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Mass stabbing at Southport Kids’ Club 29/7/24

Was talking to my wife who works with students who sounds like the person who carried out this attack has, she was saying they have a hell of a time intervening with students who threaten to undertake acts like this because they report them and no-one takes it seriously and just tell the teachers and staff to deal with it.
Was talking to my wife who works with students who sounds like the person who carried out this attack has, she was saying they have a hell of a time intervening with students who threaten to undertake acts like this because they report them and no-one takes it seriously and just tell the teachers and staff to deal with it.
About 20 years ago, when I worked at Uni with nearly all halls of residence on site, we had one first year student who had some sort of psychotic episode. He'd been seen "free climbing" up the outside of his hall barefoot with an otherworldly grin on his face so (as part of Estates and Accommodation) I was sent with campus security to see if he was OK and what he was up to. While security chap talked him down, we got into his room and there were lots of posters of guns on the walls, a huge collection of knives and a strong smell of petrol from the accelerants he'd been stockpiling by his bed. There was a A4 pad on his desk with various ramblings about how he was going to burn the place to the ground. Needless to say, he was sectioned and all the details covered up for reputation's sake. Pretty scary how someone seemingly "normal" can flip almost overnight.
Good lads, those imams.

Is it just me, or has all the focus gone from Rudakubana and why he did it? Why he killed three little girls and injured others, and targeted an event aimed at little girls? Or are the riots a distraction now?
Good lads, those imams.

Is it just me, or has all the focus gone from Rudakubana and why he did it? Why he killed three little girls and injured others, and targeted an event aimed at little girls? Or are the riots a distraction now?

This was inevitable due to the legal process and its timing.
Good lads, those imams.

Is it just me, or has all the focus gone from Rudakubana and why he did it? Why he killed three little girls and injured others, and targeted an event aimed at little girls? Or are the riots a distraction now?
I was thinking about this earlier, how the murders seem almost forgotten about. And about how the families must feel watched this fallout on top of the murder of a child.
Is it just me, or has all the focus gone from Rudakubana and why he did it? Why he killed three little girls and injured others, and targeted an event aimed at little girls? Or are the riots a distraction now?

As matters are considered to be sub judice once legal proceedings become active, one imagines that the fear of committing a statutory contempt of court under the Contempt of Court Act 1981, which criminalises the publication of material which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice in the relevant proceedings would be seriously impeded or prejudiced, would limit what can legally be published on an internet messageboard regarding an ongoing criminal case.
Provisional court date is 20th January next year. I wouldn't expect a very long trial as it seems pretty clear that he did it.
Good lads, those imams.

Is it just me, or has all the focus gone from Rudakubana and why he did it? Why he killed three little girls and injured others, and targeted an event aimed at little girls? Or are the riots a distraction now?

I don't know that we'll ever know the "reason" why someone loses all reason and does something of this horrendousness and magnitude.
I don't think expecting to hear a "reason" is necessarily helpful or worthwhile.
The society we live in breaks people in a number of different ways, some of them completely inexplicable, and some of them end up severely dangerous, and that is not an excuse for what has happened - but it's likely as close as anyone will get to a reason.
I am not sure why anyone thinks a reason is easily determined - it hasn't ever been a case of x + y = killer.

Was talking to my wife who works with students who sounds like the person who carried out this attack has, she was saying they have a hell of a time intervening with students who threaten to undertake acts like this because they report them and no-one takes it seriously and just tell the teachers and staff to deal with it.
They can not all be suffering from an illness. To me it sounds as if the youth are angry, and in danger from far-right groups/collectives, far-left groups, gang warfare, and the police.
Anger is an engry that needs an outlet.
I don't know that we'll ever know the "reason" why someone loses all reason and does something of this horrendousness and magnitude.
I don't think expecting to hear a "reason" is necessarily helpful or worthwhile.
The society we live in breaks people in a number of different ways, some of them completely inexplicable, and some of them end up severely dangerous, and that is not an excuse for what has happened - but it's likely as close as anyone will get to a reason.
I am not sure why anyone thinks a reason is easily determined - it hasn't ever been a case of x + y = killer.

