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General election, the urban75 vote

How will you vote?

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Right, says the person who was voting for a fucking LD five minutes ago. Supercilious crap.
Do you draw a cock on your ballot paper? (I hope not, fuck me that makes me cringe).

I'll vote LD or Labour. Different reasons for each. But I will vote. To not vote waves the Tories in.

If you're voting labour or another party, good luck to you. If your drawing obscene childish scrawls on ballot papers then you don't get to have an opinion.

People don't actually do it do they? It is just an embarrassing joke right?
Do you draw a cock on your ballot paper? (I hope not, fuck me that makes me cringe).

I'll vote LD or Labour. Different reasons for each. But I will vote. To not vote waves the Tories in.

If you're voting labour or another party, good luck to you. If your drawing obscene childish scrawls on ballot papers then you don't get to have an opinion.

People don't actually do it do they? It is just an embarrassing joke right?
A lot of abstainers/spoilers on these boards spend the years in between election working their arses off on behalf of the deprived, underprivileged and voiceless. I respect their views far more than I do many people who dutifully vote every few years and do little else politically
A lot of abstainers/spoilers on these boards spend the years in between election working their arses off on behalf of the deprived, underprivileged and voiceless. I respect their views far more than I do many people who dutifully vote every few years and do little else politically
Patronising noble bollocks. Plus the two aren't mutually exclusive.
Honestly it's just way of devolving responsibility whilst maintaining the moral high ground. Well done, you always get to be right, meanwhile the Tories shaft us :facepalm:
I'm in a safe Labour seat. Will probably spoil ballot. Our Labour council has implemented cuts on insane levels and other than shrugging their shoulders and going 'nothing we can do' they've gone blithely ahead. The opposition to the cuts has been laughable from them, no doubt because lots secretly agree. Scum the lot of them, murdering scum.
Although they did rein the Tories in for that term.
Like when they U-turned on tuition fees, made nary a peep about the swingeing cuts, fucked up the AV referendum and sold the post office off for half it's market value? I'd hate to see what they are capable of if that's 'holding the Tories back'.

*This is not a dig at you BTW. The libdems had their chance and they royally screwed it
Do you draw a cock on your ballot paper? (I hope not, fuck me that makes me cringe).

I'll vote LD or Labour. Different reasons for each. But I will vote. To not vote waves the Tories in.

If you're voting labour or another party, good luck to you. If your drawing obscene childish scrawls on ballot papers then you don't get to have an opinion.

People don't actually do it do they? It is just an embarrassing joke right?
sometimes I write in STALIN for the jokes, did that for the PCC election because well...

One of the problems with parliamentary democracy is that it offers incredibly little in the way of real change. Its a system that has not seen a truly radical overhaul since the chartists. Its inherently flawed. From where I'm stood the embarrassing joke is revo lefties actually lining up to vote for the Labour party. Which will absorb their energy and then fuck them. If you have faith (touching, really) in the parliamentary system then by all means, let Iron Corbz lead the way. He's better than anything else on offer. The grown-up politics ennit? So when the ratings agencies tank the pound and capital strike goes on plus a complete civil service fuckaround and 'external pressures' from capital let labour renege on the limited gains they promised you can say you did the sensible thing and voted labour.

the only time to vote genuine is when you are asked a direct question via refferndum. FPTP and the seat/distribution system means most of our votes are worth the sum total of fuck all- its decided by swing voters in key marginals.
Honestly it's just way of devolving responsibility whilst maintaining the moral high ground. Well done, you always get to be right, meanwhile the Tories shaft us :facepalm:

Labour have directly shafted my city by forging ahead with cuts. They've not opposed it properly at all. When you know people will die as a result of your actions saying 'they made me do hr' is simply not good enough.
Labour have directly shafted my city by forging ahead with cuts. They've not opposed it properly at all. When you know people will die as a result of your actions saying 'they made me do hr' is simply not good enough.
Yes, the Tories with a huge mandate will be much better won't they. Great logic.

If you don't vote purenarcotic and the Tories get that huge mandate, then you don't get to feel superior, you get to feel partially responsible imo.
Like when they U-turned on tuition fees, made nary a peep about the swingeing cuts, fucked up the AV referendum and sold the post office off for half it's market value? I'd hate to see what they are capable of if that's 'holding the Tories back'.

*This is not a dig at you BTW. The libdems had their chance and they royally screwed it
I'm no Lib dem flag waver (although I do genuinely like Farron), I voted leave too. I would vote for them cos I think Greg is a good MP, but I'm as likely to vote Labour on the basis that the principle of taxing the corporations and rich to pay for public services is clearly the right tack.
Not voting is imho much better than a party that have directly ruled out a coalition with Labour. They are actively gunning for another coalition with the Tories, something you feel was a mistake Edie. A vote for them in your constituency (Leeds NW? Yes?) is more likely to help than hinder the Tories overall.
Quite, the Tories get in (literally) whatever I vote or not at all.
Yes, but your Tory MP gets in with a bigger margin when you don't vote. More people, like you, think 'oh there's no point in voting, so I'll just go about my business with no responsibility for the outcome either way, then act horrified when the Tories close my local A&E'. I mean, come on! So much shoulder shrugging.
Not voting is imho much better than a party that have directly ruled out a coalition with Labour. They are actively gunning for another coalition with the Tories, something you feel was a mistake Edie. A vote for them in your constituency (Leeds NW? Yes?) is more likely to help than hinder the Tories overall.
They've ruled out a coalition with the Tories too for whatever that's worth
Yes, but your Tory MP gets in with a bigger margin when you don't vote. More people, like you, think 'oh there's no point in voting, so I'll just go about my business with no responsibility for the outcome either way, then act horrified when the Tories close my local A&E'. I mean, come on! So much shoulder shrugging.

You think its 'shoulder shrugging'? As someone who has been involved in various political actions all my life, and I've been involved in defend social housing campaigns for the last 9 months against Tories, Lib Dems and Labour all enacting the same cuts.

Vote Lib Dem.
They've ruled out a coalition with the Tories too for whatever that's worth

Do you believe them? I don't, not at all. And I also think, fwiw, that taking part in local campaigning is far more effective in creating change in my local area than voting is. I've voted and not voted down the years, but the only times I've really felt I've been part of real changes to my local community has been in local fights about libraries, youth clubs etc. I don't think it's right at all to knock people for choosing that kind of politics over our very flawed electoral system.
You think its 'shoulder shrugging'? As someone who has been involved in various political actions all my life, and I've been involved in defend social housing campaigns for the last 9 months against Tories, Lib Dems and Labour all enacting the same cuts.

Vote Lib Dem.
Too noble to vote
Do you believe them? I don't, not at all. And I also think, fwiw, that taking part in local campaigning is far more effective in creating change in my local area than voting is. I've voted and not voted down the years, but the only times I've really felt I've been part of real changes to my local community has been in local fights about libraries, youth clubs etc. I don't think it's right at all to knock people for choosing that kind of politics over our very flawed electoral system.
Dunno if I believe them. I don't think they will, but probably not for the right reasons iyswim
Perhaps you could properly engage and outline why someone would vote for parties that have actively been implementing cuts.
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