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Grenfell Tower fire in North Kensington - news and discussion

Mogg is taking his edgelord reputation a bit far this morning

Next year the must have accessory for all members of the houses must be an a single headshot and a matching unmarked shallow grave.

My god he's a cunt. As well as suggesting it was people's own fault that they died, he also said it was 'sad' that people were linking their deaths to their class and race, and that is was nothing to do with that. I wonder how many of his Eton chums are living in homes they know to be unsafe but are powerless to do anything about it.

Someone else observed that he brought the interviewer and listeners in as well, 'you and I would know better than to sit tight' etc. Divide and rule. CUNT.
Mogg is taking his edgelord reputation a bit far this morning

Next year the must have accessory for all members of the houses must be an a single headshot and a matching unmarked shallow grave.
they won't get a headshot and they won't get a grave. should tests be successful they will be fed to the penguins when they have done their bit for the works of the south atlantic industrial zone
Unseemly behaviour to the penguin community
by no means. underground heating will be installed for them, and the former people will also construct a sewage system to finally deal with the great volume of excreta the birds produce. the former people's corpses will also help penguins feed their young without risking being crushed getting into the sea or the various marine hazards that present themselves.
You could almost justify JRM's words as clumsy expression where he might not have actually meant what it sounded like. But what Andrew Bridgen has said is quite unbelievable.
I wish I was surprised by the Conservatives inhumanity but I'm not any more.

It is unsurprising. Absolutely unsurprising. However, the reason that this twat has sunk to a new low is because everyone who has ever lived in a tower block, particularly near the top, can understand how the stairwell/firedoor configuration would make it EASY to believe that the advice of 'don't go into the stairwell, stay put' would make perfect sense. This twat, however, has probably never even set foot inside a tower block and STILL BELIEVES THAT HE KNOWS BETTER. *head explodes*
You could almost justify JRM's words as clumsy expression where he might not have actually meant what it sounded like. But what Andrew Bridgen has said is quite unbelievable.
Clumsy? He revealed what his considered opinion is. He thinks he is more 'knowledgeable' than professionals, he thinks he would have easily legged it down the stairs through the thick, dark, smokey corridors and stairways, over dying and dead people, and saved his own life even though the fire brigade were telling him to stay put. He's a grade A prick and a insult to humankind. He has no fucking clue how awful it was for people, how they worried, suffered, choked and died whilst thinking they were doing the right thing. I'd personally like to take a longggggggggggggggggggggggg run up and jump slap his face into next week along with any cunt that makes excuses for him. His contempt for those that died says everything about who he really is.
Looks like Brendan O'Neill is in line for a face slap

Jacob Rees-Mogg is right about Grenfell

People are accusing JRM of saying the Grenfell residents lacked common sense. He doesn’t say that. He is saying that if he had been in the burning building, he would have left. To him that would be the common-sense thing to do. Many people agree. I do. This isn’t to insult the Grenfell residents who trusted the fire service. Nor is it to insult the firefighters who behaved with extraordinary bravery on that awful night. It is simply to question fire chiefs’ attachment to the policy of ‘stay put’, and to lament the catastrophic consequences it seems to have had on that night.

If you are more angry with a politician for saying it is a tragedy that people did not ignore dangerous advice than you are with the people who issued the dangerous advice, then your moral compass is in urgent need of repair. The cynicism of it all is breathtaking. People are purposefully misinterpreting and exploiting JRM’s words to the cynical end of hurting the Tories in the election. ‘Maybe this will cost them some votes!’ is the gross undertone of this confected media storm. Once again the leftish middle classes are exploiting the dead of Grenfell to score political points, and I say that is far more repulsive than what Rees-Mogg said on the radio this morning.
Looks like Brendan O'Neill is in line for a face slap

Jacob Rees-Mogg is right about Grenfell
Amazing how people these days seem to line up to defend the indefensible. I think it’s down to 40 years of right wing politics poisoning the zeitgeist. The only thing that ‘trickled down’ was the attitudes. By the way The Laffer curve was sketched for Cheney and Rumsfeld by Laffer on a cocktail napkin.
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