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Five-year-old April Jones kidnapped in Machynlleth, Mid-Wales

The point is they can't afford to if they want to or not. Do you not see that?

That's your point. Unless you've been there in the last couple of months and are basing your speculation on first hand accounts of how this crime has affected the different classes of people in the area, it's no more the point than me saying, for example, I'm sure the middle class people will want to move out because they're more capable of empathy than the people on the council estate.
Yeah, but why not start a thread about people being trapped in "poverty pockets" or whatever people call them rather than bringing it up on a thread that, with all due respect, it has fuck all to do with?
Maybe it's a bit like the Tia Sharp thread - times when I had to just not say anything about some of what was being said otherwise there'd have been a bunfight and ruined the thread. Sort of thing. I can see where he's coming from, but I don't think this thread was like that.
You're right, its hard to see how you can think of one without the other in future. Like Saddleworth Moor.

I dunno. I spent a while working in Eritrea, then the youngest country on earth and one that had had countless horrors visted on it over 30 years' of brutal, asymmetric warfare that had targeted civilians as a matter of course. People got on with their lives when I was there; there was an awareness and acknowledgement of what had gone before, but human networks are resilient and capable of bouncing back. I would say that there will forever be an awareness and acknowledgement of what happened to April Jones but I seriously doubt it will be long-lasting. Our instinct is to move on, to love, live and grow: that is what it is to be human and, dare I say, to survive.

Those directly touched personally by it such as family and friends are a different matter, and my heart goes out to them all for what they will have to live through for the rest of their lives. As for the rest of the community, it will forever be a chapter in the history of Mach, but I can't quite buy that it will have been fundamentally changed by the experience. Dai the pisshead will still be propping up the bar in the Black Lion, people passing through will still wonder how a milk bar still survives there, the B&Bs will still be full of tourists enjoying the mountains.

Anyways, RIP April. Enjoy the rest of your life rotting in the nonce wing, Bridger, you disgusting fuck.
Not all of us are from London, and you're the only one behaving like that.

Think you could give it a rest for a bit?

I'm sure if enough people are offended they can report it themselves, they don't need you...every thread I see you on you're trying to cause trouble. Just report stuff you don't like instead of disrupting threads, eh?

Anyway back on topic...Einstein explained confusion with the concept of the speed of light (honest, it's on topic) by saying time can shrink and stretch.

Life for this cunt is going to be very stretched. Food for those in solitary is not prepared separately...so eat up, every meal will be a chef's special. At some point someone will get him, because they'll keep him on suicide watch to make sure he can't get out of it. Others will come and go but everyone gets a free shot at him...anything...as long as it never ends. They won't kill him, they like things to play with. Like a cat.

He'll suffer every day till he dies....sometimes hard to stomach because it doesn't seem enough but the worst of us will make it worst for him.
I dunno. I spent a while working in Eritrea, then the youngest country on earth and one that had had countless horrors visted on it over 30 years' of brutal, asymmetric warfare that had targeted civilians as a matter of course. People got on with their lives when I was there; there was an awareness and acknowledgement of what had gone before, but human networks are resilient and capable of bouncing back. I would say that there will forever be an awareness and acknowledgement of what happened to April Jones but I seriously doubt it will be long-lasting. Our instinct is to move on, to love, live and grow: that is what it is to be human and, dare I say, to survive.

Those directly touched personally by it such as family and friends are a different matter, and my heart goes out to them all for what they will have to live through for the rest of their lives. As for the rest of the community, it will forever be a chapter in the history of Mach, but I can't quite buy that it will have been fundamentally changed by the experience. Dai the pisshead will still be propping up the bar in the Black Lion, people passing through will still wonder how a milk bar still survives there, the B&Bs will still be full of tourists enjoying the mountains.

Anyways, RIP April. Enjoy the rest of your life rotting in the nonce wing, Bridger, you disgusting fuck.

