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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Brick in bollocks man has been revealed. Have to say he looks rough and old for a 33 year old. According to his mates, he's just a party animal and got a bit carried away. Nothing like partying at a vigil for three murdered kids. 🙄
It's his poor kids I feel for. I can only imagine the shit they're going to get from other kids at school. And moving away from the area isn't an option when your dad's probably the biggest meme since distracted boyfriend. This shit will follow them wherever they go. He's ruined their lives, unless his OH does the right thing, for the sake of the kids.
So many people over the last day or two calling LBC to complain bitterly about being labelled 'far right' by someone, whining I just want to be proud of being British, less immigration, less wokeness, I'm not far right I'm just normal, one of the silent majority!

Nobody but nobody pointing out that 'far right' isnt an identity or a character flaw but a political position, and if you hold those opinions and promote those talking points THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU FAR RIGHT YOU DICK :facepalm:


An opposition to unfettered immigration and some of the extremes of "wokeness" that we're seeing now is not (necessarily) far right. It's just not far left. Pretty much no modern government has practiced 'open borders' and very few people of any political persuasion think it's a good idea.

The proud of being British thing has always been difficult. The right point out that the left decry English patriotism whilst if not encouraging, not condemning, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or pretty much any other. Some will look at English colonialism as particularly long and brutal, but it's understandable that there'll be some resentment from centrists or the moderate right, who also despise the meatheads and fascists, that their country is racist/fascist/evil/despicable, etc etc...
I'd hardly call an operational response involving injury to 53 officers and the loss of a police vehicle "managing pretty well". Ditto the initial response to Hartlepool where there were further injuries and destruction of a police vehicle, and a fascist was allowed to punch a man of colour whilst a girning mob stood around shouting racist ephithets and laughing, filming it on their phones, whilst officers stood at a distance and watched behind riot shields.

Like the judiciary the police are part of the response, not the whole response. There needs to be a significant community-led element part of which is represented by counter-demonstration. You draw an equivalence between "agitators" on each side of the police line, quite wrongly. The counter-demonstations as I understand them are explicitly no violent, have no members intent on violent disorder or destruction of property as the purpose of their mobilisation. I don;t think we can say the same of the various ex- EDL / Patriotic Alternative agitators mentioned throughout this thread and their cretinous, drunk, chinged-up followers.

Policing is by consent. The consent of the communities those who sign up to enforce the law require in order to do their job. Community policing initatives cost too much and as mentioned police numbers are far too low for them to be the whole response. There are ten officers allocated to Hartlepool and the town's custody suite was closed a few years back- a lack of resource exposed pitilessly the other night. The politicians seem not to care.

In such circumstances a peaceful community counter-demonsration and response is essential in order not to cede public space to these fascist bastards and hooligans unopposed. Such a force shows that ordinary folk won't put up with their neighbourhoods being turned upside down by fascist neanderthals without a response. Nor will they tolerate incorrect racist scapegoating of minority communities who had nothing whatever to do with the original atrocity on Southport. And in the event of these demonstrations being met by violence from the far right side I am sure in time they will meet with a robust response.

In my view fascists wear police arrest, community sentences, tags, as badges of honour. The few basic links I linked to onb the last page all show in different ways that they are less likely to forget a good kicking, or come back for more. The tactics are crude but have been developed and delivered to great effect in the past, stunting the appeal of far right politics both in terms of the hollowness of its claims and the humiliation of coming out on the wrong end of a physical confrontation. The one thing fascism cannot overcome is laughter, humiliation and being made to look ridiculous by an opposing force.

The longer term view- re-building communities through multiple socio-economic levers and through targeted and robust policing of offenders by both community and police takes money, time, patience to achieve. Politicians have shown little if no interest in the state of policing beyond platitudes thanking police for their services. Communities asking questions of the targeting and priorities of local police forces and engagement with their work is as vital as community scrutiny of the work ofm politicians. Through that process consent can be built and negotiatied / re-negotiated.

