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Glastonbury 2005

I think the photo-ID suggestion is a waste of time. They should just do it like last year, with the following key improvements:

1. Start selling the tickets in the morning, on a weekend, so people don't have to stay awake all night.

2. Sort out more phone lines / staff

3. Set up more web servers so the web site doesn't get overwhelmed

What does it matter if a few thousand tickets get re-sold? Really?

In the end if more people want to go to an event than there are tickets available, there is going to be some "touting". The organisers can minimise it, but never stop it completely.

Eavis has done some good things to cut down on touting, but its a "law of diminishing returns" situation now. What next? Retina scans? DNA samples?

If we go this year, we'd prefer it if we can 'convoy in' with some campervans that we know of (eh moose, Han etc?).
We really enjoyed the Big Chill because we had a brilliant little campsite. That was missing for us at Glasto this year.
Its fun to get together of an evening and have a group meal and a little drinkie before setting off into the melee.
Just an observation, but I found the Urbanies tent camp site not as social either as in the past - it was more fun the first time when we had the dome. Even a gazebo would make it more fun.
Supposed to be doing Glasto next year as a stag weekend. William & Moose will remember the groom, my mate Snowy from Glasto 2000. One slight hitch. His brother's a copper!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Could be interesting. :D
Giles said:
Eavis has done some good things to cut down on touting, but its a "law of diminishing returns" situation now. What next? Retina scans? DNA samples?


Well not next year.....................................
pinkmonkey said:
If we go this year, we'd prefer it if we can 'convoy in' with some campervans that we know of (eh moose, Han etc?).
Its fun to get together of an evening and have a group meal and a little drinkie before setting off into the melee.
Going back for your tea is a fun idea until you realise just how much hassle it is getting in and out of the festival each time! You often have to queue for ages, then you can have a 20 minute walk back to the van. When we leave the van in the morning, we take everything we need for the next 20 hours and leave it in the Avalon field lockup, returning to it for warmer layers etc as we need them. Last year we only went back to the van to sleep twice. :oops:

As for photo id cards, seems a bit extreme to me. Last year worked reasonably well as a deterrent to touts. Seems like a lot of technology to have to set up for just one weekend, and lot of financial outlay, plus way more hassle for the organisers to match photos to applications.
pinkmonkey said:
Just an observation, but I found the Urbanies tent camp site not as social either as in the past - it was more fun the first time when we had the dome. Even a gazebo would make it more fun.

I'll be happy to bring my small PA and a gazebo/tentage, I just need cast iron promises of help carrying it all from the carpark....
beesonthewhatnow said:
I'll be happy to bring my small PA and a gazebo/tentage, I just need cast iron promises of help carrying it all from the carpark....

I can definitely help there, but you never know some kind soul with a vehicle pass may offer to help nearer the time (no idea who, but you never know!)
if thats a serious offer wandermaid I love you :D

never never again am I carrying that lot of kit

moose said:
Going back for your tea is a fun idea until you realise just how much hassle it is getting in and out of the festival each time! You often have to queue for ages, then you can have a 20 minute walk back to the van. When we leave the van in the morning, we take everything we need for the next 20 hours and leave it in the Avalon field lockup, returning to it for warmer layers etc as we need them. Last year we only went back to the van to sleep twice. :oops:

As for photo id cards, seems a bit extreme to me. Last year worked reasonably well as a deterrent to touts. Seems like a lot of technology to have to set up for just one weekend, and lot of financial outlay, plus way more hassle for the organisers to match photos to applications.

You are considerably more hardcore than me. ;) I need my sleep.
pinkmonkey said:
You are considerably more hardcore than me. ;) I need my sleep.
I didn't say we didn't sleep, I just said we didn't sleep in the van :D
We had one night in Bees Mansions and another in someone's yurt. Actually, the van was quite close this time, not the 40 minute uphill trek we've sometimes had in the past.
It appears that the Dance Tent at Glastonbury is to be abolished (at least in its present form)

This came up on EFestivals today

It's been known for a while that Glastonbury's New Tent is to be renamed the John Peel Stage, as a tribute to the DJ who sadly died earlier this year.

On top of that, we understand that its location is to move, into the space that has been occupied by the Dance Tent - and that huge Dance Tent is to disappear completely.

If the John Peel Stage is to be in this new location as our information suggests, we think it likely that it will also be increased in capacity. The previous site didn't really have space to expand, and the New Tent was becoming increasingly popular, with some bands having much of their audience outside the tent and queuing up the hill.

And with the popularity of mainstream dance DJs falling away over the last few years, the drop in popularity of the Dance Tent has been noticable - at one time just getting near the tent proved difficult, while the last few years has seen easy access even for headline acts.

Dance music at Glastonbury isn't disappearing entirely - we understand that all aspects are under review, but that some will remain.

I argued several years ago for the DT's abolition and its replacement with several smaller tents/sound systems scattered around the site ....

Interesting news!
As I understand it, the big Dance Tent will go - but the Glade Area may be expanded, possibly moving to a new location.
William of Walworth said:
It appears that the Dance Tent at Glastonbury is to be abolished (at least in its present form)

This came up on EFestivals today

I argued several years ago for the DT's abolition and its replacement with several smaller tents/sound systems scattered around the site ....

Interesting news!

Bag of shite - last year, I finally felt that the dance tent had got its sound system together, after a few years of making all music sound like the muffled outpourings of an two-bit Alba stereo. The dance tent was finally firing out some serious warm bass for Dubdadda. It was a real pleasure, and a vital place to hang out and shelter from all the rain.

Worryingly though, the bill in last year's dance tent was pretty terrible. After years of forcing folks out by the sheer crapness of its sound rig, it now had the kind of acts and djs that had folks rushing for the exits. No wonder it was getting emptier with a load of guff like the continual Car Wash/Soul Train disco djs (and dancers) making everyone cheese it to the exits. If I didn't know better I would swear that they were deliberately trying to run it down...

Pissed off about this. I really thought last year could only go up rather than down, particularly with those improvements made. After the tired McCartney and Oasis bollocks last year, I'm beginning to lose the faith...

Don't give up yet! No details of what's new are yet known, and there's still time and space for a lot of positives.

Watch this space ... will post more when I know more (ie next year ... )

Tyler D -- yes -- get back over, its a bit quiet at the moment!
tarannau said:
If I didn't know better I would swear that they were deliberately trying to run it down...

I felt that's exactly what they were doing, especially with the dance tent being shut so early after the shite disco acts. I only hope the rumours of an expanded Glade area are true.
New Year Bump!

Less than six months to go now ... :D

We've been talking to the mooses (staying with us over New Year) and we now have a probablity of camping wwith them on a campsite just outrside Glastonbury (town) for the two nights before the festival site opens. Solstice on the hill at Glastonbury Tor sounds like a good build up and I hardly spent any time amongst the hippy shops cafes and pubs of the town ... :)
*Wonders whether Mrs Tort would be amiable towards him heading westwards a day or two earlier this year* :cool:
"And of course the rumours about the line up of the 2005 event have started already. U2 were going to do it but then pulled out, and after John Peel�s tragic death [report] its been suggested that The Undertones should play the newly christened John Peel New Band Stage and that Peel�s friends Pink Floyd should reform for the Sunday headlining night slot."

Pink Floyd is it?

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