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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

A couple of weeks ago, just before the biggish demo in London in support of Tommy Robinson, a bloke I know spoke to me in the street and said he was going down to London for the big demo. Was I going? (He knew I wasn't as we have long argued about politics, he's racist and I'm not, he thinks Starmer is far left and I don't etc). He then said "there's going to be a civil war in this country". This may have just been a slogan, but maybe he had an intimation of what was to come. If he did, why didn't the old bill?

He wasn’t aware of anything it’s just the sort of rhetoric that’s been pumped out to those who consume this stuff for decades. Occasionally it matches up but it’s no more accurate than a horoscope - the listener hears what they want to hear and if we’re very unlucky buys into it enough to ramp up tensions all by themselves by acting on the paranoid fantasy of being a defender of some nebulous concept of blood and soil against the evil black/brown/jewish/islamic/liberal/commie enemy (delete or add to as required)
Outstanding :thumbs:

Also can't find any reports of the stabbing or acid attack in this morning's press so hopefully they didn't happen.
Hope to God it didn't happen, acid attacks are unspeakable. The sta bing one is perhaps more worrying as it seems to be mentioned in one of the videos upthread. :(
Lots of cunts going on about "two tier policing" on social media and I can't be arsed getting into a fight this morning. I assume this is to do with the way they perceive pro-Palestine marches have been policed vs how "right wing" demos have been policed?
Lots of cunts going on about "two tier policing" on social media and I can't be arsed getting into a fight this morning. I assume this is to do with the way they perceive pro-Palestine marches have been policed vs how "right wing" demos have been policed?

I think it's from the way the handeld the Macherst police attack protests... that's my talke on why they claim it.
Lots of cunts going on about "two tier policing" on social media and I can't be arsed getting into a fight this morning. I assume this is to do with the way they perceive pro-Palestine marches have been policed vs how "right wing" demos have been policed?
That cunt, Paddy O'Connell, was repeating that line on Broadcasting House on R4 earlier. That was on top of legitimising the far-right more generally.

Lots of cunts going on about "two tier policing" on social media and I can't be arsed getting into a fight this morning. I assume this is to do with the way they perceive pro-Palestine marches have been policed vs how "right wing" demos have been policed?
From what I have seen on clips of the current riots thr police are peaceful when the protesters are peaceful. Guess what if you start wrecking peoples house or burning down buildings then your going to get a different tier of policing lol.
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Serioius amounts of money are also being spent by the Qatari state in their own propaganda offensive. This is an article published by a Qatari state run broadcaster written by an employee of a Qatari university. Qatar is a rightwing absolute monarchy where there is a huge abused and oppresed migrant underclass.

Whoever is funding and promoting the farright, they are unlikely to be primarily concerned with doing down Qatar.
When I saw you'd quoted my post I just knew that you'd come along to say something of this nature. I know who Marc Owen Jones is, I know he lives and works in Qatar and that sometimes he puts his name to articles such as this which are very favourable to the Qatari regime. That does not make anything that he has said here untrue. I too am distinctly unimpressed by the Qatari royal family who bought the World Cup and treated the workers who built the stadium like shit. However Marc Owen Jones has done really good work on disinformation and it was him who uncovered the involvement of the bullshit Twitter account Channel 3 news in the Southport disinformation campaign. Serious digging needs to be done to try and discover who exactly is financing all of this because it isn't cheap to do.
Nobody cares about prejudiced policing till they're the ones being prejudicially policed, basically. While it was only brown people and lefties being baton charged and beaten in vans the flag shaggers were on the police's side. Now they're a target and it's suddenly all unfair. Laughable.
From what I have seen on clips thr police are peaceful when the protesters are peaceful. Guess what if you start wrecking peoples house or burning down buildings then your going to get a different tier of policing lol.
Yeh if you know nothing about history, about orgreave, about the poll tax riot, about Hyde park 94, about welling - the unity demo, about the kettling at Oxford circus, about the student demos and so on then yeh you might have a point. But there are so many times that the police have attacked peaceful demonstrators that you look utterly naive
Yeh if you know nothing about history, about orgreave, about the poll tax riot, about Hyde park 94, about welling - the unity demo, about the kettling at Oxford circus, about the student demos and so on then yeh you might have a point. But there are so many times that the police have attacked peaceful demonstrators that you look utterly naive
I mean in this instance smart arse
From what I have seen on clips thr police are peaceful when the protesters are peaceful. Guess what if you start wrecking peoples house or burning down buildings then your going to get a different tier of policing lol.