That's my point of view, by all means disagree, but personally I would prefer to keep this thread focused on the far right's rather than our response.

Some fair points there. If the police are liaising with bona fide community groups in the same way that (say) they do with the CST over protecting synagogues then great. Fantastic. My worry is that there are people on the anti fascist left who are firmly ACAB, and are more interested in having a ruck than in being “part of a response” which also involves policing, and that this likely precipitates events which make policing right wing disorder even trickier.
People who have given up large amounts of their time and put themselves in harm's way to try and keep fascists off the streets can sometimes take it a bit personally when some manifestlfy ignorant person tells them that all they've ever done is make matters worse.
Thank you for putting yourself out there. I can't do it for various reasons, so I am glad there are people who can.
Some fair points there. If the police are liaising with bona fide community groups in the same way that (say) they do with the CST over protecting synagogues then great. Fantastic. My worry is that there are people on the anti fascist left who are firmly ACAB, and are more interested in having a ruck than in being part of a response which also involves policing, and that this likely precipitates events which make policing right wing disorder even trickier.
oh ffs
a ruck only becomes necessary when there are not enough people to peacefully stand in the way or the police are just protecting themselves and property
anti fascism is defence
Brick in bollocks man has been revealed. Have to say he looks rough and old for a 33 year old. According to his mates, he's just a party animal and got a bit carried away. Nothing like partying at a vigil for three murdered kids. 🙄
Upset, my fucking hole. How sick do you have to be to treat the deaths of three children as an opportunity for a party?

An opposition to unfettered immigration and some of the extremes of "wokeness" that we're seeing now is not (necessarily) far right. It's just not far left. Pretty much no modern government has practiced 'open borders' and very few people of any political persuasion think it's a good idea.

The proud of being British thing has always been difficult. The right point out that the left decry English patriotism whilst if not encouraging, not condemning, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or pretty much any other. Some will look at English colonialism as particularly long and brutal, but it's understandable that there'll be some resentment from centrists or the moderate right, who also despise the meatheads and fascists, that their country is racist/fascist/evil/despicable, etc etc...

Scottish "patriotism" (if we're talking about the indy movement) is often about rejecting the politics of Westminster, linked to austerity, racism, etc. (It's not all folk who have watched Braveheart too many times.) I imagine it's the same for the Welsh and Irish.
the cops are doing their best to protect minorities from violent racists? either you're ignorant or you're spectacularly stupid as the cops are disproportionately filled with er violent racists. did you miss this story? Eight Bury police officers suspended over racism accusation, for example? trust in the police is at a low due to the criminality, racism and misogyny within them.
They did a pretty poor job of handling the riot in Leeds as well. The locals were ultimately the ones who defused it.
Some fair points there. If the police are liaising with bona fide community groups in the same way that (say) they do with the CST over protecting synagogues then great. Fantastic. My worry is that there are people on the anti fascist left who are firmly ACAB, and are more interested in having a ruck than in being “part of a response” which also involves policing, and that this likely precipitates events which make policing right wing disorder even trickier.
They do
Case in point for tomorrow - there is a unity demo organised for Cardiff at 11am tomorrow that teqniq posted the graphic for
This is in RESPONSE to a far right meeting at 1pm so the community and other groups go there before
This is great and should have the numbers ideally

The problem is that a lot of the people going to that event will be listening to speeches to the converted, sing a song, pat themselves on the back, pack up and go home
The only people left to defend the community from the far right will be the much smaller number of anti-fascists and violence could be needed to stop them
IF the larger amount of people from the unity demo stayed and stood in the way it would be a big message of solidarity and there would be no need for violence
Or say known violent far right are present, should they be allowed to roam free or challenged?
Either way the community in the docks need defending
There is definitely an overlap between the people who think Axel Rudakubana is a Muslim asylum seeker and people who think Imane Khelif is a bloke.
"Save the kids" either from muslims (despite no muslim stabbings happening) or from the transgender world order (which isn't happening either). A changing world overwhelming reactionary minds. Unfulfilled material conditions overseen by an out of touch bourgeousie, social media allowing organisation and lies to spread at lightspeed
If TR actually cared about those girls and their families, he'd tell his goons to stay the fuck out of Southport and let them grieve in peace. And I wonder if he and others are deliberately trying to draw the focus away from male violence against women and girls.
TR is a delusional puppet. I have no sympathy for him, he's a cunt. But he's also a victim of his own hate. I'd still be happy to see him lose his passport and british citizenship however

