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GE 2017: Urban Opinion Poll No.1

Who are you going to vote for?

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Our voting place is, literally, next door. As per usual I'll probably fail to make it into the building to vote for the mighty spunker - waaay too much effort. Laziness dressed up as anarcho-principle.
There's a chance I'll vote for the local Green if he's selected. He's a decent enough guy. But not if they carry on with this "progressive ve alliance" crap.

As things stand my current dilemma is "spunking cock" or "Proletarian Democracy" write in.
I'll vote Labour. MP here is a bit of a wanker but by the standards of the PLP is OK. Damning with faint praise!

It's either him, the Tories, or Plaid; the Plaid candidate will probably be the usual one, a man who is a colossal misogynist bellend. Don't mind Leanne Wood but absolutely no way I'm voting for him.
Lambeth (last time at least ) had quite a lot of options on the ballot. Is that unusual ? here they are from 2015 (columns show new seats won from Labour & percentage of vote)

Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 19.15.56.png
Probs Labour to oust Greg Mulholland, but can't say for sure as we won't have the full candidate list for another month
If I do vote, it will be as a token gesture in a nod to Corbyn/McDonnell. I was pleased when they took over the Labour party, so I feel a certain urge to do it. Doesn't matter much - very safe labour seat.
Will I be able to overthrow Jeremy Hunt's slim majority of just 28,000? Or should I just fuck off the whole shit-show as per and scoff at those not fortunate enough to live in a democracy?
Labour. Fairly pointless in my Con/Lib Dem constituency but still. Actually voting 'for' this time rather than as a protest vote as I usually do. Housing and the NHS are the two big issues for me.
Same, but my constituency is solid tory. Pip farce needs more coverage.
Always been an abstain but recently I've been feeling I'm really more of a "fuck off with this pro-capitalist shit". Since that doesn't seem to be an option I guess I'll have to practise on this poll.
No hope for Labour in my constituency, so I'm voting Green.

I've previously been a tactical voter, always voting for the party most likely to beat the tories, but that means voting liberal round here and I can't bring myself to vote liberal anymore after the student fees treachery and the fact that they would go back into coalition with the Tories. (and whilst their christian leader has finally said that being gay "isn't a sin", it was such hard work getting him to say that that he's clearly a lying bastard)
If they really went into an anti-tory pact, I might force myself to vote for them, but they won't.

That said, I secretly hope that the remoaners get out and vote liberal. It would be fucking funny if the tories lost their majority. My constituency was 70 something per cent remain - if they all voted Liberal here, the tory could go.
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