Yes. I agree. I suspect, though, that with his happy memories of doing what he had longed to do for so long, he may survive reasonably happily.

He is more than a touch demented.

Another day I might look more closely at some people's urge to be a paedophile, but not now.
At some point someone will get him, because they'll keep him on suicide watch to make sure he can't get out of it. Others will come and go but everyone gets a free shot at him...anything...as long as it never ends. They won't kill him, they like things to play with. Like a cat.

He'll suffer every day till he dies....sometimes hard to stomach because it doesn't seem enough but the worst of us will make it worst for him.

If he is on a nonce wing maybe he will make friends, exchange notes and live reasonably peacefully.

Is this the kind of suicide watch that Fred West and Harold Shipman faced?

I have no idea what prison life will be like for him. You cannot beat up someone every day. He will be one of many inmates who have done terrible things.

Tonight a lot of us are much concerned with April Jones, but soon there will be another child murdered. I am not so sure that other prisoners will bother him all that much.

This is all speculation; I know nothing about the prison system / security.
Some people seem to get excited about the prospect of prison justice served upon him. I am not bothered if he does have a horrific ordeal in prison and part of me hopes he does (I know, I know)... but I'd much rather hope that her remains are found so her parents have some closure. I had to turn the news off tonight because this murder being in the headlines again; coupled with Georgia Williams was a bit much to stomach when trying to unwind for the evening.
...I have no idea what prison life will be like for him. You cannot beat up someone every day. He will be one of many.

Tonight a lot of us are much concerned with April Jones, but soon there will soon be another child murdered. I am not so sure that other prisoners are goinn to bother him all that much.
No, no-one can get beaten every day. I said 'anything...as long as it counts'. Prison is stressful and boring, interesting and crushing. It's the worst place to be if you've committed a heinous crime.

If he manages to commit suicide, I don't have a problem with that. I'm not advocating cruel and unusual punishment but I wouldn't mind it. I look at April's pics and I see my own young grand-daughters, a primal thing kicks in. Kill, crush, destroy, nothing must threaten them - there's no thought of discussion or peace-making. And that's a good thing, but I also agree with the rule of law.

So I hope he lives long and suffers. Because yes, children will be murdered...all of the time. But many are put off such thoughts when considering the punishment. You can't stop it, but we can keep it down to the least possible, can't we?
Think you could give it a rest for a bit?

I'm sure if enough people are offended they can report it themselves, they don't need you...every thread I see you on you're trying to cause trouble. Just report stuff you don't like instead of disrupting threads, eh?

Um, pardon?

With respect, you know nothing about me and I am not trying to cause trouble. Please leave me alone, stop patronising me and stop following me from thread to thread which is clearly what you're doing.
Um, pardon?

With respect, you know nothing about me and I am not trying to cause trouble. Please leave me alone, stop patronising me and stop following me from thread to thread which is clearly what you're doing.

My point was that you try and undermine/deviate threads which are certainly worth discussing. I don't give a fuck about you :) You're nothing to me but some text on a screen, I've never met you, I don't care to meet you. If you think I'm following you about, report it and provide some reasonable proof to the mods.

You are trying to cause trouble...I saw you in that thread where you accused the person with MH problems that they were being disrespectful to people with MH problems...looking like an idiot with your 'leper' comment. You went onto treelover's thread about being stolen from and told him he'd be in trouble himself because....he hadn't paid tax on the money he gave to the guy who stole from him. You're on this thread starting shit with someone else.

I don't follow you around...you just pop up a lot on the interesting threads...but never have much positive input. Always involved in the trouble, eh.

Now..if you think this is too much...remember...
I look at April's pics and I see my own young grand-daughters, a primal thing kicks in.
I have a little emotional investment in this kind of thread, daughters and grand-daughters...so contribute or fuck off.