An opposition to unfettered immigration and some of the extremes of "wokeness" that we're seeing now is not (necessarily) far right. It's just not far left. Pretty much no modern government has practiced 'open borders' and very few people of any political persuasion think it's a good idea.

The proud of being British thing has always been difficult. The right point out that the left decry English patriotism whilst if not encouraging, not condemning, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or pretty much any other. Some will look at English colonialism as particularly long and brutal, but it's understandable that there'll be some resentment from centrists or the moderate right, who also despise the meatheads and fascists, that their country is racist/fascist/evil/despicable, etc etc...
They're protesting against unfettered immigration even though the stabber was Welsh.

I have mixed feelings about patriotism because while I do love England and it's my home, I wish it was better than it is. Not to mention that as a Jew, I'm not a 'real' English person anyway according to some idiots. (And the Braveheart types tend to be Yanks who are obsessed with clans and hating the English because their great whatever grandparents were Scottish. I'm half-Scottish and nobody on the Scottish side of my family gives a shit about clans.)

An opposition to unfettered immigration and some of the extremes of "wokeness" that we're seeing now is not (necessarily) far right. It's just not far left. Pretty much no modern government has practiced 'open borders' and very few people of any political persuasion think it's a good idea.

The proud of being British thing has always been difficult. The right point out that the left decry English patriotism whilst if not encouraging, not condemning, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, or pretty much any other. Some will look at English colonialism as particularly long and brutal, but it's understandable that there'll be some resentment from centrists or the moderate right, who also despise the meatheads and fascists, that their country is racist/fascist/evil/despicable, etc etc...

We dont have open borders though, and very few on the left or "woke people" are asking for open borders. Visa requirements are tough though, they dont hand them out like candys and the requirements are really high.
Some fair points there. If the police are liaising with bona fide community groups in the same way that (say) they do with the CST over protecting synagogues then great. Fantastic. My worry is that there are people on the anti fascist left who are firmly ACAB, and are more interested in having a ruck than in being “part of a response” which also involves policing, and that this likely precipitates events which make policing right wing disorder even trickier.

All the more reason for the non-violent anti-fash to get involved imo.
They're protesting against unfettered immigration even though the stabber was Welsh.

I have mixed feelings about patriotism because while I do love England and it's my home, I wish it was better than it is. Not to mention that as a Jew, I'm not a 'real' English person anyway according to some idiots.

Who's "they"?

Clearly the fuckwits on the streets kicking off are far right bellends. That's not who Mojo is referring to though, is it.
"Save the kids" either from muslims (despite no muslim stabbings happening) or from the transgender world order (which isn't happening either). A changing world overwhelming reactionary minds. Unfulfilled material conditions overseen by an out of touch bourgeousie, social media allowing organisation and lies to spread at lightspeed

TR is a delusional puppet. I have no sympathy for him, he's a cunt. But he's also a victim of his own hate. I'd still be happy to see him lose his passport and british citizenship however

Doesn't TR travel on an Irish passport these days? Maybe he could go and live there.
An opposition to unfettered immigration

What do you exactly mean by 'unfettered' immigration? There are controls on immigration. Do you think our country could survive (in terms of health and social care, 'cleaning' in general, fruit and veg picking and hospitality, for example) without lots of immigrants? Emotive but otherwise meaningless words like 'unfettered' are exactly the problem.

