I was seeing a fella, it all went south. Broke up with him, he pursued me into an alley, backed me into a derelict doorway. Trapped. I stared him down. Terrified. Heart rolling like the sea inside me. He went to rip my clothes open, I put my back against the door and got my claws out. Thought "Not his face, I'll blind him" so dropped to his neck and shoulders, raked him bloody with my fingernails. He took my hand and bit me to the bone. I stared at him, just stared and stared as the sweat broke out for the pain. He had his knees and thighs pressed against me so I had to creep up backwards with my heels up on the door behind me. I knew I had to hold on or he'd have me. He blinked first. Thank God. I ran. I ran to the next street and found people. He stalked me after that. Found out later I was "the only girlfriend be never battered". Such an honour...