second-day etc) so all you need to know is the alphabet.

It just seems like endless lies and propaganda, plus of course 5000 dead babies.

And counting.

The days of the week, for reference....
يَوم الأحَد
يَوم الإثنين
يَوم الثلاثاء
يَوم الأربعاء
يَوم الخميس
يَوم الجمعة
يَوم السبت
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She has a Hebrew accent ffs! :facepalm:

It's not hard to find a few examples of Israelis and Palestinians speaking English, anyone can hear that's fake. Wtf was she thinking??

It'd be laughable if it wasn't such a criminal tragedy.
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Tomorrow's vote in the Commons on a ceasefire will be interesting. There are 17 Labour frontbenchers who have signed an amendment calling for a ceasefire. Reports are saying that 'difficult conversations 'have been had between them and Labour whips. If the 17 hold their ground I wonder what Starmer and Labours HQ 's position is going to be ?

What do the Labour supporters on here think?
Tomorrow's vote in the Commons on a ceasefire will be interesting. There are 17 Labour frontbenchers who have signed an amendment calling for a ceasefire. Reports are saying that 'difficult conversations 'have been had between them and Labour whips. If the 17 hold their ground I wonder what Starmer and Labours HQ 's position is going to be ?

What do the Labour supporters on here think?

No Labour supporter but I doubt they'll do anything. The ones Starmer/Akehurst really want rid of will be selectively binned, the others love signing letters but never do shit anyway so who cares?
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