Pretty much no modern government has practiced 'open borders'

Exactly, so stop it.

the extremes of "wokeness"

I don't really know what you mean. Is being tolerant of difference and accepting of oppressed minorities 'extreme', really? What do you mean by 'extreme wokeness'? And how is it a bad thing? It seems like buzzwords without substance at best.

The proud of being British thing has always been difficult.

Has it? How is it reasonable to be proud of something you had no control over, no input into? I mean, fine, if that floats your boat but it's not a sentiment that should be given any priority.

I've got green eyes btw and we're by far the best minority, i think we need our own political party :thumbs: nobody would laugh at that now, would they?
Some fair points there. If the police are liaising with bona fide community groups in the same way that (say) they do with the CST over protecting synagogues then great. Fantastic. My worry is that there are people on the anti fascist left who are firmly ACAB, and are more interested in having a ruck than in being “part of a response” which also involves policing, and that this likely precipitates events which make policing right wing disorder even trickier.

...but then again, it depends on the response. If someone is genuinely "ACAB" rather than just using it as an internet meme then the reasons for that have to be examined. I think the left did a poor job of discussing and explaining "Defund the Police" during the post-George Floyd BLM moment of 2020/21; the mainstream and right were incorrectly allowed to frame this as "Abolish the Police", which it is not. A calm discussion around defunding police in their current form actually would show that it would encourage community-led responses to crimes of less immediate harm /significance allowing police to focus efforts on organised crime, corruption, serious sexual crimes, terrorism, murder- and robustly disrupting and bringing before the courts those involved in this, with community support.

Stronger communities that feel invested in feature much less petty crime and those that do take place can be dealt with easily and straighforwardly as police action will have community intelligence and support. But as said such an approach requires money, patience, time and open-mindedness, which are in very short supply in 2024.

I'm also sceptical of the role of self-appointed "community leaders" in police liaison which seems to be to be a closed discussion above the heads of communities rather than genuine engagement with them. Let alone the role of police and crime commissioners. I also suspect Starmer's vaunted Major Violent Disorder Unit, his headline response to the atrocities of this week, will be expensive Thick of It style Snooper Force stuff, which will achieve very little beyond a few press releases, and may even work to undermine the sort of changes described above.
If these rioting idiots got jobs in social care or farm labouring instead of trashing the neighbourhood, we'd solve many problems at once.

But they're all far to busy being 'proud to be british' to want to lower themselves to such work. The stupid, selfish wankers.
...but then again, it depends on the response. If someone is genuinely "ACAB" rather than just using it as an internet meme then the reasons for that have to be examined. I think the left did a poor job of discussing and explaining "Defund the Police" during the post-George Floyd BLM moment of 2020/21; the mainstream and right were incorrectly allowed to frame this as "Abolish the Police", which it is not. A calm discussion around defunding police in their current form actually would show that it would encourage community-led responses to crimes of less immediate harm /significance allowing police to focus efforts on organised crime, corruption, serious sexual crimes, terrorism, murder- and robustly disrupting and bringing before the courts those involved in this, with community support.

Stronger communities that feel invested in feature much less petty crime and those that do take place can be dealt with easily and straighforwardly as police action will have community intelligence and support. But as said such an approach requires money, patience, time and open-mindedness, which are in very short supply in 2024.

I'm also sceptical of the role of self-appointed "community leaders" in police liaison which seems to be to be a closed discussion above the heads of communities rather than genuine engagement with them. Let alone the role of police and crime commissioners. I also suspect Starmer's vaunted Major Violent Disorder Unit, his headline response to the atrocities of this week, will be expensive Thick of It style Snooper Force stuff, which will achieve very little beyond a few press releases, and may even work to undermine the sort of changes described above.

Not going to disagree on soi-disant “community leaders” when it comes to police engagement on trust and confidence issues, which can be performative on both sides. But if there’s an obvious target to protect like a mosque in a small town, I’d trust the local police and the local community to field people who can talk practically together about plans and tactics.
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