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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Finally found a partial list - in the GUardian!!

"eight events being planned for Saturday in cities of various sizes including Newcastle, Basildon in Essex, Wakefield in West Yorkshire and Yeovil in Somerset.

Others were being planned for Sunday, including in Swansea and Aberystwyth in Wales, while there appear to be plans for a large show of strength in London, close to parliament.

Twenty potential gatherings and three counter-protests were also reportedly planned for Thursday."

really feels like there isnt the counter planning happening for this weekend - still not seen a full list of whats happening
I know the Newcastle counter demo is aimed to counter a fash action in the City that day, probably the reason for the slightly odd start time, 9.30 a.m. (fash must get up early :hmm: ). Wakefield is also on the SUTR site, the link below, which is a different page to the one I posted before:

It does seem a bit messy though - some planned fash actions with no response (at least on SUTR), along with the notion that their actions may be a damp squib after last night.
People told to work from home near location of demo in Cardiff and reports of places being boarded up
Not many small businesses there but there are hotels with asylum seekers
IMO it will (hopefully) be a damp squib or not many of the fuckers
Would a judge consdider being drunk a poor defence? Why were they drunk if they were attending a protest because they had legitimate concerns about immigration after a murderous attack on children in their community. Such an occasion would surely be sombre and serious? And if you were worried about disorder, wouldn't you want to have your wits about you?
<franticly searches poor memory for any instances of me being drunk at a demo....comes up with hazy memory of a few tokes on spliffs, but nowt more>

Is being drunk EVER a mitigating circumstance? It doesn't work in the court of friends and family, so dunno if it would be accepted in more formal circumstances.
Rimbaud has called them Wumao I had to look it up:

View attachment 437245Twice to my knowledge and both times they have gone all quiet afterwards. Though why a minion of the Chinese Communist Party would like to waste their time on a not too well-known forum such as this is a bit of a mystery.
You'd be surprised. They are rather prolific, like hasbara.
Indeed. In my experience booze tends to bring out the inner self on people. So those who are pretty angry and aggressive just let it all out when sozzled.
Tbh the in vino veritas thing's not really true. It's not that it brings out the inner self but exaggerates some things and reduces inhibitions around others. Like other drugs it will emphasise moods - people in a good mood will be in a better one, people in a bad one vile.
Maybe you just think you're dancing better, in the same way people think they're brilliant conversationalists after a few
of course, but that didn't need pointing out. cba to post the gif of Rainier Wolfcastle explaining that his sense of humour is too sophisticated for the likes of you. you can do the work since you were so keen on Picksplaining my little joke back to me.
of course, but that didn't need pointing out. cba to post the gif of Rainier Wolfcastle explaining that his sense of humour is too sophisticated for the likes of you. you can do the work since you were so keen on Picksplaining my little joke back to me.
It's amazing you get anything done as here you're Mr cba. I don't know why you think rw's soh relevant here, sure it's obvious to you but maybe a secret you shouldn't reveal.
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Yep. Any self-respecting racist would have installed a steel-framed door without a huge glazing panel.
Years ago one of my neighbours in Italy installed an armour plated door with multiple bolts activated by the lock going into a steel reinforced frame top, sides and the bottom. The burglar simply took a sledgehammer to the wall by the door and got in no problem.
Iā€™d like to see some crushingly high suspended sentences. ā€œYou ainā€™t going to jail unless you repeat your behaviour and then you are going down hardā€

No idea if thatā€™s available as an option for the first time offender naive drunken idiots (that some appear to be)

My instinct is fuck the state and politicians going hard ā€œPour encourager les autresā€ because thatā€™s already impacting more left wing protest actions (JSO)

Just catching up with thread. That 69-year-old was carrying and makeshift weapon too according to report I heard. also told the police get off me Iā€™m English. :facepalm:
There's no law for that. Or rather, the maximum custodial for a suspended sentence is 2 years.

Yeah you have to do something really serious to get a two-year suspended sentence. Like physically attack and/a woman who turns your sexual advances down. That doesnā€™t really threaten the state, the appearance of law and order, the status quo. So itā€™s just a naughty boy and on your way.
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