The closest I've been to putting someone on ignore, ever.
My point was that you try and undermine/deviate threads which are certainly worth discussing. I don't give a fuck about you :) You're nothing to me but some text on a screen, I've never met you, I don't care to meet you. If you think I'm following you about, report it and provide some reasonable proof to the mods.

You are trying to cause trouble...I saw you in that thread where you accused the person with MH problems that they were being disrespectful to people with MH problems...looking like an idiot with your 'leper' comment. You went onto treelover's thread about being stolen from and told him he'd be in trouble himself because....he hadn't paid tax on the money he gave to the guy who stole from him. You're on this thread starting shit with someone else.

I don't follow you around...you just pop up a lot on the interesting threads...but never have much positive input. Always involved in the trouble, eh.

Now..if you think this is too much...remember...

I have a little emotional investment in this kind of thread, daughters and grand-daughters...so contribute or fuck off.

The closest I've been to putting someone on ignore, ever.

I think you're a nasty bullying piece of work, this isn't the first time you've done this to me. Stop. Now.

All I have done on this thread was to ask someone to explain a comment they made. I was not the only person to ask them to explain it, so I don't know why you're singling my posts out.

As for my other supposed 'crimes' - I said I used the word 'leper' when I meant outcast on that thread, and posted that at the time. So I get my words mixed up sometimes. Hardly the biggest crime in the world. On treelover's thread I genuinely didn't want him to get any more hassle than he was clearly getting (as did others) but again, it's my posts you choose to single out.

A community has been devastated by this person's actions, a family has been torn apart by him. But no, bully someone on the internet instead. Nice one.
I think you're a nasty bullying piece of work, this isn't the first time you've done this to me. Stop. Now.

All I have done on this thread was to ask someone to explain a comment they made. I was not the only person to ask them to explain it, so I don't know why you're singling my posts out.

As for my other supposed 'crimes' - I said I used the word 'leper' when I meant outcast on that thread, and posted that at the time. So I get my words mixed up sometimes. Hardly the biggest crime in the world. On treelover's thread I genuinely didn't want him to get any more hassle than he was clearly getting (as did others) but again, it's my posts you choose to single out.

A community has been devastated by this person's actions, a family has been torn apart by him. But no, bully someone on the internet instead. Nice one.

I haven't singled-out anything...I've pointed out recent threads that you've tried to disrupt with your self-righteous bullshit...so here you go...the guy following you around just put you on ignore....explain that.
With reference to places forever being tainted by a terrible crime I think its inevitable when its a small, rarely mentioned town / village. When these sorts of crimes occur in the cities it doesn't stick in the memory, for instance I can't remember where Shipman committed his many crimes and I probably only remember about Fred West because my girlfriend comes from Gloucester. But place names like Soham and Hungerford stick in the memory.
With reference to places forever being tainted by a terrible crime I think its inevitable when its a small, rarely mentioned town / village. When these sorts of crimes occur in the cities it doesn't stick in the memory, for instance I can't remember where Shipman committed his many crimes and I probably only remember about Fred West because my girlfriend comes from Gloucester. But place names like Soham and Hungerford stick in the memory.

bendeus was eloquent further up the page about how a place can overcome the taint of its past in such circumstances, but ultimately I think you're right, a gruesome crime or other horror casts a long shadow when the name of the location has few other significant associations for the wider population. Dunblane. Aberfan, even.
Towns and cities can still be affected by such things too, by nature of them being collections of many smaller communities. Obviously the extent to which communities socialise, the size of them and the rate at which people come and go makes quite a difference though.
And part of the difference between that and the affect on more isolated communities is that journalists are perhaps more likely to report on the affects on the latter.

Machynlleth is of course a powerful example of this both because of the press/national attention, but also the sheer number of people who were involved in the search.
bendeus was eloquent further up the page about how a place can overcome the taint of its past in such circumstances, but ultimately I think you're right, a gruesome crime or other horror casts a long shadow when the name of the location has few other significant associations for the wider population. Dunblane. Aberfan, even.
cranley gardens
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