Yeah, it's strange that anyone can think there's a comparison between behaviour at left wing protests and that at right wing protests (basically riots). I suppose a certain home secretary ridiculously labelling pro-Palestinian protests as hate marches didn't help either. Now we're really seeing what hate marches look like.
There's a loaded silence coming from Starmer. Maybe he's biting his tongue about kicking out Bangladeshis. Maybe the advisors recognise that him saying anything just makes things worse. The sleepwalk continues a little longer, is how it feels to me
This situation has been fed by the language used by politicians over the years, including Labour politicians.

“Too many immigrants in the NHS” is one of Starmer’s.
Yeh if you know nothing about history, about orgreave, about the poll tax riot, about Hyde park 94, about welling - the unity demo, about the kettling at Oxford circus, about the student demos and so on then yeh you might have a point. But there are so many times that the police have attacked peaceful demonstrators that you look utterly naive
I’ve been following Millwall for 40 years you don’t think I know what unprovoked police brutality looks like?
Hope to God it didn't happen, acid attacks are unspeakable. The sta bing one is perhaps more worrying as it seems to be mentioned in one of the videos upthread. :(

Yeah, if you watch that though, it's just the person taking the video from some distance who says "they're stabbing him" to someone else. Hopefully he was either just shit-stirring, or mistook a few slaps for a knifing.
Yeah, it's strange that anyone can think there's a comparison between behaviour at left wing protests and that at right wing protests (basically riots). I suppose a certain home secretary ridiculously labelling pro-Palestinian protests as hate marches didn't help either. Now we're really seeing what hate marches look like.

The cops can probably remember which protests have ended with bricks thrown at them too and to my knowledge that’s not been the Palestine protests?
I wonder if it is just different in London because there are POC everywhere?

Whereas in Bristol for example it is still very segregated. Most POC live in the urban areas as opposed to the rural areas.

I'm constantly surprised at my colleagues that have no experience of the inner city aside from almost in a tourist sense....and only experience POC at work. These are people that have never grown up or lived amongst POC. This is a very different experience from growing up in London.

I don't have to go very far- like a couple of miles up the road to be subjected to a completely different attitude- little Britain.

Bristol is a radical bubble, mostly concentrated around the centre and within that I live in a even more radical and alternative bubble ( East Bristol) where really I feel quite safe and rooted.

I love Bristol deeply, however growing up in London then coming to Bristol I was always very aware of the difference in the demographic and ignorance compared to London.
I think it’s partly a ‘fear of the unknown’ thing, or discomfort about differences. It starts breaking down when people start going, ‘oh, but so-and-so is nice’, ‘the bloke who runs the newsagents is OK for one of them’, have friendly chats with taxi drivers and eventually the fear and prejudice just withers and dies when exposed to normal decent humans that exist across race and culture and everything is just normal really.

And the more people get to know/respect people of colour on television, sport and so on the faster these fears dissolve, which is exactly why visible diversity is important, and why it is so often attacked by divisive wankers because they know the power of it. Applies to misogyny and homophobia too. We’ve come a long way with a lot of this.

But some never really overcome this fear, and others for whatever reason want to channel their anger into attacking those perceived to be different, goaded on by those whose position in society is protected by a bit of divide-and-rule, keeping people punching down. Added to the mix now are those that realise divisive/controversial content is a good earner on the internet, will get them attention and money.

I don’t think the highly prejudiced core is that great in numbers, the unrepentant scum, the organisers and content creators. Yesterday was a few thousand at most, and amongst those are plenty of gullible dupes who could be steered away from this sort of hate fairly easily. They don’t have the numbers. The casually prejudiced and fearful will be won over eventually, it’s just time.
This situation has been fed by the language used by politicians over the years, including Labour politicians.