Often there are clues such as a manifesto, social media postings and links and so on. I don’t think anyone has a clue here, I’ve not seen any such evidence posted. In the US you tend to get people faking stuff to sully one side or the other with a connection, nothing here other than the initial claims by fash that this was some refugee off the boats. Wait for the trial I guess. Also possible the media has been told to shut up about the case, though the fash claiming this are probably bullshitting.
Often there are clues such as a manifesto, social media postings and links and so on. I don’t think anyone has a clue here, I’ve not seen any such evidence posted. In the US you tend to get people faking stuff to sully one side or the other with a connection, nothing here other than the initial claims by fash that this was some refugee off the boats. Wait for the trial I guess. Also possible the media has been told to shut up about the case, though the fash claiming this are probably bullshitting.
Reckon the trial will go nowhere until his mh assessed, as maomao said it's scheduled for the new year, perhaps with letting things calm down as a factor
I don't know that we'll ever know the "reason" why someone loses all reason and does something of this horrendousness and magnitude.
I don't think expecting to hear a "reason" is necessarily helpful or worthwhile.
But it's the sort of thing you can't help wondering about. For me the puzzler is the Las Vegas gunman. Sixty-four years old, no obvious problems in life, and he decides to take out as many people as possible. The only thing I've read is that he was angry at the way casinos were treating high rollers like him, but then you'd think he'd have wanted to kill people involved with the casino, not randoms on the streets.

Anecdotally, I've heard that rich people who go to casinos, but whose lives aren't really affected by whether they win or lose even though they're wagering large amounts, get very, very bored. Unsurprisingly, because the things they're betting on are intrinsically very boring, no matter how much they try to jazz it up. Can someone drift into mass murder out of sheer boredom? And what does it say about us as a species if we can do things like that?
Often there are clues such as a manifesto, social media postings and links and so on. I don’t think anyone has a clue here, I’ve not seen any such evidence posted. In the US you tend to get people faking stuff to sully one side or the other with a connection, nothing here other than the initial claims by fash that this was some refugee off the boats. Wait for the trial I guess. Also possible the media has been told to shut up about the case, though the fash claiming this are probably bullshitting.
I get what you're saying, but I think even with a manifesto that in their own words details all the shit people think about their own motivations for committing a horrendous act, we're probably not any closer to why they ended up thinking that and acting on it.
I mean we know some general information about socio-economic factors and political influence on people, past/childhood trauma, stress in their lives, mental health issues etc. but it's such a convoluted and interconnected thing I don't know that we ever get close to "why", no matter how many experts or those directly involved theorise about it.
Provisional court date is 20th January next year. I wouldn't expect a very long trial as it seems pretty clear that he did it.
It's going to be about his mental state and ability to form the required mens rea for murder isn't it? Murder or manslaughter due to diminished responsibility.
I get what you're saying, but I think even with a manifesto that in their own words details all the shit people think about their own motivations for committing a horrendous act, we're probably not any closer to why they ended up thinking that and acting on it.
I mean we know some general information about socio-economic factors and political influence on people, past/childhood trauma, stress in their lives, mental health issues etc. but it's such a convoluted and interconnected thing I don't know that we ever get close to "why", no matter how many experts or those directly involved theorise about it.
They are not exactly reliable narrators either, so hard to say how much direct insight their own words give.
They can not all be suffering from an illness. To me it sounds as if the youth are angry, and in danger from far-right groups/collectives, far-left groups, gang warfare, and the police.
Anger is an engry that needs an outlet.

Depends on the type of place she works.
They can not all be suffering from an illness. To me it sounds as if the youth are angry, and in danger from far-right groups/collectives, far-left groups, gang warfare, and the police.
Anger is an engry that needs an outlet.
It is, but learning disabilities aren’t an “illness”, they’re learning difficulties.

Condolences to the friends and family of six-year-old Bebe King who died in hospital yesterday of the injuries that she sustained during the attack at Hart Street, Southport, that morning.

How unspeakably terrible:

Sister of Bebe King witnessed Southport knife attack
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