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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Easiest thing to get away with, hardest thing to combat. Like the vandalism of those graves the other day, can make life worse for people without ever being challenged on it. Same as it ever was though I guess, just with some new targets as you say.
This is one reason why Jews need to stand in solidarity with Muslims over the riots - because we've had the same thing done to us, to our cemeteries. Even the dead can't catch a break. What is happening to Muslims happened to us 80 years ago in Germany and it fucks me off how many Jews have forgotten this. If anyone should understand, we should.
I really hope they're not actually being antisemitic. Jews have as much right to be at the counterprotests as anyone else and we're not all Zionists, thanks.
I didn't see anything antisemitic at the protests. I did see complaints about one group, Finchley Against Fascism, who had posters before the demonstration reading 'Get Fascists, Racists, Nazis, Zionists & Islamophobes Out Of Finchley!' Which I found... off, to say the least. Whatever you think of Israel you might want to extend to Jewish people the same degree of cultural sensitivity you show to other groups, and maybe decide this isn't a time to be grouping Zionism with the above movements given the deep, complex and sometimes ambivalent relationship Jews have with Israel. And the fact is that I'd say most 'Zionists' in Finchley would also stand against fascism, racism, islamophobia and certainly Nazism.
I didn't see anything antisemitic at the protests. I did see complaints about one group, Finchley Against Fascism, who had posters before the demonstration reading 'Get Fascists, Racists, Nazis, Zionists & Islamophobes Out Of Finchley!' Which I found... off, to say the least. Whatever you think of Israel you might want to extend to Jewish people the same degree of cultural sensitivity you show to other groups, and maybe decide this isn't a time to be grouping Zionism with the above movements given the deep, complex and sometimes ambivalent relationship Jews have with Israel. And the fact is that I'd say most 'Zionists' in Finchley would also stand against fascism, racism, islamophobia and certainly Nazism.
Yeah, I'm anti-Zionist myself, and i know the far right is crawling with Christian Zionists, but I can see why Jews might be put off. And we're generally not the ones setting fire to hotels.
George Galloway's analysis is pretty good, comparing Keir Stalin to David Brent is kinda funny:-

However, it would be wise not to underestimate Stalin, like the Bolsheviks. A new class war between the bourgeois bohemians and the oiks could emerge, and it might get very ugly. Hopefully some common sense will prevail.

Ah George Galloway the racist misogynistic cunt.
My feeling is that this has peaked - their will likely be further attempts but they wont get the numbers, they will be policed to fuck and there will be big counter demos.
I suspect that alot of the people on the fash demos dont actaully know each other outside of the internet - this is a largely online world of hate, conspiracy, inflamtory lies (with likely contributions from Russia) and white supermiscism - where the MSM jsut issues a tissue of lies but they have access to the truth - that immigrants and muslims are a existential threat and they are being aided and abetted by traitors in government and the elites, all funded by shadowy figures behind the IMF/WTO whatever. And in their online world they are a mass movement - and theyve been waiting for the call to be true crusaders. and thats what happened last week - they answered the call - this was it - civil war ... (what else could explain the ferocity of their violence - the utter heedlessness of the consequnces?)
But after the initial burst their were no gammony legions of proud brits who wanted their country back and had had enough - just mass arrests, long sentances and their national call to action was met with barely a "tommy tommy tommy" - instead many thousands of people came out to oppose them and reject their hatred and delusional ideology. The old hands will carry on as ever - how the many who have been radicalised online and the random racist fuckwits who went along for the aggro respond is a different story - but i doubt they are the eager beaver brownshirts of the past week anymore.
Meanwhile the importance and effectiveness of mass counter protests, of denying the racists and fascists public space, of communities standing in solidarity with each other has been emphatically demonstrated - and the true nature of these "patriots" fatally exposed. Its heartening to see - as we saw tonight and in france - (and hopefully we will see in america) - that the mass of people will oppose fascism whenever it becomes a clear and present threat.

And - big salute to everyone who was out tonight! Thankyou.
Alphas? He's a fucking furry?

Being serious though, anyone who's BFF with Rittenhouse shouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids.
“Huge fan of your work”

He perhaps needs to be a bit more specific about what part of 21 year old high school drop-out Rittenhouse's CV he most admires - the shooting dead of political opponents, beating the murder rap, or the post-trial grifting?

"One profile - belonging to a woman called Bernadette Spofforth - has been accused of making the first post featuring the false name of the Southport attacker. She denied being its source, saying she saw the name online in another post that has since been deleted.

Speaking to the BBC on the phone, she said she was “horrified” about the attack but deleted her post as soon as she realised it was false. She said she was “not motivated by making money” on her account.

“Why on earth would I make something up like that? I have nothing to gain and everything to lose,” she said. She condemned the recent violence.

Ms Spofforth had previously shared posts raising questions about lockdown and net-zero climate change measures. However, her profile was temporarily removed by Twitter back in 2021 following allegations she was promoting misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine and the pandemic. She disputed the claims and said she believed Covid is real.

Since Mr Musk’s takeover, her posts have received more than a million views fairly regularly.

The false claim that Ms Spofforth posted about the Southport attacker was quickly re-shared and picked up by a loose group of conspiracy theory influencers and profiles with a history of sharing anti-immigration and far-right ideas."

Many of them have purchased blue ticks, which since Mr Musk took over Twitter has meant their posts have greater prominence.
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