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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

So many people over the last day or two calling LBC to complain bitterly about being labelled 'far right' by someone, whining I just want to be proud of being British, less immigration, less wokeness, I'm not far right I'm just normal, one of the silent majority!

Nobody but nobody pointing out that 'far right' isnt an identity or a character flaw but a political position, and if you hold those opinions and promote those talking points THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU FAR RIGHT YOU DICK :facepalm:
if the silent majority exists, why is Keir Starmer PM and not Nigel Farage?

Tommy, fuck off. None of your lot were upset about those girls, they were positively gleeful about having a jolly day out and getting to beat up Muslims.
if the silent majority exists, why is Keir Starmer PM and not Nigel Farage?

Tommy, fuck off. None of your lot were upset about those girls, they were positively gleeful about having a jolly day out and getting to beat up Muslims.

There's no 'silent majority', except maybe the one watching TV and thinking omg why don't you all just shut up and fuck off.

Silent majority is a far-right trope / dog whistle in and of itself.
There is definitely an overlap between the people who think Axel Rudakubana is a Muslim asylum seeker and people who think Imane Khelif is a bloke.

If TR actually cared about those girls and their families, he'd tell his goons to stay the fuck out of Southport and let them grieve in peace. And I wonder if he and others are deliberately trying to draw the focus away from male violence against women and girls.

Mojo, the silent majority never fucking shut up. It makes me paranoid though - I have a history of paranoid delusions and all the silent majority stuff makes me think 'shit, what if this person is a raging bigot, can I trust them, is anyone safe?' Although it is projecting, like Matt Le Tissier claiming the majority of footballers agree with him. And you know this how, exactly, Matt?
I think that letting fascists roam the streets unopposed will make the streets far less safe. And leaving the police to deal with fascists on their own is not going to resolve the issue as anyone who remembers the last few years - or eg cable street - will know
So the counter-demonstrators are going to be supporting the police?
There's no 'silent majority', except maybe the one watching TV and thinking omg why don't you all just shut up and fuck off.

Silent majority is a far-right trope / dog whistle in and of itself.

The silent majority does exist, kinda. It just doesnt align in the way the right thinks it does.

Its more of a politically disengaged population with a patchwork of views from both the left and right.

Which arguably makes them not a political majority. But still, they swing around a lot and are inconsistent. Its where the majority are centrists comes from isnt it?
Yes. And there are several so-called 'counter-demonstrations' planned. Fuck knows how that's supposed to help the situation.
What are you meant to do in Bristol? Give them free reign to walk all over the centre picking off anyone they feel looks a immigrant? Which will be a lot of people in Bristol on a Saturday night and no doubt they will stay away from areas where they know they stand no chance so it will be anything they can pick off easily.

Holding the gathering one hour before the far right were due too means that space should be covered and hopefully will stop them from being able to gather in one place. Apparently there is a second counter-demo up on castle park.

There are also two football games in the City. Bristol City are hosting Willem II from the Netherlands and there is a strong link between the fans - not sure on their political persuasions but I know some went down to London. Also Bristol Rovers Vs Cardiff. So there are going to be a lot of potential bodies in Bristol already.

Personally hope Bristol turns out in numbers to reject this happening in the City which they have done many times before. Hopefully it will go smoothly.

I guess the alternative is you let it happen and hope the police contain it and they end up fighting themselves and looking stupid, but that also seems risky to me. They really don't seem to have cared about the backlash from Southport and they don't care about the actual facts of the case.

Sorry if I'm wrong on this and I do appreciate where you are coming from too.
Mojo, the silent majority never fucking shut up.

They're a noisy minority and I think everyone should counter any claims of 'silent majority' with those exact words; no, you're a noisy minority and that's all.

'Silent majority' is just another lie that fundamentally dishonest people employ to make themselves feel more important than they are. It's like conspiracists using words like 'truth' and 'sheeple', it's word games meant to create anger and fear and stoke the kind of conflict they crave, where they get to feel like heroes instead of useless cunts. It's a version of 'many PMs of support' and it's nothing but hyperbole. The fact they need to say it illustrates how weak they actually are.
Have these "challenges" made any difference in the past, or have they led to further violence?

Well, it apparently worked in the 70s when the NF thought they'd have unbridled support and saw that they didn't. It seriously harmed their cause.

See also the US civil rights movement, nothing would have happened without MLK and the protests.

Peaceful protest and counter protest are important, just anyone participating, try not to seed a riot because that doesn't help. But a showing of solidarity in opposition does help.
You're coming across as a total moron here. Not really a thread for trolling or pearl-clutching.

I'd suggest some very basic reading on the subject.

Battle of Cable Street

The 62 Group

Libcom- A Short History of Anti-Fascist Action

Beating the Fascists (Sean Birchall, pdf)

Cable Street was in 1936 and is completely irrelevant to the current public order situation when an overstretched police service is doing its best to protect minorities from violent racists. Presenting them with another lot of agitators to deal with, who are spoiling for a fight so they can cosplay antifascist street battles of yore, is quite spectacularly unhelpful.
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