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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Good turnout by all accounts. btw one of the far right, involved in the violence in Manchester , who was remanded into custody lives on Oak Road, Cheadle.

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I was thinking I recognised that name from somewhere, quick search turns up that he is or was linked to the DFLA Polish division (not a super Polish-sounding name but there you go):


Also an associate of Gerald Batten, not that you hear that name much nowadays:
Anyway, bit of a stable door/horse situation now, but this post from Red Flare feels useful:
Over the past week we have seen social media users spreading rumours and speculation about far-right protests - sharing unattributed screenshots of callouts, or even just forwarded messages - without any corroborating evidence that the purported threat amounts to anything.

It is important to try and avoid propagating rumours. While it often feels vital to share information, especially in the wake of riots when there are counter mobilisations happening, spreading unevidenced rumours can misidentify the nature of the fascist threat in particular areas.

When sharing information on far-right demonstrations it is important that claims are evidenced. Investigations and research can never be perfect, everyone makes mistakes. But we can minimise those mistakes by asking ourselves certain questions about pieces of evidence.

If you see some information that you think we’d be interested in, and you’ve run through the checklist above, feel free to send it to us via our email mail@redflare.info.
when down to Hounslow high street about 20:10 after work and they effectively closed the place down 95% of shops and pub closed down

just the spoons and Tesco's operating . plenty of people outside keep an eye on the situation

always thought Hounslow was an odd one to even suggest trying to start a fash protest :hmm:
I was school in Hampton during the 1981 riots and there were rumours that the National Front were smashing up Hounslow High Street. The family business was on the Staines Road next to the Co-op, so, for all intents and purposes part of the High Street. Armed with 2p I called my parents. Of course, there was no riot. I was studying Henry IV for A level at the time.

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Yep. He seems to have a shame kink where he loves getting laughed off streets with his little microphone. Spent far too many Saturday mornings laughing at him and his merry band outside the Honor Oak.

Amazing that in a world where even being fundamentally dishonest, thick as fuck and completely uncharistmatic isn't a barrier to earning a living as a bigoted grifter he still managed to tie himself to the wreck of Turning Point UK and gain no profile beyond various communities thinking he's a bellend. I'm pretty sure that even my cat could have gotten himself a GB News slot by now if I put a UKIP rosette on him.
Well tonight has reaffirmed my faith in humanity.

There are many, many decent folk out there who are prepared to do the right thing when it's necessary.

Being at Lands End and just getting over Covid rather limited my ability to help much but I said it upthread and I'll gladly say it again: if you were out there doing the right thing tonight: thank you.

Thank you so much. ❤️✊️ x
Don’t ever put that gobshite or his hat on my screen without a warning or spoiler tag

Has George Galloway hurt your feelings? Just for the record, I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, just to point out normality, which seems to be required.
I was thinking I recognised that name from somewhere, quick search turns up that he is or was linked to the DFLA Polish division (not a super Polish-sounding name but there you go):

Also an associate of Gerald Batten, not that you hear that name much nowadays:
Did Goddard's security when he was charged? I cant recall Holt living in Cheadle then but I'll ask the City lads I know who live there.
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Have there been any Palestine demos in Middlesbrough? I think in a lot of places there'll be new-ish people who've cut their teeth in Palestine stuff over the last year or so who'll be a decent base for any counter-mobilisations, dunno if that's the case everywhere though.
Yeah, there have been, quite big I seem to remember from the initial ones. I don't know too much about the make up of them as I've been away from the place for about 20 months.
Well tonight has reaffirmed my faith in humanity.

There are many, many decent folk out there who are prepared to do the right thing when it's necessary.

Being at Lands End and just getting over Covid rather limited my ability to help much but I said it upthread and I'll gladly say it again: if you were out there doing the right thing tonight: thank you.

Thank you so much. ❤️✊️ x
This. Thank you for everything you've done.
The Labour MP for North Finchley has spoken on this evenings events

pt2. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Whether it’s the far right or far left there can be zero tolerance for antisemitism, Islamophobia or racism in any form. There is no place for such hate in our community. 2/2
The Labour MP for North Finchley has spoken on this evenings events

pt2. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Whether it’s the far right or far left there can be zero tolerance for antisemitism, Islamophobia or racism in any form. There is no place for such hate in our community. 2/2

Could be something random and, of course, if there was antisemitism then those responsible can fuck off. However I'd be astonished if this was anything other than generic pro-Palestinian chants, perhaps from the river to the sea.
The Labour MP for North Finchley has spoken on this evenings events

pt2. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Whether it’s the far right or far left there can be zero tolerance for antisemitism, Islamophobia or racism in any form. There is no place for such hate in our community. 2/2

This is so fucking depressing. Obviously if there's been something concrete that's awful and should not be tolerated but if this is someone trying to paint anti fascists as racist on the back of some Palestine flags and chanting in a week that has seen actual pogroms on our streets I'm just beyond angry at the fucking cynicism of it all.
Do wonder what comes next. The Right obviously had some momentum behind them and even if today was a bust for them that's not going to disappear. Have the arrests scared people off? Counter demos made them less cocky? Hopefully but obviously doesn't resolve everything and they'll be sitting in their pits trying to plan the next thing now, knowing that the widespread mobilisations aren't necessarily viable. Or maybe not, maybe they'll just try the same again.
This is so fucking depressing. Obviously if there's been something concrete that's awful and should not be tolerated but if this is someone trying to paint anti fascists as racist on the back of some Palestine flags and chanting in a week that has seen actual pogroms on our streets I'm just beyond angry at the fucking cynicism of it all.
Her phrase 'so called antifascist groups' got my radar twitching. If something was said, yes, call it out, but don't paint antifascists as racists, as you say.
There was a guy trying to antagonise some of the crowd at Finchley with an Israeli flag (and wearing a Sea Shepherd T-shirt :confused:). Eventually got booed down the street. Didn't hear anything antisemitic tho.
Do wonder what comes next. The Right obviously had some momentum behind them and even if today was a bust for them that's not going to disappear. Have the arrests scared people off? Counter demos made them less cocky? Hopefully but obviously doesn't resolve everything and they'll be sitting in their pits trying to plan the next thing now, knowing that the widespread mobilisations aren't necessarily viable. Or maybe not, maybe they'll just try the same again.
Also every wanker who hadn't already thought of Googling it now has a list of addresses of human rights lawyers and migrant centres, so I expect some petty vandalism in the near future.
Also every wanker who hadn't already thought of Googling it now has a list of addresses of human rights lawyers and migrant centres, so I expect some petty vandalism in the near future.

Easiest thing to get away with, hardest thing to combat. Like the vandalism of those graves the other day, can make life worse for people without ever being challenged on it. Same as it ever was though I guess, just with some new targets as you say.
Do wonder what comes next. The Right obviously had some momentum behind them and even if today was a bust for them that's not going to disappear. Have the arrests scared people off? Counter demos made them less cocky? Hopefully but obviously doesn't resolve everything and they'll be sitting in their pits trying to plan the next thing now, knowing that the widespread mobilisations aren't necessarily viable. Or maybe not, maybe they'll just try the same again.
no one can know, but this weekend will give an idea
i think the idea of big publicly announced meetups broadcast all over the news etc isnt going to fly
its going to be the guerilla tactics, war of the flea stuff thats really dangerous < I cant imagine that going away
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