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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Not sure why, but my Youtube feed is full of live feeds, never seen them before and they are all of these EDL/marches.

I usually only watch documentaries and news stuff, but these far right feeds seems to be all over now, someone is paying for these to be spread about.
Fishy isn’t it? Neither of us watch that shite on Youtube and we’re getting the same. I deleted TikTok over a year ago because I kept being shown fascist right wing shite.
These are basically pogroms.

Fortunately these thick fucks will never cover their faces because they're usually covid deniers and don't want to be associated with that so they'll be nice and easy to arrest after plastering their antics all over social media.
Hull and Leeds video
The BBC can fucking fuck off with their ‘after stabbings in Southport’ bullshit. They’re just reinforcing the idea that there is some kind of link.
This is all coordinated. My YouTube recommendations have now started including Tommy Robinson and others from weird “news channel” accounts.
Having just been down to castle park, Bristol, and then later on to the Grovesner hotel where the fash were trying to intimidate refugee families and then use their brawn’s to rage at barely teenage girls I put myself in between. I actually managed to have some half decent words with some of the more tearful and bare chested fash but there were some real horrible cunts intent on violence.
I got a few barely connecting punches hit me and kicks off the fash until police told me to go for my own safety. I saw fash with shivs. And pointed them out to the cops before I listened to police advice and did my best impression of a news of the world reporter.
Or I made like McCain and chipped.
Yep starting to get weird links to news channels that have live streams and all things Tommy Robinson. My YouTube diet is philosophy and interviews with American gangsters (don’t ask). YouTube are really great at social and civic duty.
Fishy isn’t it? Neither of us watch that shite on Youtube and we’re getting the same. I deleted TikTok over a year ago because I kept being shown fascist right wing shite.
It’s prob just that it’s extremely popular elsewhere so therefore they push it out to others.
Or the way the algorithm is designed does.

I think its the algo working cross plarform, possibly watching videos of the racist riots influencing the feeds. Most of the videos come from racists recording their antics. Maybe its that, because my feeds havent changed at all from normal

food, games, bit of mainstream and centre left politics, spanish / latam stuff, bit of music, bit of international stuff.
Only thing on my Facebook is from someone on the counter-protest in Nottingham.

Seems the fash got a bit deflated about being outnumbered roughly 4 to 1 and started fighting amongst themselves after a bit.
Not for the first time.
and what will the response be?
They're being wound up and manipulated. Once this is over, there needs to be a very through investigation into who by. There's no way this is spontaneous.

or, they actually believe that this is the thing to do, and they have agency and autonomy and the responsibility that comes with that.
It's happened before, probably over a decade ago. I was there at rebellion and I have to say that Blackpool along with Belfast are two of the places where I felt the most unsafe as black person.
Not been to Blackpool since I was a kid, but I haven't heard the most glowing reports of the place.
These are basically pogroms.

Fortunately these thick fucks will never cover their faces because they're usually covid deniers and don't want to be associated with that so they'll be nice and easy to arrest after plastering their antics all over social media.
Especially that twat with the swastika on his shoulder, I imagine he wasn't too hard to identify.

Fuck me, though, this is some seriously nasty shit. And I blame GB News and the likes of Farage and Anderson. Mind you, Farage's strategy on everything these days seems to be not to say anything until Tice and Anderson have shot their mouths off and he can see the reaction. But neither of them are smart enough to realise that's what he's doing.
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