“Too many immigrants in the NHS” is one of Starmer’s.
The disinformation angle which the liberal press are gravitating to above all else is a nonsense....what about the mainstream press? What about the leader of the Labour party? What about the Brexit campaign? What about Tory policy and daily briefings? What about the BBC and it's weekly Farage shows?
This suggests that there was something behind the 'acid attack' story but maybe less dramatic and without serious harm done: https://nitter.poast.org/Taj_Ali1/status/1819978374590222451#m

Yeah, saw that. Still not sure what weight to give it, seeing as it's not reported anywhere else.

If it happened and they haven't taken the victim to hospital, they're massive fucking idiots, and a hospital would report an acid attack to the police.
Agree and was thinking earlier that there'll probably have to be new threads as to what their strategy/ goals are, and best ways to combat them,,ultimately, what to put in their place ; basically the same issues AFA had and then once successful, the issues the IWCA had. With social media, post brexit and labour austerity as added extras
At the moment, they seem to be hitting out in randomized acts of violence where they can, but still seem devoid of an overall strategy like the BNP had, March and grow, rights for whites etc. But, probably for another thread as people still dealing with stuff and getting over today atm.
Thats a very good point about what seems to be a lack of strategy and I think the where next for the far right/populist right has to be a key part of any discussions that we have.

Some quick, and random, thoughts. There must be a question mark as to whether the localised acts of violence and threats to mosques and refugee locations are sustainable. We won't have seen the last of them however in addition to the impact of arrests and media coverage of court cases taking their toll, the policing will get more effective ( I suspect there's been a huge turnover regionally since the last riots), intelligence will improve ie social media monitoring, I think the local public sector ( what is left of it ) and third sector/community groups will end up being pulled into a strategy.So the question is what will/can happen next.

Although there are a number of far right groups ie Britain First/Patriotic Alternative, trying to recruit it's hard to get a sense of any real leverage by them in calling the shots. Obviously, the figurehead is abroad, seemingly hindered by the warrant and other legal issues that are pending. TR does have some form of command team around him ( who I have suspicions that they also have fingers in the financial pie) however there doesn't seem to be any regional structure /momentum. This has some positives, ie low overhead costs , no full time regional organisers etc, and also some negatives. The TR strategy has been built around him making appearances. It's hard to guess what their next step would be, I would have thought ideally a national demo with the return of the King across the water. However, that still doesn't provide an overall strategy, it might be the nearest to march and grow but it doesn't provide for any regional or local representation, and it also begs the question as to whether or not it suits TR and his backers to escalate into a show of strength or whether the aim is to keep the pot boiling and keep the donations coming in.

What would be the signs of some form of strategy from below? One of the things in the back of my head is what will happen in terms of any far right/patriot mutual aid for fines, legal costs, prisoner solidarity /demos when there are jailings? How would that run alongside the grift to TR and team?

One long term consideration is the potential opportunities involving Reform . There were some rumours that TR's organising committee had tried to reach out to Farage to speak at their rally and that he had declined. Reform especially the opportunist Farage will want to get something out of this, not from the sharp end ( Farage in UKIP actually had some sort of line on excluding fascists from membership) but from the softer elements and below.

Lots to consider.
I wonder if it is just different in London because there are POC everywhere?

Whereas in Bristol for example it is still very segregated. Most POC live in the urban areas as opposed to the rural areas.

I'm constantly surprised at my colleagues that have no experience of the inner city aside from almost in a tourist sense....and only experience POC at work. These are people that have never grown up or lived amongst POC. This is a very different experience from growing up in London.

I don't have to go very far- like a couple of miles up the road to be subjected to a completely different attitude- little Britain.

Bristol is a radical bubble, mostly concentrated around the centre and within that I live in a even more radical and alternative bubble ( East Bristol) where really I feel quite safe and rooted.

I love Bristol deeply, however growing up in London then coming to Bristol I was always very aware of the difference in the demographic and ignorance compared to London.
Aye, and this is why POC don't like to move out of cities and ethnicised areas form over time.
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