William of Walworth said:Giles
I'm aware it's not actually a Government sanctioned scheme, as you say it's private. The one statement of yours I don't necessarily think is reliable though, is the one at the end of your post that I've bolded. I think the suggestion that the Citizens Card database details would never, or could never, be used as a basis later on for national ID should not (IMO) be taken as a given.
I understand your concerns, but I genuinely don't think it will be used this way.
A big, big problem if they DO go ahead wih ID cards is making sure that the database is as close to 100% as possible accurate from the start. And many existing databases just aren't, because they have never had that much security from the off.
The Citizens card is mostly aimed at kids and young adults from 12 up who need some way of proving if they are old enough to rent a DVD, buy a video or computer game, or fags, or whatever.
Their own FAQ says "we check all applications" but "check" means that the kid has to give a "responsible person" (adult with quasi-respectable job) to say "yep I know xxxx and they are indeed this age".
Now, they can be fairly sure that its pretty unusual for a 14 year old to persuade someone a lot older and in a vaguely responsible position to lie just so they can watch a rude filem or get pissed, but how hard would it be for a half-way serious crook/terrorist/fraudster???? Not f***ing very! ( I can see a problem with people like Peter Stringfellow lying on behalf of his latest girlfriend though!)
You do not need to provide any vaguely "source" documents like Birth Certs. (not that these are that hard to get, but thats another story), just the word of a responsible adult that you are who you say.
I wouldn't base an all-powerful national ID card scheme on that, and if they do, I will laugh (and worry!).